2014-06-04CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Open Space and Recreation Committee June 4, 2014 Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Gardner, Barbara King, David Long, Marilyn McCrory, Sandra Stacey, Elizabeth Dunne (arrives 7:10 p.m.), Bill Squibb (arrives 7:25 p.m.), James Matz (arrives 7:35 p.m.) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Garden Community Members: Susan Lupo, Duncan Ballantyne, Diane Niethamer, Emily Martin, Ben Zoba RECORDER: Jane Dooley Chairperson Mann calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Principal Items of Business Community Gardens Relocation — Discussion with Garden Community Members Mann turns attention to members of the Community Gardens group that are here this evening and asks for introductions. OSRC members and Community Garden members introduce themselves. Duncan Ballentyne, lead of garden group, explains the group's history of 18 years of community gardening in the City and its relationship with Beverly Bootstraps. He explains that the City's Cemetery Department has notified the gardening group that the gardens will need to find a new location for the next growing season as the City is in need of utilizing this part of the Cole Street cemetery very soon. Ballentyne explains that the garden community assembled a small task force to search for a new site in the City, and an open space parcel off of Standley Street is of particular interest. He explains that this site could accomodate 45 garden plots and 16 raised beds plus room for expansion, is in a location accessible to residents, has adequate parking, and access to water. Maxner notes that this City land is under the care and custody of the Conservation Commission and was donated by the Miles family to the City in the 1960s. She provides history about one donated parcel on the same side as the Waring School where the school started to use part of this parcel as part of their playing field without any formal approval, written agreement or lease from the Commission. This was directly addressed when the heirs raised concerns over the Commission's stewardship of the land. The Commission has asked the school to remove the encroachment of the playing field from its property. The School is aware of the need to fix the problem, which is challenging due to the School's campus being constrained with wetlands, Open Space & Recreation Committee June 4, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 streams, and ledge. So repositioning the field would require blasting of ledge and Conservation Commission permitting related to the wetlands. She explains that since Mr. Sweeney passed away the School has pursued purchase of acreage from the Sweeney family, but that has not panned out to date. Maxner explains that her communication with the donor family has been through Ed Becker, Executive Director of Essex County Greenbelt. Becker has communicated with a School board member to resolve the issue. She goes on to explains that the School offered the City an easement to park resident cars in gravel parking lot and provide access to trails through its property in exchange for continued use of field. The Commission rejected the offer since the City has right of way easements on Standley Street providing trail access so the School's offer was not a compensatory exchange. She noted that this week Becker discussed with a School Board member perhaps donating funds to the City to go toward open space acquisition or enhancement of open spaces and the Board member will need to take this to the school for discussion and consideration. Maxner clarifies that both pieces of land under discussion are from the same donor family. Becker had discussed possibility of community gardens on the parcel across the street from Waring School with donor family heirs. The heirs did not dismiss this proposal but they want the issue with Waring School addressed first before agreeing to an alternative use to any of the donated property. In addition, when the land was donated, the donor specified it be used for passive recreation not active recreation such as soccer. The Commission wants to show good faith effort about stewardship before looking at alternative use for any of the donor land. Discussion ensues as to the properties characteristics, access and parking, and the possible need for soil testing. Other sites in the City are discussed with the concept of possible satellite gardens throughout the City, with Susan Lupo noting that one gather site for the gardens is preferable. Maxner offers to obtain a contact for the Memorial Middle School project for the garden members to contact. Mike Collins, Commissioner of Public Works & Engineering, joins the conversation and explains that the gardeners do not have to panic as he would not leave them without a home, but emphasizes the need to start the process of looking for a new site as that task can be very time consuming. Discussion addresses how other possible locations for community gardens should continue to be investigated. Everyone agrees to reconvene on this issue in the fall and have the garden community back to an OSRC meeting to discuss progress made over the summer. Acceptance of Previous Minutes — April 2, 2014 and May7, 2014 Members review the draft April 2, 2014 and May7, 2014 meeting minutes and offer minor