2010-07-21CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: July 21, 2010 Location: Beverly Public Library — Fogg Room Members Present Paul Miedzionowski, Rinus Oosthoek, Charles Raymond, Greg Ward, Don Neuman, Wes Slate, Maureen Troubetaris Sylvan Menezes, George Simon, David Suminsby Members Absent: Miranda Gooding Others Present: Recorder: Eileen Sacco Neuman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meeting held on June 16, 2010 were presented for approval. Oosthoek moved approval. Slate seconds the motion. The motion carries. The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meeting held on May 19, 2010 were presented for approval. Oosthoek moved approval. Slate seconds the motion. The motion carries. Report from Facilities Committee Ward reports that the 19 construction meeting for the Glover Wharf project was held at the harbor. He reported that the sheet piling work has been done. Dever reported that the form closest to the pier was poured today. Neuman reports that the only new thing to report is that the decision was made to dredge Ferry Way Landing. He explains that there is a section where floats bottom out and the decision was made to go forward with the work. He notes that the permitting process needs to take place. He explains that Sea and Shore gave a favorable estimate for the work to be done, noting that the estimate provided by Vine was three times the amount that Sea and Shore estimates. He also notes that they are hoping that a change order can be done to incorporate the work into the existing project. Oosthoek asks what the estimate for the dredging is. Neuman states that it is $15,000 for one or two days work. Harbor Management Authority July 21, 2010 Page 1 of 4 Ward reports that there is an issue with the contract for the recreational boaters in that it does not reflect the decision of the HMA regarding rates for this year due to the delayed opening of the marina. He explains that the HMA voted to reduce the fees for this year and the Harbormaster is abiding by the contract language. Neuman suggests that the Facilities Committee work this out. Slate suggests that the bills be withheld until this is solved, if they have not been sent out, or send out a revision to the contract. Ward suggests that he will talk to the City Solicitor and let him know about the decision that the HMA made to reduce the fees for this year. Sandy Point Slate reports that Mr. Harrington organized a group of volunteers to clean up the beach and they did a great job. He also noted that the Harbormaster provided the paperwork for the new sticker program for the kayaks and 10 -12 people signed up on the spot. He noted that they are planning another cleanup in August or September and it turned out to be a nice neighborhood event. He also noted that the police and animal control are going to try to get there as often as they can to patrol the area. Dever noted that that all kayaks must be removed from the site by November 1, 2010. He also noted that over the winter they will work on the racks. Fishing Issues at the Pier Dever reported that the Salem News was inquiring about the closing of the pier at 10:00 p.m. Neuman states that the funds to build the pier were federal funds and none of the documentation for that mentions fishing. Dever notes that the Harbormaster clears the pier at 10:00 p.m. and it is locked with a chain. Commercial Marina Rates Ward reports that there are six (6) slips available at the Commercial Marina and the Facilities Committee recommends advertising a reduced rate as of August 1 St to see if we can fill the slips for the next couple of months. Simon notes that it is a good idea but people should know that it is a one year deal. Neuman states that that those participating should be given a right of first refusal for next year. Simon suggests that those partaking in the reduced rate for this year should be required to sign up for next year. Neuman states that it is an interesting thought but questions if the HMA can require that. Commercial Marina Repairs Neuman reports that he has had discussions with Mayor Scanlon regarding the use of waterways Improvement Fund money and the replacement of the floats qualifies. Discussion ensues regarding the work to be done and the cost. Harbor Management Authority July 21, 2010 Page 2 of 4 Slate moves to authorize the expenditure of Waterways Improvement Funds to do the piling work at the Commercial Marina if it is affordable, and that concrete floats be installed vs. wooden floats if feasible. Troubetaris seconds the motion. The motion carries. Slate and Troubetaris note that the Council should be voting on this at their September meeting. Financial Report Miedzionowski reports that he received the information requested from Finance Director John Dunn this afternoon and has not had a chance to review it. Miedzionowski reports that Carol Augelewicz will be handing over the Commercial and Recreations records over to Harbormaster Dan McPherson. He also notes that there are a couple of outstanding balances from 2009. Neuman notes that there is a process for collecting them and they should be turned over to the City Solicitor. Miedzionowski reports that only half of the tenants have made payments so far this year. Ward notes that overdue balances should not be left too long or we lose the opportunity to collect them. He suggested that the HMA should get monthly reports on rent collections from the Harbormaster. It was also suggested that a payment reminder notice should be sent. FY2011 Budget Miedzionowski states that he will report on the budget at the next meeting. Grants Committee Simon reports that they will be meeting with Kate Newhall in the Planning Department on August 7, 2010 regarding grant opportunities. Menezes reviews a list of grant opportunities that he complied and notes that they will be looking into them further. Licensing and Permits Neuman reports that the motion to dismiss that Atty. Nylen filed regarding the appeal on the Black Cow /Glover Wharf project has been denied and he expects a decision by December. He noted that the license for the red barn expired over a year ago and BPM has applied to renew it but it is not renewable. He noted that comments are due in four days and explains that they should be signed by 10 taxpayers. He distributes a letter to members and encourages them to share it with their neighbors and send it to DEP by the comment deadline. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, August 18, 2010. The HMA should take up the matter of the winter rates at the meeting. It was suggested that Finance Director John Dunn be invited to the next meeting to discuss the FYI I budget. Oosthoek suggests the members receive the budget information prior to the meeting so that they can ask questions if they choose. Harbor Management Authority July 21, 2010 Page 3 of 4 Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Slate moved to adjourn the meeting. Ward seconds the motion. The motion carries The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Harbor Management Authority July 21, 2010 Page 4 of 4