2012-08-15CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: August 15, 2012 Location: Glover Wharf Members Present Chair Paul Earl, Rinus Oosthoek, Maureen Troubetaris, George Simon, David Suminsby, Chris D'Alfonso Members Absent: Paul Miedzionoski, Wes Slate Recorder: David Suminsby Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Input Earl invited comments from the members of the public who were present. Jeremy Harrison of the Sandy Point Beach Association provided a summary of the association's on -going efforts. Harrison relayed thanks from the association to the BHMA for their assistance in helping push through some of the improvements at the beach such as the improvements to the racks and the signage. Harrison noted a couple areas at the beach that the association has concerns about. He reported that the storm drain outflow pipe is unsafe as it is damaged and rebar is exposed and protruding from it. He also reported that there are concerns regarding the use of the boat ramp with some boat launchers driving around others and on to the sand. Recreational marina customers in attendance Richard and Pat Watt commented on the current issues with fishing in the area. They noted that even drop lines float out into the waterways and have been known to get entangled in propellers. They thanked the board for the recent efforts to keep fishing off the lower docks as that problem has subsided. General discussion ensued. Newman commented that an alternative place for fishing should be on the agenda in the future. He suggested that this should be added to the future steel float project as that project will essentially eliminate fishing from the end of the wharf. Earl noted that the subject of fishing comes up often and it should be treated as a separate item on the agenda. Minutes Earl noted that the minutes from the previous Harbor Management Authority meeting were not available yet. Harbor Management Authority August 15, 2012 Page 1 of 4 Draft Minutes Facilities Brown Building: D'Alfonso reported that the construction materials ordering process has begun to enable winter work. Newman commented that getting the restrooms operating by next season should be a priority. D'Alfonso noted that we need to improve coordination with public works/Mike Collins on this. Connector: D'Alfonso noted that the problem appears to be under control as Sea & Shore has made adjustments to the dock anchorage system and are monitoring the situation. Gate: D'Alfonso stated that the gate is working, and the combo lock was replaced with a key lock. Newman question how the management of the keys is working. D'Alfonso noted that anyone can make copies of the keys, but proposed that we re -key the lock every season. Earl and other members agreed with that approach. Slip Status: D'Alfonso reported that two new 40' tenants are in place. D'Alfonso also reported that he had met with Dan McPherson and observed that he had a good policy in place to handle transient slip usage. Simon indicated an interest in finding out how the new customers were found. D'Alfonso said he will follow up on that. Signage: D'Alfonso reported the work commenced mid -June on this and is still in- process. Cameras: D'Alfonso reported that the camera installation is still in queue - no change. General discussion ensued regarding how to get this completed. Communications: D'Alfonso indicated that the updated ordinances will be sent out to the slip holders along with info on the Harbor Fest. Earl asked how things are working out with the new marina manager. D'Alfonso offered that the boaters have noted the docks are cleaner and the fishing issues have improved, but some are still reporting seeing fishermen casting over the public docks. Fishin Earl introduced attorney David Smith who had comments on the fishing ordinances. Smith indicated that he was here informally to share the concerns that some Beverly residents had discussed with him. Smith indicated that there may be issues with ordinances regarding access and enforcement. Of particular concern to the residents was the question of fishing from the apron. Currently the ordinance disallows any fishing from the apron. D'Alfonso expressed his personal opposition as a slip holder to fishing on the apron because of ongoing problems with fish debris and gear. Newman stated that allowing fishing on the apron would create a point of conflict between boaters in the fairway and the fishermen. Oosthoek pointed out that public access on the apron is for the public as a walkway. Harbor Management Authority August 15, 2012 Page 2 of 4 Draft Minutes Earl noted that most of the ordinance was written to be flexible enough to allow for fishing in designated areas, and proposed that the wording for the apron be updated to allow for that flexibility as well although there are no current plans to designate it as such. General discussion on the subject ensued. Earl offered the following motion: The ordinance "Sec. 22.41 Glover Wharf Regulations" to be modified as follows: The wording of part (a) of section (4) be changed from "No fishing allowed at any time." to "Fishing will be allowed in designated areas only." Newman seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Finance Report Earl stated that the financial report needed correcting and would be reviewed at the next meeting. Newman noted that Vine Engineering has confirmed that the estimate for the commercial float work remains unchanged. Grants Committee Simon reported that current grants to be submitted are still waiting on review by Tina Cassidy. Newman offered to follow up on this with Cassidy. Commercial docks Newman indicated he had met with Vine Engineering to review the project schedule. Newman expressed his concerns regarding the effort needed to meet the March 29th completion date. He noted the importance that the City meets its obligations during the various phases of the project. Newman stated that the contract included a penalty clause of $1000 per day, but may need to also address potential loss of slip customers if the completion date is missed. Newman offered to follow up with City officials to ensure that we will be able to ensure the City's obligations for the project are met in a timely manner. Newman stated that the project is to go to bid Sept 20th and is to be awarded on Oct 5th. Newman noted that this would necessitate a quick turn around by the City. Newman stated that the recreational slips would be opened to the commercial vessels on November 1 st to allow for their movement there and the mobilization of the contractor for the project. New Member Search Earl introduced Pat McAleer as a prospective new member. General discussion ensued regarding additional candidates needed to complete the board membership. Harbor Management Authority August 15, 2012 Page 3 of 4 Draft Minutes Harbor Fest Earl suggested that the Harbor Fest scheduled for September 8th be dedicated to the memory of former member Sylvan Menezes, and all agreed. General discussion followed on the details for the upcoming event. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, September 19, 2012. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Earl moved to adjourn the meeting, the motion was seconded and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:51 p.m. Harbor Management Authority August 15, 2012 Page 4 of 4 Draft Minutes