2012-07-18CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: July 18, 2012 Location: McDonald's Building at Glover Wharf Members Present Chair Paul Earl, Charles Raymond, Don Neuman, David Suminsby, George Simon, Wes Slate, Paul Miedzionoski Members Absent: Chris D'Alfonso, Maureen Troubetaris, Rinus Oosthoek, Others Present: Rob Dever (Beverly Marina Manager), Charles Raymond Recorder: Eileen Sacco Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Input Rene ?? addressed the HMA and stated that there is no better place to keep a boat in the area than Glovers Wharf. He stated that he has kept his boat here for many years, but noted that he is concerned that there is no management down here. He explained that people come and go as they please and as far as he is concerned it is private property for the people rent slips. He also noted that there are problems with people fishing at all hours and they leave a mess behind. He stated that he feels that there needs to be rules and regulations for people to follow. Earl stated that he does not disagree with Mr.? He explained that the HMA has worked with the Beverly City Council on an ordinance relative to fishing on the pier. He also agreed that people should be taking their trash out with them when they leave, noting the successful trash in, trash out program at Lynch Park. Earl also noted that there are provisions for people to pull up to the dock for 30 minutes as transient boaters, but they should be staying temporarily and not long periods of time. He noted that people should not be on the site after hours unless they are with paying boaters. Brett Marciano who will now be working at the marina noted that the police have stepped up patrols in the area and that should help. He also noted that some tickets have been issued to people for fishing at night, noting that the $50.00 fines were give after several warning. Harbor Management Authority July 18, 2012 Page 1 of 4 Draft Minutes Slate reported that the City Council will take up the ordinance on September 4 th or at a special meeting should one be called before then, however in the meantime the ordinance is in effect. It was also noted that a newsletter will be done to inform boaters about the ordinance. ?? also expressed concern about pumping out boats noting that on Thursday — Sunday the hours to pump out are 8 -5. Earl noted that is an issue to be addressed by the Harbormaster. Dever noted that Beverly does not have a land side pump. It was noted that a pump landside will be installed as part of the Commercial Wharf project. Minutes The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meetings held on May 16, 2012 were presented for approval. Slate moved to approve the May 16, 2012 minutes as amended. Neuman seconded the motion. The motion carried. Facilities Dever reported that Sea and Shore has tightened the chains and they will continue to monitor it. Open Slips Earl reported that there is no change in the status of the open slips and there are still 4 -40 foot slips available. Security Cameras Dever reported that there has been no progress, but he understands that Mr. Leone's offer is still good. Marina Management Rob Dever reported that people wishing to get a hold of the Marina Manager will get him until Brett gets a phone. Earl will talk to Dan McPhereson regarding this. Marciano stated that he has had several requests from boater that want to tie up for a couple of hours and go have dinner. Finance Report Earl reported that the HMA came within $7,000 of last years budget. He noted that the revenue shortfalls were an issue and reviewed the report. Harbor Management Authority July 18, 2012 Page 2 of 4 Draft Minutes Grants Committee Simon reported that the grant application needs to be edited and Tina Cassidy is on vacation. He noted that one of the grants was sent to Vine Associates for additional information. He noted that the Seaport Council is not meeting again for several months so there is no rush but he would like to get everything into them as soon as possible. Simon also reported that one of the grant applications was submitted and Tina Cassidy has the dredging and end of the pier grants. Bass River Neuman reported that he has confirmed with Bourne that the dredged material is eligible to be dumped at sea, including the material from National Grid. He also noted that John Hayes is requesting that Bass Haven Yacht Club contribute an additional $10,000 to be sure that there is enough money to cover everything. Si2nne Proiect Slate reported that he has received several comments regarding the signs that have been installed around the city from constituents. He noted that the intent of the project was to identify and replace faded signs throughout the city and he has found that signs have been installed in places where they are not needed. He requested a copy of the list of signs and their locations so that he can review them. Earl suggested that Slate get together with Oosthoek who was coordinating the list as it was developed and review it with him. Harbor Fest Earl reported that Harbor Fest is scheduled for September 8, 2012. He noted that the band has been booked and the cost is the same as last year. Oosthoek stated that he would reach out to Beverly Main Streets and Chamber for their assistance in promoting this. BHMA Data Base Neuman reported that the data base has been updated to include the Bass River project. He also reported that we need to spend a little more money to increase the space on the server Moment of Silence Earl requested a moment of silence in memory of Sylvan Menezes, a longtime member of the Harbor Management Authority who passed away this month. Earl noted that members who wish to make a contribution in memory of Sylvan to ALS /TDI may do so individually or get it to him and he will send them in. Harbor Management Authority July 18, 2012 Page 3 of 4 Draft Minutes Next Meeting The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, August 15, 2012. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Slate moved to adjourn the meeting. Simon seconded and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Harbor Management Authority July 18, 2012 Page 4 of 4 Draft Minutes