The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
Community Preservation Committee
October 30, 2013
City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
Wendy Pearl, Marilyn McCrory, Leland McDonough,
Lincoln Williams, Heather Richter, Robert Buchsbaum and
John Thomson arrived at 8:15 p.m.
Darien Crimmin
Environmental Planner- Amy Maxner
Amy Maxner
Pearl reviews the main agenda items and turns attention to the draft evaluation criteria, which
Maxner has revised based on discussion at the last meeting and formatted on letterhead. She
asks if the Committee has any comments or suggested edits.
McCrory refers to Open Space criteria l.a. that speaks to making capital improvements that
enhance knowledge and understanding of the environment and suggests that a notation should be
made that this would only apply to lands acquired by CPA funds. Discussion ensues and
members agree to revise the language to read: making capital improvements or extraordinary
repairs to make assets functional for intended use.
McCrory recommends that the Open Space criteria should include acquiring land as a bullet
under l.a. Buchsbaum agrees. Pizzo suggests using the Allowable Uses Chart language relative
to acquiring interests in property. After some discussion it is agreed to add acquire land under
1. a. There are no other comments on the remaining criteria and Maxner will make the
amendments and distribute for presentation to boards and commissions.
Pearl turns discussion to public outreach materials drafted that include a tri -fold brochure and
introductory letter. She asks if the brochure is to everyone's liking. Members review the
brochure and recommend minor changes.
The introductory letter is discussed, with Richter suggesting that the first sentence indicate that
the Beverly voters adopted the CPA in November 2012. Members agree. Members review the
introductory letter and suggest edits throughout. Maxner will work with Tina Cassidy and John
Dunn as to logistics and timing for sending this material out to taxpayers. Maxner will make
changes to the letter and email to members for final blessing.
Pearl asks the single audience member to introduce himself Nate Bennett a local Boy Scout
states that he is attending the meeting as part of his merit badge. Brief discussion with Nate
ensues and members thank him for attending to learn more about CPA.
Pearl asks for members' thoughts on website improvements and other outreach. Discussion
ensues with several members suggesting various links and materials to include on the website.
Discussion ensues as to outreach for the December 12 hearing, with Maxner noting that the
required legal advertisements will be posted in the Salem News each of the two weeks prior to
the meeting. Maxner also suggests perhaps a press release mid November. Pearl asks Maxner to
have a draft press release ready for review at the next meeting.
Pearl turns attention to the developing an application process, drafting application forms and
timetable /funding cycles. She asks how members feel about a two -phase application process.
Members agree that a two -phase process makes sense. Extensive discussion ensues as to what a
pre - application process would look like. Pearl recalls Stuart Saginor recommending the
Allowable Uses Chart be integral to that step. Members consider how applicants would receive
feedback from the CPC at the first stage of application and how projects may need to be
redesigned to meet the criteria. Pearl emphasizes the need to make the pre - application process to
be simple and geared to determine eligibility of a project. Pizzo and Richter suggest that the CPC
could invite applicants in for further explanations if the pre - application is not clear.
Frequency of funding cycles is discussed at length, with members agreeing that one funding
cycle for the first year makes sense until the Committee gains experience with the number and
scope of projects that come in for the first round.
Extensive discussion ensues as to the application process and a timeframe for the CPC to
consider each phase of application, with members referring to Gloucester's process as an initial
guide. After considering possible deadlines and timeframes, the Committee asks Maxner to draft
a two - phased application process and timetable based on this discussion for consideration at the
next meeting. Pearl recommends that members research other communities' application process,
timetables and forms and come to the next meeting with ideas to incorporate into Beverly's
The draft October 3, 2013 minutes are reviewed. Members suggest minor edits. McCrory moves
to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 8 -0.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 14 and agenda items are reviewed. The future
meeting schedule is reviewed: December 5 th as a regular working meeting, with December 12
for the public hearing.
Pearl notes that Darien Crimmin contacted her and he wants to apologize to the group for his
absence, but with a new baby at home his schedule has been hectic. Pearl states that Crimmin
would like to continue as a member whether his attendance is only for a short while per meeting
or perhaps phoning in to join the discussion.
There being no further business this evening, Williams moves to adjourn. McCrory seconds the
motion. The motion carries 8 -0. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Community Preservation Committee
10 -30 -13 Meeting Minutes
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