2013-02-21CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: February 21, 2013 Location: Beverly Public Library Fogg Room Members Present Chair Paul Earl, David Suminsby, Wes Slate, Pat McAleer, Rinus Oosthoek, Don Neuman, Maureen Troubetaris, Paul Miedzionoski, George Simon Members Absent: Chris D'Alfonso, Rob Dever, Facilities Manager Others Present: Greg Howard Recorder: Eileen Sacco Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Minutes The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meeting held in January 16, 2013 were presented for approval. Slate moved to approve the January 16, 2013 minutes as amended. Troubetaris, seconded the motion. The motion carried. Public Input There was no public input this evening. Facilities Report Suminsby updated the HMA on the facilities report in the absence of Rob Dever. He noted that Dever passed on a message that the planking on the dock that need to be replaced is estimated to cost about $200 per plank and noted that about ten planks are needed. He also reported that lighting has been discussed as well and it has been recommended that the planks be replaced before the lighting goes in. He stated that the total project will cost about $2,000 and should take two days worth of city time to complete. He reported that Dever will work with Mike Collins to see if this can be done. Troubetaris noted that it is all well and good for the city to do the work but noted that staff are busy and we need to use our employees time wisely. Suminsby reported that the electrical department would do the wiring for the lights. Neuman also noted that there is no pressure time wise on this project. Harbor Management Authority February 21, 2013 Page 1 of 5 Draft Minutes Suminsby reported that the Commercial Marina rates need to be set for the season and the Facilities Committee is recommending that they be unchanged from last year. Troubetaris moved to approve the recommendation of the Facilities Committee to leave the rates for the Commercial Marina unchanged. Slate seconded the motion. The motion carried. Oosthoek asked if any consideration was given to the renovations of the commercial marina. Earl stated that things are still tough for these guys and suggested that the HMA look at the rates next year, noting that we are high compared to some marinas in the area. Slate requested that the HMA send a communication to the City Clerk notifying her of the rates for the Commercial Marina for this season so that the information will be passed on to the City Council. Earl reported that he worked with Dave Smith, Roy Gelineau and John Dunn regarding tenants who are in arrears in their rent and liens have been placed on their boats. Marketing Suminsby reported that he, D'Alfonso and Earl met regarding marketing for the marinas. He presented a chart outlining targets for marketing and who is responsible for follow through on the tasks. He noted that new signage is needed for the marina advertising the availability of slips. He also explained that Dan and Mark are now acting as the first contact for interested parties. He also noted that the contact information was updated on the website.. Neuman suggested that a Salem News article would help, as well as in infomercial on Bev Cam. Earl reported that there are 8 vacancies at this time in the recreational side and 5 vacancies on the commercial side. He further noted that it translates to $60,000 in revenue that will be lost if we do not fill them. A referral bonus was discussed which would reward existing boaters $300.00 if they recruit new tenants for the marina. Neuman suggested contacting existing tenants as soon as possible. Neuman moved that HMA authorize the referral bonus program to existing slip holders to receive a $300 bonus for each referral that they make that signs a lease agreement. The motion was seconded and carried. Finance Miedzionoski reported that $250,000 from the state grant is reflected in the finance report. He also reported that the slip fees have been updated. Harbor Management Authority February 21, 2013 Page 2 of 5 Draft Minutes Active Proiects Brown Building Renovations Simon reported that the roof has been completed on the Brown Building. He also noted that the bathrooms should be operational by the end of May. Commercial Proiect Neuman reported that there has been a slight reconfiguration of the docks. He also noted that there is a slight difference of opinion as to whether the city or the contractor will provide the work. He estimated the cost to be $150,000 and would come from the enterprise fund if needed. Earl stated that if we fill all of the slips and manage the existing budget we may be able to replenish the enterprise fund. Neuman reported that the project is behind schedule and explained that 3 /4 of the pilings have been installed. He noted that there is a $1,000 per day penalty and he thinks that the contractor would like that waived. He explained that they agreed to negotiate when the project is completed. He stated that he is hoping that they will be done by the third week in April. Ordinance Update It was noted that Al's Bait and Tackle Shop has a Facebook page that has been heavy with discussion regarding the areas on the pier where fishing is allowed. Slate noted that the ordinance calls for the HMA to designate an area for fishing as long as the information is readily available and appropriate signage is installed. He also noted that the rules should be enforced by a consistent authority. Earl stated that he has a meeting scheduled with Mayor Scanlon and he will talk with him about the implications of the ordinance. It was suggested that the next meeting of the HMA be held at the Marina and members will walk the site to review appropriate areas to designate. Pat and Rinus will work on a proposal for the next meeting. Bass River Dredging Neuman reported that the Seaport Advisory Council may have $50,000 for the permitting for the lower river and funding for dredging. It was noted that if there is extra money the HMA needs to get a new hoist. Harbor Management Authority February 21, 2013 Page 3 of 5 Draft Minutes Public Walkway under Bridge Neuman reported that the 100% design is completed and will be going out to bid. He noted that March 8, 2013 is the deadline for comments to the state. He requested that if members have comments that they notify him so that he can get them in as soon as possible. He also noted that the Planning Department is reviewing the plans. Document Archiving Neuman requested that if members have any documents of long term value they should send them to him and he will put them up on the server. Beverly CPA Initiative Earl reported that he met with Mayor Scanlon and he reported that the make up of the CPA Committee will be determined by the City Council. He explained that there are four seats that he anticipates will be filled with individuals rather than representatives of groups that are not required by the law. Slate stated that he was going to talk with Council President Guanci regarding recruiting people for the CPA. He explained that 5 seats are mandated and the other four are reserved for citizens. He stated that he expects that there will be an application and interview process. Grants Committee No report. Other Business An Open Space representative from the BHMA will be selected at the March meeting to replace the seat left open by the passing of Sylvan Mendes. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2013. Adiournment There being no further business to come before the Beverly Harbor Management Authority this evening, Slate moved to adjourn the meeting. Miedzionoski seconded and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Harbor Management Authority February 21, 2013 Page 4 of 5 Draft Minutes Harbor Management Authority February 21, 2013 Page 5 of 5 Draft Minutes