2013-11-06CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee November 6, 2013 Charlie Mann (Chairperson), Nancy Coffey (Vice - Chairperson), David Brewster, Elizabeth Dunne, David Gardner, James Matz, Marilyn McCrory, Sandra Stacey, Bill Squibb None Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Jessica Kagle Jane Dooley Chairperson Mann calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Principal Items of Business Kestrel Education Adventures — Discussion with Jessica Kagle Re: Environmental Education Opportunities in Beverly Jessica Kagle describes her Kestrel Education Adventures environmental education non - profit organization, through which she works primarily with school children in K- 5concurrently with the public school's science curriculum programs. Students study habitat on publicly owned land and research information about watersheds. She explains this year the organization is interested in working with fifth graders in Salem and Beverly to study ecosystems throughout open space areas. Kagle presents a video of Beverly public school students who visited Greens Hill to discover and explore habitat. Discussion ensues about findings from education days, which are sent to teachers after field programs. Kagle tells the Committee that she is looking for suggestions for a space /facility that is not being used for a "get outside" center where people can walk into and learn about areas that can be explored and where teachers can meet for trainings with the Kestrel team. Discussion addressed possible use of Camp Paradise property in this capacity. Kagle explains the organization's current maximum monthly rental expenses and Kestrel's role in highlighting value of public spaces for the City. In addition, Kestrel would like to create living displays illustrating the ecology of the area. Discussion addresses if bathhouse at Dane Street, McKay School, Memorial School, airport buildings, old McDonald's and Bell Market buildings or a location in Salem Willows would be possibilities. The Committee directs Kagle to, Mike Collins — Commissioner of Public Works and Engineering, and Bruce Doig — Director of Parks and Recreation. Discussion ensued as to the possibility of Kagle running an Earth Day walk for OSRC this spring focused on family exploration. Kagle announces an upcoming nature clase at Chebacco Woods and Open Space & Recreation Committee November 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 that flyers will be posted at Beverly open space areas. Maxner agrees to email Kagle Mike Collins' and Bruce Doig's contact information. Kagle thanks the Committee for its time and recommendations. Acceptance of Previous Minutes — October 2, 2013 Discussion ensues about more summarization of discussion and information in minutes to provide a broad overview of what occurs in OSRC meetings. Members provide Maxner with amendments to the October 2, 2013 minutes. Gardner moves the minutes be accepted as amended. Seconded by Brewster. The motion carries 9 -0. Community Preservation Committee Draft CPA Proiect Evaluation Criteria McCrory and Maxner explain how the Community Preservation Committee has developed CPA project evaluation criteria that will be brought to the boards that the CPC will represent to the public. The document includes general criteria and category specific evaluation criteria for open space, historic preservation, community housing and recreation for projects that CPA funds. McCrory explains that for open space, the criteria addresses evaluation of projects that provide access to open space by acquiring land or easements, provide opportunities for passive recreation, make capital improvements or extraordinary repairs for properties acquired with CPA funds. Also preservation of wildlife habitats, ecosystems and landscapes that contain biodiversity, variety of habitats, wildlife corridors, etc... are part of consideration. Discussion ensues about invasive species control as coming under restoration. Members discuss and agree that obtaining conservation restrictions, even when public access is not allowed, should be included as one of the criteria for open space category. McCrory states that she will bring this recommendation to the CPC. Maxner explains the CPC is holding a hearing on December 12 to unveil the criteria and application process. Potential Open Space Acquisition Proiects Discussion ensues about OSRC planning list on potential open space acquisition projects. Maxner updates the Committee about meeting with City officials and David Santomenna from ECGA regarding Camp Paradise property that has been appraised at $1.4 million. The Girls Scouts organization is interested in a conservation buyer. Bruce Doig, Santomenna and Maxner visited the site relative to Parks and Recreation use for the property. Maxner notes that Doig indicated he would speak to Girl Scouts about lease agreement for a year so research can be done on CPA funding and grant opportunities for the Recreation Department to acquire the land. ECGA is not interested in acquiring the Camp due to the lack of contiguous open space properties and funding. Discussion ensues about value of Camp property relative to future recreation uses and need for funding to come from other sources than the City. Discussion addresses goal for Committee to meet Mayor elect to outline OSRC's top priorities. Signne — Review Templates for ROW's/Roadways & Open Space Lands Open Space & Recreation Committee November 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 The Committee reviews templates for open space signage and notes that details are needed at specific locations where these signs would be installed throughout the City such as if there are any nearby poles that could accommodate signage. The Committee discusses possible resources for funding including recreation and trails grant or local colleges and businesses that might be interested in community outreach project. Other Business & Updates Expanding Publicity of OSRC Activities — Discussion /Action Items The Committee notes the need to add information on City's website notifying users of public open space if they see abuses or vandalism of property that City should be informed. Also, that creating videos of City's open space could be done as part of Eagle Scout projects. Other Business Brought Forward by Committee Members Discussion ensues about access to the Tanzella Hill area. The Committee discusses interest in public having the right to pass over rights of way and if the City has any interest in buying the small strips of land from heirs. Discussion addresses if the City Solicitor should be consulted for clarification. Maxner updates the Committee on right of way on Leech Street and speaks to City Solicitor's response to her letter on the matter. She notes that Engineering Department has said this is a City right of way, which she reported to the City Solicitor who notes that a universal approach is required to deal with these problems and he doesn't have time to address. Gardner reports that 27X was addressed in Land Court on September 26 and an examiner has been assigned, so this is in process. Also, he will approach the Mayor -elect about the Cummings property walkway. Gardner notes that the meadow at Sally Milligan is being taken over by sumac and inquires about location of bluebird box in the park. Discussion ensues about if the Committee would receive a report from Eagle Scouts after projects are completed. Adiournment Matz moves to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 p.m. Seconded by Dunne. The motion carries 9 -0. The next meeting of the Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at City Hall, 3 rd Floor Committee Room at 7:00 p.m.