BOARD OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: December 5, 2013
LOCATION: City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Pearl - Chair, Marilyn McCrory, Lincoln Williams,
Heather Richter, Robert Buchsbaum
MEMBERS ABSENT: Henry Pizzo, John Thomson, Leland McDonough and
Darien Crimmin
OTHERS PRESENT: Environmental Planner- Amy Maxner, Peter Johnson —
member of the public; Scott Houseman, Ward 4 City
Councilor arrives at 7:45 p.m.
RECORDER: Amy Maxner
The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
Pearl turns attention to the agenda and asks Maxner for staff administrative updates. Maxner
explains that the informational brochure and letter is being handled through the City's mail house
with the help of City Tax Collector Kathy Killeen. She notes that there was a lot of back and
forth and some misunderstanding of the job on the mail house's part which delayed the mailing,
which was sent out Monday December 2nd from New Jersey. Maxner explains that Ms. Killeen
was very dissatisfied with the mail house's performance. She notes that barring any further
delays due to closure of USPS distribution centers, residents will hopefully be receiving the
material this weekend.
Maxner reports that the City Council approved the CPC's budget at its Monday December 2nd
Maxner notes that the press release announcing the December 12 public hearing was in the
paper on November 26 and legal advertisements were in on November 27 and yesterday
December 4 Both the legal notice and informational brochure and letter are posted on the
CPC's webpage.
Maxner also notes that the CPC has received correspondence from Mr. George Whitney, the
former chair of the Harbor Management Committee about the lease on the proposed Black Cow
at the former McDonalds site. Maxner provides copies of Mr. Whitney's letter to members. She
notes that she is not sure that Mr. Whitney understands the function of this committee as he is
asking that the CPC stop the Black Cow lease from being signed. She notes that his letter aside,
the lease was signed last week and is in place. Pearl thanks Maxner for providing the letter and
members agree that no action is required and will receive and place this on file.
Pearl explains that the main thrust of this evening's meeting is to finalize the draft Evaluation
Criteria to be posted on the CPC website tomorrow. She notes that comments from the various
boards and commissions as well as Stuart Sagnior from the Coalition should be discussed and
incorporated as appropriate. Maxner reads a report from the Planning Board that reviewed the
criteria at their most recent meeting offering their full support and no suggestions for revisions.
Maxner notes that the Conservation Commission came to a unanimous consensus of support at
its most recent meeting and if individuals have comments to submit to do so as individuals, but
she has not received any comments to date.
McCrory notes that the Open Space & Recreation Committee had reported out at the last CPC
meeting and explains their suggestion of adding acquisition of Conservation Restrictions under
l.a. Discussion ensues as to the most appropriate language for incorporating conservation
restrictions. Richter suggests that shifting "provides public access" to its own bullet. Members
review including language that clarifies making capital improvements to open space that has
been acquired by CPA funds. Members agree to the revisions as discussed.
Pearl notes that the preambles to each category should be changed to clarify that preference will
be given to proposals that address multiple criteria.
Minor changes to General Criteria are discussed and amendments are made.
Pearl notes that the Historic District Commission had met which resulted in an extensive re -write
of the Historic Evaluation Criteria. She explains that the HDC is different from all the other
categories in that certain designations are needed and standards must be followed for restorations
and rehabilitations. Maxner provides copies of the HDC's edits to members. Pearl provides an
overview of the HDC's discussion and rationale for the proposed changes, noting that
consistency with the CPA Act and the Allowable Uses Chart was the main focus. Discussion
ensues as to the appropriate timing for receiving the historic determination and the CPA
application process. Pearl will work with the HDC to refine the application process for historic
determination process. Members review the historic criteria as drafted by the HDC and provide
minor edits thereto.
Scott Houseman, Ward 4 Councilor arrives and joins the meeting audience.
McCrory notes Stuart Saginor's comments relative to using the words "enhance ", "promote ",
"expand" and "support" in all of the categories. Members review and edit the categories relative
to these words as appropriate.
Pearl turns to Community Housing criteria. Members review Stuart Saginor's suggestions under
this category and make changes to clarify the income thresholds and where to find that
information. Other criteria are reviewed with minor edits made. Pearl reminds the group that
Leland McDonough had reported that the Housing Authority had no comments on these criteria
and that John Thomson emailed Maxner agreeing with Stuart Saginor's recommendations for
Pearl turns to Recreation criteria. Members review and make minor changes relative to the
appropriate verbs as used in the Allowable Uses Chart.
Community Preservation Committee
12 -05-13 Meeting Minutes
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Maxner notes that she will make the edits as discussed tonight and post on the website tomorrow
by noon.
Pearl moves on to the next agenda item addressing finalization of the draft application process
and timetable flowchart. Maxner provides 11x17 sheets of the timetable, noting that Stuart
Saginor suggested that the due diligence timeframe is not long enough. Members review the
timing and agree to include September as part of due diligence and moving City Council
submission to October and award announcement to November. Members discuss the need for an
applicant presentation schedule and agree to remove that step as it may prove too cumbersome
and time consuming. In response to Councilor Houseman's comment, discussion ensues as to
which entities would make applications, with members agreeing that the CPC would not be
proposing projects or submitting applications.
Collection of public comment is discussed, with members agreed that written comments should
be accepted as opposed to holding a hearing. Discussion turns to the mechanics for when the
CPC reviews full applications and ideas as to how many times the Committee would need to
meet to accomplish this. Members agree that the timeframe for this would be subject to change
depending on the number and complexity of applications received, which should be noted on the
flowchart. Maxner will make the necessary edits to the flowchart and mark it as draft and post
on the web site.
Members agree to table discussion on the draft application material for the next regular meeting
and agree to discuss the logistics and potential agenda for the December 12 public hearing.
Pearl suggests a format for explanations of whom and what the CPC is, the CPA statute, general
overview of the Criteria and question and answer session/discussion from the public. Members
agree to split up the criteria and make presentations, with Pearl offering to emcee. Discussion
ensues as to what visuals aids and handouts should be used and available. Lengthy discussion
ensues as to how the Q & A session will be handled, how specific the CPC's responses should be
relative to projects that might be suggested and its chance to hear from the public as to the needs,
possibilities and priorities are for Beverly. The schedule for application submission is discussed,
which will be presented at the hearing as well. Discussion ensues as to additional avenues for
further publicizing the hearing. Maxner will assemble a draft agenda for Pearl's final approval
based on tonight's discussion.
The draft minutes from the Septemberl9, 2013 meeting are reviewed. Members offer minor
grammatical edits. Williams moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by McCrory.
The motion carries 5 -0.
The anticipated meeting schedule is discussed, with the upcoming December 12 public hearing,
a regular working meeting is scheduled for January 9, 2014 and the workshop /informational
meeting scheduled for January 23, 2014. Maxner reminds the Committee that February 8, 2014
is the deadline for publishing the final criteria.
There being no further business, Williams moves to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Richter.
The motion carries 5 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Community Preservation Committee
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