The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
Community Preservation Committee
October 17, 2013
City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B
Wendy Pearl, Marilyn McCrory, Leland McDonough,
Lincoln Williams, Heather Richter, Robert Buchsbaum and
John Thomson
Darien Crimmin & Henry Pizzo
Environmental Planner- Amy Maxner
Amy Maxner
Pearl reviews the main agenda items and turns attention to the draft evaluation criteria, which
Maxner has revised based on discussion at the last meeting and formatted on letterhead. She
asks if the Committee has any comments or suggested edits.
McCrory states that General Criteria #10 needs clarification, with Thomson agreeing.
Alternative language is discussed with members agreeing on the following: "implementation of
the project under the selected category(s) does not adversely impact other category(s)."
Buchsbaum notes that General Criteria #1 and #6 seem to conflict, with #1 giving preference to
leveraging funds and #6 giving preference to projects that do not have private or city funding.
Discussion ensues as to difference in meanings of both, Thomson noting that he does not see the
connection between a resource being threatened and its source of funding or lack thereof. He
recommends revising #6 to read: "protects resources that would otherwise be threatened ".
Members agree with that amendment.
Richter states that General Criterion #1 should not come first but replaced with #2, as #2 seems
more general and overarching in purpose. Thomson suggests placing language in the preamble
that the criteria are not in any particular order to avoid the impression that the criterion listed first
carries more weight. Members agree to switch the positions of #1 and #2 and add language as
Thomson suggested.
McCrory notes that Open Space Criterion #l.i. seems to imply drainage projects. Maxner
suggest alternative language reading: "protects natural capacity for flood storage." Members
agree with this edit. Thomson offers several grammatical corrections, which Maxner will
Williams asks for clarification under Open Space #l.a. the last bullet, "providing opportunities
for environmental education ", and wonders if the Committee meant capital or operational
projects. Members discuss the context of this criterion in relation to the allowable uses table.
Maxner notes that Newburyport included "opportunities for environmental education" as part of
one of their criteria. Pearl states that perhaps this would fall under the rehabilitation and
restoration to make assets more functional for intended use, so providing a trail map or
signage /kiosks that provide information to enhance environmental education. After some
additional discussion, members agree on the following language revision: "providing capital
improvements that enhance knowledge and understanding of the environment ".
Williams suggests adding the word "expands" to Open Space criteria l.c., d., f. and g. Members
agree and suggest adding "or" & "and ".
Discussion turns to the historic criteria. Maxner notes that she added "artifact" to #2.b., as it
might be a document or some other object that is being preserved. After brief discussion,
members agree with Thomson's suggested language reading: "protects, preserves, enhances,
restores and /or rehabilitates the historical function of the historic resource."
Pearl notes that the language "addressing as many of the following criteria as possible" may put
some projects at a disadvantage. Thomson suggests alternative language "the project must
address one or more of the following criteria which are listed in no particular order ", and from
there it would be the Committee's job to weight a project if it meets more criteria. Members
agree to adopt that and incorporate it throughout each category.
Members turn to community housing criteria, with Thomson noting that 3.b. should clarify that
previously developed sites can be both city and privately owned. Members agree.
Discussion ensues as to income definitions and members review the Act, determining that it does
not define very low income. After considering criteria 3. c. & d., it is agreed that they should be
combined to be more broad, with McDonough suggesting "supports the housing needs of a
range of qualified residents ".
Criteria i. is discussed at length with Thomson suggesting this conform to the City's existing
Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance with regard to required percentages of affordable housing.
Members agree with this edit. No other edits to this category are recommended or discussed.
Recreation criteria are reviewed with Thomson suggesting that "expanding accessibility to
recreation opportunities" should be its own bullet. After some discussion, members agree to the
following language "expands universal access to recreational opportunities ". Minor edits to
criteria c. and e. are made. Thomson asks if the preamble must state that projects must be for
outdoor recreation only, after brief discussion members agree to this clarification.
Pearl notes that this will be a document unto itself and begs for an introductory paragraph.
Examples from other communities are reviewed and Maxner agrees to draft something for
review at the next meeting.
Pearl notes the next steps are final changes to these criteria and present to the various boards and
commissions, and their November meeting schedules are reviewed. A schedule for the public
hearing and working meetings of the CPC are discussed. It is agreed to set the public hearing for
Community Preservation Committee
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December 12 with December 5 as a working meeting for the CPC to compile any comments
received from the boards and commissions in preparation for the 12 Legal advertisements and
notifications are considered. Members discuss the logistics of collecting board and commission
comments for compilation and having the document ready in time for the 12 and if a comment
period should be extended into early January to meet the February deadline. Members agree the
public hearing should be held at City Hall in the Council Chambers. Members will forward their
board comments to Maxner for compilation and she will have it ready for discussion on the 5th
Pearl asks if everyone had a chance to review the budget. Members review and discuss the
proposed budget and suggest minor edits. Maxner notes that she sent this to John Dunn who will
advise on final format to send to the Council. McDonough moves to approve the proposed
budget. Seconded by Williams. McCrory suggest one final edit that explains the administrative
expenses with "such as ". McDonough moves to accept McCrory's edit to the budge. Seconded
by Thomson. The motion carries 7 -0. Maxner will consult with Dunn on format and process.
The draft flyer is reviewed. Maxner notes that she kept with the flyer format, as John Dunn
seemed to be fine with this as the introductory mailing from the CPC. Lengthy discussion
ensues as to suggested edits to various sections of the flyer. Maxner agrees to make the
necessary amendments. Discussion ensues as to a cover letter to include with the flyer. Maxner
agrees to draft an introductory letter for consideration at the next meeting.
Members agree to table discussion on the website. Thomson notes that there is no staff contact
information and Maxner agrees to add her contact information to the webpage.
Revisions to the September 12, 2013 minutes are reviewed. McCrory offers additional
amendments. Thomson moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by McDonough.
The motion carries 7 -0.
Items for the next meeting agenda are reviewed, with members agreeing to schedule Wednesday
October 30 as their next working meeting. Future meeting schedule is mapped out for:
November 14 and December 5 as regular working meetings, with December 12 for the public
There being no further business this evening, McCrory moves to adjourn. McDonough seconds
the motion. The motion carries 7 -0. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
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