2013-07-03CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee July 3, 2013 Charlie Mann (Chairperson), Nancy Coffey (Vice - Chairperson), David Brewster, Elizabeth Dunne, Bill Squibb Marilyn McCrory, David Gardner, Pam Kampersal, James Matz, Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Chairperson Mann calls the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. as Squibb arrived at that time to form a quorum. Principal Items of Business Acceptance of Previous Minutes — June 5, 2013 Members provide amendments to Maxner. Brewster moves for the Committee to accept the minutes as amended. Seconded by Coffey. The motion carries 5 -0. Open Space Acquisition Proiect Discussion ensues about draft letter to landowners including information from ECGA's David Santomenna who had suggested language that does not speak too zealously but conveys neutrality about any particular parcel of interest. The Committee expresses curiosity in reviewing a copy of ECGA letter or boilerplate format for such a letter. Mann says he would speak to ECGA about the organization's expectations in coordinating with the City. The Committee discusses how it would evaluate priorities for acquisition relative to possible CPA funding. Members agree that parcels of interest next to existing open space or that would provide linkages would be valuable as open space whether it is ECGA or the City that takes action. Brewster refers to the Smithwick property and if a developer took it on he believes there would be an opportunity for the City with Planning Board involvement. Discussion ensues about the Conservation Restriction held by ECGA on that property preventing development on certain sections. Discussion addresses access to Pole Swamp Lane through the Smithwick property. Coffey notes that section of Juniper is not a public way but there is access through the Ben Williams property. Open Space & Recreation Committee July 3, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Dunne mentions the possibility of property next to ECGA land such as back piece of North Shore Theater lot and Cummings property across from the vernal pool that is contiguous. Mann refers to the Sweeney property that is adjacent to open space. He also notes the new numerous no trespassing signs on the Cummings property. Maxner reads language from the CR for the Smithwick property, which states: "use by others, except as provided in the foregoing paragraph: No rights to enter the premises are granted hereby to the grantee, to the public or any other person. Not withstanding the above, the grantor recognizes that certain trails located within the premises are presently used by other persons to pass and re -pass by foot, horseback, snowshoe or cross - country ski for purposes of quiet outdoor recreational, educational activities. Grantor hereby consents to the continuance of such activities provided that any such activity be limited to day light hours and all activities shall be confined to the limits of the established trails, no motor vehicles, or camping, hunting, trapping, discharge of firearms, dumping, waste disposal, or litter and that no activity of a commercial nature be allowed. The Grantor hereby reserves the right to periodically post the premises against entry and take such other measures that are necessary and appropriate to prevent the ripening of prescriptive rights on the premises, to alter the location of existing trails within the premises provided that as so relocated access to and passage through the premises is not substantially impaired. To the extent permitted by law, the Grantor and Grantee hereby expressly disclaim any duty to maintain the premises or warrant persons who may enter upon the same. Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 21, the Grantor is not liable to any member of the public who uses the trails for injuries to persons or property while on the trail." Mann asks Coffey to review and edit the draft letter to landowners that he will email to her and reiterates that he would get a copy of ECGA letter. Also, that the Committee could identify the properties that it would like to target. Open Space /Trail Way - Finding Signage Maxner notes that she has investigated logical locations for signage and shows a plan with proposed locations at certain street intersections that she thought made sense. Members review the plan and offer edits and suggestions. Discussion ensues about how parking is difficult at many of these locations relative to proposed sign locations and that language on sign could note uses for trails (i.e., walking, bicycling). Mann suggests a sign be located on Bridge Street near school identifying Greens Hill. Maxner also mentions a proposed sign location at Pole Swamp at intersection of Preston and Hart. Discussion ensues as to whether CPA funding could be used for this sign project or if funds could be donated by a commercial entity in Beverly (i.e., Cummings Center). Maxner suggests that matching grants are also a possibility. Discussion addresses how trails are blazed by volunteers (i.e., Boy Scouts) and signage installation is a separate project done professionally. Mann offers to go to Salem and photograph the trail signs used in that city. Members agree to consider the language for the signs and research options. Discussion addresses how the OSRC logo could be used on the Beverly signs. Old Business Open Space & Recreation Committee July 3, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Community Preservation Committee (CPC) Maxner informs the Committee that there are three at -large seats that the City Council will be appointing to the CPC and the City Clerk has received letters of interest. The seats will be named and confirmed by the July 15 meeting since designation appointments have to be done no later than early August. She explains the CPC Ordinance became effective on June 19 upon the Mayor's signature. She lists the CPC representatives from the other six boards and commissions: John Thomson for Planning Board, Robert Buchsbaum for the Conservation Commission, Wendy Pearl for the Historic District Commission, Henry Pizzo for the Parks and Recreation Commission, member not yet chosen for the Beverly Housing Authority, and the OSRC which, she notes, should be determined this evening. Brief discussion ensues as to who on the OSRC would like to serve. Maxner notes that McCrory has indicated that she is and has been interested all along. Coffey nominates Marilyn McCrory as the OSRC representative to the CPC. Seconded by Dunne. The motion carries 5 -0. Yard Waste Dumping at Norwood Pond Maxner explains that she researched 22.04, Section D of City ordinances about dumping of ashes and rubbish. She reads: "No person shall throw, place or dump any rubbish, trash, trees, branches or brush, clippings or any yard material, construction debris or any other items upon public ways or properties of the City of Beverly." Maxner notes that she has drafted a letter from the Committee to the neighborhood that explains ongoing violation about dumping on trailhead owned by City of Beverly at Norwood Pond and effect of organic fill on environment and wildlife habitat. Discussion ensues about dumping and if it could impact the pathway, the tone of the letter to neighbors and abutters to Norwood Pond and inclusion of information about Standley Street composting site. Members suggest that Maxner revise the letter to be more brief and positive. Eagle Scout Acknowledgement Letters Discussion ensues about the Committee sending acknowledgement letter to the newspapers thanking all the Eagle Scouts who have completed projects. Mann has drafted this letter and will send to Coffey and Maxner for review. Discussion addresses how acknowledgement letters would be placed in local press vehicles such as the online Patch. Maxner outlines details that Jesse and Max Manfree had emailed Brewster regarding their proposed Eagle Scout projects including benches, dog waste bags dispensers and bat houses at Sally Milligan Park. Discussion ensues about how the sumac is becoming ever more invasive in the park. Other Updates Discussion ensues as to how OSRC could consult with outside attorneys regarding private ways. Open Space & Recreation Committee July 3, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Maxner notes that a Ward 5 candidate is needed to fill Pam Kampersal's seat. Discussion ensues as to potential candidates and members offer to network and try to seek out a willing volunteer. Concept Plan for Route 128 Overpass Maxner updates the Committee about recent public MEPA scoping session regarding the ENF submitted by the City for the Route 128 Overpass project. She notes that comment letters are due July 26 relative to both Phase I and Phase II. The Conservation Commission will see Phase I under RDA and Phase 11 under an NOI with respect to wetland impacts. Discussion addresses how existing commercially zoned areas will be opened up for development due to the interchange project. Mann notes possibility of a trail easement in Norwood Pond area as part of Phase II. Maxner explains that Jacobs Engineering, design team for the City, would be preparing supplemental information based on the scoping session, dealing mostly with traffic assumptions, landfill closure issues and stormwater management. There being no further business before the Committee, Dunne moves to adjourn. Seconded by Coffey. The motion passes 5 -0. Meeting adjourns at 9:15 p.m. The Open Space and Recreation Committee's next meeting is on September 4, 2013.