1698-03-15[Town Meeting, March 15, 1698] March 15, 1697/8. Constable William Cleaves brought the following receipt viz. Boston, March 10, 1697/8. Received of Mr. William Cleaves, Constable of Beverly, thirty eight pounds, ten shillings, in full of a warrant for thirty eight pounds, ten shillings. Received from Mr. James Taylor, Treasurer. Jer, Allen At the same time was also the following receipt brought, viz. Boston March the 10th, 1697/8. Received of Mr. Cornelius Larcom, Constable of Beverly, by the hands of Mr. William Cleaves thirty six pounds, ten shillings, and full of a warrant for thirty six pounds, ten shillings. Received for Mr. James Taylor, Treasurer. Jer. Allen At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Beverly, on the 15th day of March, 1697/8, Deacon John Hill being moderator, was chosen for Selectmen for the year ensuing as followeth, viz. Capt. William Raymond, Ebenezer Woodbury, John Conant, Mr. Thomas Woodberry senr. and Lot Conant. At the same town meeting, Benjamin Woodbury was chosen Constable for Mackerel Cove Ward, and Roger Haskell for Bass River Ward for the year ensuing. At the same town meeting, Samuel Balch was chosen Town Clerk for the year ensuing. At the same town meeting Edward Raymond, Peter Woodbury junr., Roger Hill and John Poole, were chosen Surveyors of our Town & Country highways, in our town for the year ensuing. At the same town meeting, Jonathan Biles, Jacob Griggs, William Dodge secundus and Jonathan Raymond, were chosen tithing men for the year ensuing. At the same town meeting Richard Patch senr., William Elliott & Philip White, were chosen fence viewers for the year ensuing. At the same town meeting March 15, 1697/8, Lieut. Andrew Elliott was chosen Town Treasurer for the year ensuing. At the same town meeting, Deacon John Hill was chosen culler of staves and packer of fish in our town for the year ensuing. At the same town meeting the town accepted of Roger Haskell, to serve as Constable for Benjamin Woodbury, for the year ensuing, and so the said Roger Haskell to be the town constable for Mackerel Cove Ward, as well as for Bass River Ward. At the same town meeting, John Lovett senr. was chosen Clerk of the Market for the ensuing At the Same town meeting, George Trow was chosen Sealer of Leather for the year ensuing. At the same town meeting it was voted that whereas Samuel Stone, senr., did sometime in the winter, go fall one green tree on our town's common, contrary to town order, the said town did by vote as above said forgive said Stone said trespass and relinquish the fine due to the town for the same.