2013-04-23NO Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 6:30 P.M. Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Margaret Altman, Mary Behrle, Georgia Bills, Anthony Kline, Neil Olson, Kevin O'Reilly, and Joanne Panunzio Board members absent: Marshall Handly, Myron Schirer -Suter Others present: Patricia Cirone, Anna Langstaff Recorder: Anna Langstaff Kevin O'Reilly presided. Anthony Kline made the motion, seconded by Joanne Panunzio, to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of March 26, 2013 as read. Motion passed. Public Presentation None Committee Reports Personnel: Georgia Bills asked questions about the library director's evaluation, is this unique to the library or do other department heads have evaluations. Kevin O'Reilly asked whether there was a value to this process. Georgia Bills will report back to the board. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Library Director 1) Budget: Patricia Cirone reviewed FY 2013 budget, which is still on track. 2) Evergreen: NOBLE is still waiting for the memory leaks to be fixed before migrating to the new Evergreen release. Patricia Cirone will get an update at next week's MassLNC's meeting. Communications 1) Bookmobile Trust Fund: Library trustees discussed letter received from the Friends regarding their request to establish a bookmobile trust fund. Anthony Kline made the motion, seconded by Neil Olson, to: forward the Friends letter to the Mayor with a statement of full support for its content. Motion passed. Unfinished Business 1) Email Addresses: Anna Langstaff reported that the city has no policy regarding whether email addresses of members of boards and commissions should be posted on the city's website. New Business 1) FY2014 Budget: Patricia Cirone reviewed the proposed FY2014 library budget. Anthony Kline made the motion, seconded by Joanne Panunzio, to: approve the FY2014 budget as proposed. Motion passed. The next meeting of the board will be Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the Main Library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM.