2014-04-16Harbor Management Authority Minutes April 16, 2014 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: April 16, 2014 Location: Beverly Public Library Members Present Chair Paul Earl, David Suminsby, Don Neuman, Paul Miedzionoski, David Lang, Pat McAleer, George Simon, Scott Housemen, Chris D'Alfonso Members Absent: Rinus Oosthoek Others Present: Rob Dever, Facilities Manager, City Planner Aaron Clausen, Mr. Edelstein, Paula Accivarti, Amy Falloni, Bob Cook Recorder: Eileen Sacco Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Discussion with Mr. Edelstein Mr. Edelstein addressed the HMA and explained that he has purchased a new boat and is here this evening to discuss options for him to keep his slip at the marina. He explained that the boat is 53 feet and requested that he be able to tie up to the finger The Authority explained that: 1. The city engineering firm overseeing the marina design has stated the marina is not structurally sound for a boat that size. 2. The lease states that a new boat cannot be substituted without prior approval of the marina manager, such approval not obtained. 3. The marina regulations state that a boat that might cause damage to other boats or to the marina itself will not be allowed. 4. The appropriate berthing for Mr. Edelstein's larger boat is at a mooring and the city will seek to make such a mooring available for lease. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Harbor Management Committee meeting held on March 19, 2014 were presented for approval. Neuman moved approval of the minutes of the March 19, 2014 Harbor Management Committee meeting as submitted. Suminsby seconded the motion. The motion carried. Facilities Report Dever reported that the Brown Building has started and noted that all of the utilities have been brought in. He explained that he and Mike Collins have spent time down there and reviewed the Pagel of 3 Harbor Management Authority Minutes April 16, 2014 layout of the floor and the heating system. He stated that he expects that work will start to pick up down there soon. Earl asked if there would be a crew staying there to get it done. Dever stated that he expects that they will be there unless they are called out for an emergency. Suminsby reported that there are 120 postcards left for the marketing of the marina. Earl suggests that members put the rest of them out there. He noted that the marina is at close to 80% occupancy. Dever stated that there are two new possibilities that have inquired about spaces at the marina. Simon reported that a customer informed him that the HMA rates are the same at the rates at Tucks Point. Earl noted that all payments and proof of insurance etc. should be submitted before boats go in the water. Finance Earl reported that he has a proposed budget for FYI and reviewed it with the HMA. He requested that members review it further and get back to him with suggestions they may have. Neuman stated that he would like the budget to have as much flexibility as possible, maximizing funding for potential initiatives with the understanding that spending would not exceed actual available funds. Discussion with City Planner Aaron Clausen City Planner Aaron Clausen updated the HMA on the proposal to eliminate the DPA in Beverly Harbor. He explained that CZM is doing a boundary review and noted that it is a rigorous process and could take 9 -12 months. He explained that Gloucester was just approved and it took about 12 months. He also noted that it could take as little as six months but more likely will be 12. Neuman asked if CZM could extend the DPA. Clausen states that they could. Neuman expressed concern that rezoning should be done simultaneously with the change in the DPA noting that the DPA has prevented large high rise residential housing developments from going in on the water front. Clausen explained that they are in the process of preparing an Interim Planning Overlay District (IPOD) to address that. He explained that it is a planning tool that allows an extra layer of protection while zoning amendments etc. are reviewed and approved. He also noted that the IPOD can be in place for two years but they are hoping that the process will be completed in a year. Page 2 of 3 Harbor Management Authority Minutes April 16, 2014 Clausen reported that the Bass River Study should be completed and released soon. He explained that when it is available it will be presented to the public and the city can proceed with pursuing grants for the area. Simon asks Clausen if the city is pursuing grants. Clausen reported that the city is always looking for grants. He also noted that the Mayor wants to formalize the grants process and grant management. He stated that there are a lot of grants out there but many of them have a matching element so we have to be careful. New Commercial Hoist Earl reported that as long as the current hoist is working there is no need to purchase a new hoist at this time. Fishing Float Study Earl reported that the fishing float study should be available soon. Sea Station Earl reported that the contract with Sea Station is being reviewed by the City Solicitor. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, May 21 2014 at the Beverly Public Library. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Beverly Harbor Management Authority this evening, Lang made a motion to adjourn. Miedzionoski second and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Page 3 of 3