2014-01-07Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes -- January 7, 2014
Board: Historic District Commission
Bate: January 7, 2014
Location: Beverly City Hail, City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA.
Members Present William. Finch,- Chair, vice Chair, and Wendy Pearl Martin Lian;
Suzanne LaMont.
- Members Absent: James Younger
Others Present: Assistant City Planner, Leah Zambernardi
Recorder: Eileen Sacco
Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Review of Draft Application for Determination of Historic Sistnificance -for Communi
Preservation Act
The Commission reviewed the draft application for the Determination of Historic Significance
for applicants for the Community Preservation Act (CPA). Pearl explains that this application is
for the use of the Commission in making a determination of historic significance for funding
Pearl explained that applicants should submit a copy of the - State Register of Historic Places or
N ACRIS database showin g property the name, address and listing status if it is listed. She
further explained that if a property is not listed in the register all 'of the following should be
submitted and suggested that "all of the following" be inserted after the word ".or" preceding the
requirement for a brief statement describing how the property is significaiit_in the history,.
archeology, architecture or culture of Beverly (no more than 5 words) and photographs of the
project property (no more than 5).
Finch requested that an additional section be added to the application "For Department Use
Only ", following the requirement for photographs.
Pearl suggests that all historic reservation project applications should have a narrative regarding
gg p p
the- historic significance and photos should show all sides of the building as well as the interior if
It is to be impacted.
Pearl notes that the CPC will be reviewing applications but they can consult with other city
boards and commissions as needed.
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Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes — January 7, 2014
Finch agrees noting that the CPC needs to know enough about the project to make a decision.
He is concerned that the criteria promote an adaptive reuse of properties noting that a possible
zoning ordinance providing for a zoning overlay district could be disruptive.
Pearl noted that this application is not a CPA funding application and for the use of the Historic
Commission in' determining historic significance. She further explained that there is a pre- -
application that has a box to -check for historic significance and if that is checked on the
application it will trigger this application..
Finch states that he is concerned that the first line reads awkwardly as if it is a hanging phrase.
Pearl suggests that preference would be given to applications with multiple criteria.
.Zambernardi asked if these applications would trigger a Historic District Commission meeting.
Finch noted that if they are listed in the historic register they automatically have historic
significance and a meeting may not be necessary. Pearl questions if there should be a cycle
where applications have to be in by a certain date and then a Commission meeting could be
scheduled for the review of the applications. She also notes that the pre -- applications are meant
to be as simple as possible.
Finch also noted that at anytime up to the pre -- application the application for historic significance
can be submitted so the applicant could get 'a reading on where they stand.
Pearl states that an informational meeting will be held in January and the pre - applications must
be in by February 14, 2014 and full applications in by May 1, 2014. It was suggested that the
Historic Commission should meet before the CPA..
Pearl suggests that the Historic Commission may want to think about establishing a regular
meeting date. Finch agreed. He notes that the reason for the Determination. of Historic
Significance should be articulated in writing and in the minutes of the meeting and a letter should
be sent from the Planning, staff to the CPA and copied to the applicant.
Finch notes that an application could be deDied because - an applicant has not proven their case
and questions if that means that they cannot come back to the HDC with additional information.
He suggests that the letter indicate to the applicant that if additional information becomes
available the HDC will entertain it.
Pearl agreed and notes that she is not sure that people know what the register is. She also noted
that there are very few properties in Beverly listed on it. She noted that there is a guide for the
registry and she will distribute copies to the members of the HDC. She explains that there are
300 properties on the registry and 900 are inventoried. She states that we need to make sure that
people understand that and suggests that a list of the properties registered on the state registry in
Beverly be made available in the Planning Department.
Pearl also noted that MHC has a mapping viewer online but Beverly is not on there yet. She
explained that she was told that it could be done soon but noted that MHC is having server
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Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes — January 7, 2014
problems. Zambernardi suggests that maybe MHC can get that done with the City GIS
department. Pearl agrees and Zambernardi states that she will put them in touch with each other
to see if this is possible.
Pearl will make the suggested revisions to the application and finalize the content for the
scheduled January 23, 2014 workshop.
New or other Business
Correspondence from MHC Regarding Tax Credit Application for the Friend Box .
Com an Box Facto 60 Pleasant Street, Beverl Ma —Mindover Develo meat
Finch reported that Lee Dellicker of Windover Development sent a lever to the Massachusetts
Historic Commission (MHC) regarding the Massachusetts Histofic Rehabilitation Tax Credit
Application for the Friend Box Company Box Factory, 60 Pleasant Street, Beverly, Ma. He
explained that it was apparently in reply to a letter they received from MHC dated December 31,
2013 regarding their pending application. He read the letter and noted that the letter indicates
that the MHC will not certify the pending application because they are exploring the possibility
of demolishing 9 Parr Street and 142 Rantoul Street, two buildings in the proposed Beverly
Depot - -Odell Park National Register Historic District as part of a larger redevelopment project
and they have concluded that the buildings must remain in order to get the tax credits.
Zambernardi reported that the City did not receive a copy of the original letter sent to Windover
in December and she will follow up on that.
L nch Parr Carriage House
Zambernardi reported that she received an email from Denis Deschamps requesting a meeting
with the HDC on the proposed renovations to the Carriage House at Lynch Park.
Finch recalled that the HDC reached out to them to help prevent them from impacting the
historic significance of the building. He noted that he would like to see more cooperation
between the HDC and the City on what they are doing to their historic properties. He states that
he would like to have a meeting about what they are proposing to do to the building. He also
motes that Lynch Park has been nominated for the historic' registry.
It was suggested that they hold a meeting in late January with a daytime site visit to the Carriage
House and include an informal discussion.
Zambernardi will schedule the meeting.
37 Woodbu' n Street
Finch reported that Mr. Whittaker of 37 Woodbury has informed the Commission that he intends
to demolish the property. He explained that it is on the right hand side of the street and it is a
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Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes — January 7, 2014
large colonial revival. He notes that it is clear that the property has not been cared for based on
the' level of deterioration going on.
Approval of Minutes
Zannbernardi informed the Commission that the minutes of the Historic District Commission
meeting held on November 20, 2013 are forthcoming and can be approved at the next meeting
There being no ftuther business to come before the Beverly Historic Commission this evening,
Younger moved to adjourn the meeting. Pearl seconds the motion. The motion carries
The meeting Was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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