2014-05-07CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee May 7, 2014 Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), Elizabeth Dunne, David Gardner, David Long, Marilyn McCrory, Barbara King arrived 7:15 p.m., and James Matz arrived at 7:20 p.m. Sandra Stacey, Bill Squibb Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Heather Camiko, and Eagle Scout candidate Ben Casolla Jane Dooley Chairperson Mann calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Acceptance of Previous Minutes — April 2, 2014 Maxner will provide the Committee with the April 2, 2014 meeting minutes at its next meeting. Principal Items of Business Potential Open Space Acquisition Projects: The Trustees Of Reservations (TTOR) and Moraine Farm Discussion ensues about how TTOR is not moving ahead with their CPA application. Mann explains that TTOR met with the Mayor who expressed concern about the project if it does not include immediate public access. TTOR determined that public access couldn't be achieved within that timeframe and decided to table the application for this year. Discussion ensues as to whether the idea of community gardens on the lots along Route 97 is off the table without the CPA application. Mann suggests that this be discussed with TTOR to see if it is still possible. Maxner agrees to contact Rob Warren about this and report back. Mann goes on to note that the City has moved ahead with Camp Paradise and has an agreement with Girls Scouts for purchase price of $950,000. He explains the property will be leased this summer by the City and used for camp programs organized by Recreation Director Bruce Doig. He notes that funding for this project will come from CPA and the PARC Grant. Discussion ensues about whether the Committee should request that the 10% open space set aside should be reserved for true open space projects and not committed to the Camp Paradise project. Members agree that Camp Paradise is a worthy recreation project. Gardner notes that Open Space & Recreation Committee May 7, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 the CPC would need to be aware that the OSRC is interested in these funds next year for acquisition of other open space parcel(s). Concurrently, the Committee acknowledges that the community gardens space on Cole Street is going away and there is gardener interest in finding a new space. In addition, Matz reports on 20 people attending walk at Moraine Farm during Earth Day event. Also, that the headmaster at Waldorf School had attended and expressed interest in her students doing community service work for OSRC (i.e., trail restoration) including at the Phillips estate. Brewster offers to ensure laminated maps at Phillips estate are maintained. Mann interrupts this discussion to address Eagle Scout Ben Cassolla and his project. Mann explains that there is a more urgent need to reconfigure the trail to Norwood Pond off of Elnew Avenue and asks if Cassolla would be interested in pursuing this. Cassolla notes that he is open to the idea. Mann offers to walk the trail with Cassolla. Discussion resumes on CPA funds and concludes with Mann offering to write a letter from OSRC stating its interest in the annual 10% open space reserve for projects it has been analyzing so funding would not be tied up in other projects for multiple years in the future. Maxner notes that bonding can only be based on the local CPA surcharge (and that the state disbursement of 23% cannot be bonded). Gardner moves that the OSRC write a letter to CPC. Seconded by King. Discussion ensues on how the letter will voice OSRC support for Camp Paradise as a worthy recreation project and express the Committee's expectation about future use of CPA funds for open space relative to potential bonding. The motion carries 8 -0. Maxner states that the CPC would be receiving public comments through June 6 th at noon, and that all 14 CPA project applications are posted on the CPC's website. The next CPC meeting is on May 15. 232 Essex Street — OSRD Site Plan — Review/Discussion for Planning Board Request for Comments Maxner explains that the Planning Board will be meeting on May 20 and holding a public hearing on the OSRD site plan design for 232 Essex Street. She explains that OSRD replaces conventional subdivision process and is aimed to be more sensitive to natural resources, historic sites, vistas, etc. She notes that the applicant submitted a definitive plan to the Conservation Commission and the Commission issued an Order of Conditions allowing the project granting a waiver from local 25' No Disturb Zone relative to grading of shoulder of new roadway. The applicant subsequently filed an open space site plan with the Planning Board. The Planning Board solicits comments from the various boards and commissions on the conceptual plans. Two conceptual OSRD plans were reviewed and discussed at length. The following recommendation and comments of interest were highlighted: Open Space & Recreation Committee May 7, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Recommendations: 1. The project proponent should guarantee public access to Kelleher Pond by way of gift to the City or other permanent mechanism. The Pond has been used by the public for decades for fishing, skating and for walking around its edge. This access should be allowed to continue. 2. Access between Hannah School and the Pond via the existing trails should be maintained and an opening in the fence should be installed north of the Pond for this purpose. This would also provide ready access to Hannah School property for future residents of the subdivision, as their children will no doubt be attending there. 3. The access trail that follows the perimeter of the Pond should be kept open to the public as well. General Comments: ➢ The OSRC discussed whether the yield plan could actually produce 19 lots considering steep slopes and wetland resources on site that may reduce the number of buildable lots. This should be thoroughly vetted as every lot impacts the final amount of open space available for protection. ➢ Sidewalks on both sides of the proposed street are an important safety feature especially for the young children likely to be resident in the subdivision. The OSRC recommends that, to maintain the integrity of the resource area along the pond at the entry road, no sidewalk be installed along the pond in that location, but at the bend in the road entering the new subdivision, where the houses are, the sidewalks on both sides of the road should be installed. McCrory moves that Maxner draft a letter based on Gardner's draft letter as amended by this discussion to be reviewed by Mann. Seconded by Gardner. The motion carries 8 -0. 2014 Earth Day Walk Event Planning — Update on Events/Planning Maxner outlines commitment from Lea Morrissey to do an Olmsted landscape - themed walk at Moraine Farm on Saturday, May 24 at 10:30 a.m. Also, on Thursday, May 15 there will be a tour of Central Cemetery walk with Darren Brown and Brewster beginning at 6 p.m. at Hale Farm. Discussion ensues about walk at Camp Paradise. In addition, Robert Buchsbaum may do a flora and fauna walk on May 31 at Sally Milligan. Other Business & Updates Expanding Publicity of OSRC Activities — Discussion /Action Items King explains that she has established a Facebook Page for the OSRC, and notes that the Committee members can be administrators of the page and asks for their email addresses to enter them into the page as such. She notes that Kevin Harutunian, Mayor's Chief of Staff, is aware of Open Space & Recreation Committee May 7, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 this and has received the link and has no problems with the Committee running this page. Members thank King for her efforts in this regard. Discussion revisits the community gardens and how Waring School is willing to look at their campus for space. King notes that some of the gardeners are planning to attend OSRC meeting next month to address this topic. Discussion ensues on City owning 17 acres at Memorial School site that could be a good spot for community garden. Also, that there could be multiple urban "satellite sites" in the City. Maxner states that the Open Space & Recreation Plan expires in April 2015 and this will be a work project that is undertaken late this summer through the winter. Adjournment McCrory moves to adjourn at 9:25 p.m. Seconded by Gardner. The motion carries 10 -0. The next meeting of the Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at City Hall, 3 rd Floor Committee Room at 7:00 p.m.