amendments. McCrory moves to accept the minutes for May 7, 2014 as amended. Seconded by. The motion carries 8 -0 -2 with King and Long abstaining since they were not Committee members at the time. McCrory moves to accept the minutes for April 2, 2014 as amended. Seconded by Gardner. The motion carries 8 -0 -2 with King and Long abstaining since they were not Committee members at the time. Open Space & Recreation Committee June 4, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Appointment of OSRC Representative to the CPC Maxner explains that McCrory's term on the CPC expires on July 31, 2014 and the Committee will need to re- designate her to that representative seat. McCrory notes that she would like to continue to serve on the CPC. Members thank her for her time and dedication in doing so. Without further discussion, Matz moves to re- appoint Marilyn McCrory as OSRC representative to the CPC. Seconded by Gardner. The motion carries 10 -0. Si2na2e — Discuss Developing Sign Template and Grant Application Package Discussion ensues as to how a subcommittee would be useful to do research on and develop signage (i.e., directions to trail head, and for following trails). Matz, Stacey, and Brewster offer to serve and the first meeting is scheduled for June 25. Mann noted that he will try to participate as his schedule allows. Other Business & Updates Earth Day Walk Events — Recap Past & Review Upcoming Events Mann reports on a success of Olmsted themed walk at Moraine Farm where Brewster provided birding information. Discussion addresses how signage needs replacement at Phillips preserve, which Brewster offers to take care of Also noted was TTOR's interest in managing historic aspect of Moraine Farm, and future accessibility of trails to public with consideration given to Project Adventure use. Upcoming walk on Saturday, June 7 is at Sally Milligan Park at 10 a.m. with Robert Buchsbaum on forest ecology. Discussion ensues about Brewster doing a walk with other volunteers similar to Buchsbaum's at Camp Paradise and need for Maxner to contact Girl Scouts about a walk date (i.e., Saturday, June 21). Community Preservation Committee (CPC) — OSRC Comment Letter To CPC Re: Camp Paradise Mann notes that the OSRC should perhaps finalize its comment letter on the City's application for Camp Paradise to the CPC. Discussion ensues, with McCrory noting she explained generally to the CPC how the OSRC would like open space funding reserved for a true open space project in the future. She reports that the CPC does see the project as falling under both open space and recreation. Discussion ensues as to the letter, with members in general consensus that the OSRC has identified other opportunities for protection of land that will meet important objectives of the City's Open Space & Recreation Plan. Gardner expresses his concern that designation of the Camp Paradise acquisition in the open space category may jeopardize funding of future open space protection opportunities by committing funds long term to a project whose primary uses will be intense and active recreational activity. Members agree to have Maxner finalize the draft with Mann's final review and forward to the CPC. Open Space & Recreation Committee June 4, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Expanding Publicity of OSRC Activities — Discussion /Action Items Discussion ensues about how OSRC Facebook page is active through effort by King and Stacey, and its general reception so far. King notes that the page was hacked by someone in India( ?). Long leaves the meeting for the evening. Other Business Mann explains that he met with Ben Cassola, Eagle Scout candidate, and walked trail at the end of Elnew Avenue. He explains that Cassola is going to work on this project in the fall for his Eagle Scout project. Maxner explains that Greenbelt will be drafting a customized CR for the Norwood Pond open space, noting that an area for parking is contemplated at the Elnew Aveneu location. Discussion addresses suggested replacement of boardwalks at Norwood Pond to island with existing trail and to City's peninsula. Maxner explains that the City is seeking public comment on the proposed waterfront planning for interim overlay district relative to upcoming joint meeting with City Council and Planning Board. There will be a full review of the waterfront zoning relative to controlling how the waterfront is developed. Maxner will provide this information to the OSRC. Matz explains that the Planning Board finished its initial review of the 232Essex Street OSRD project and approved a concept plan (Concept Plan # 2) that was supported by neighborhood association. He explains that the applicant wishes to turn the pond over to City ownership, as they do not want to have liability issues for the neighborhood association. Discussion ensues about house lot close to the pond and access to trail and the school. Mann notes that Cummings properties have a simple liability disclaimer that they attached with every public access easement they provide on their properties and this is not a big issue for them. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Gardner moves to adjourn at 9:07 p.m. Seconded by Brewster. The motion carries 10 -0. The next meeting of the Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at City Hall, 3 rd Floor Conference Room at 7:00 p.m.