1698-02-22[Selectmen's Meeting, February 22, 1698] At a meeting of the Selectmen February 22, 1697/8, Jacob Griggs who was Constable for the year 1695, brought the following receipt, viz.: received of Jacob Griggs for the minister's rate for the year before last, viz., 1696, by him or his assigning the sum of thirty two pounds, March 3, 1696/7. By me John Hale. At the same meeting of the Selectmen February 22nd, 1697/8, then reckoned with Jacob Griggs who was Constable for the year 1695, with respect to the overplus of Mr. Hale's rate for said year, as also for all country rates committed to him in the time of his Constableship, and he the said Jacob Griggs hath fully paid and discharged all said rates. At the same meeting of the Selectmen John Balch who was Constable for the year 1696, brought the following receipts, viz.: received of John Balch Constable sixteen pounds, nine shillings, as part of the thirty two pounds, six shillings house rate, by February 22, 1697/8. John Hale 8th December, 1697. Then received of Constable John Balch of Mr. Hale, his salary, which was his due for his labor in the work in the ministry amongst us in Beverly, the full and just some of thirty and two pounds in money & bill. I say received by me. John Hill