1697-12-27[Selectmen's Meeting, December 27, 1697] At a meeting of the Selectmen on the 27th day of December, 1697, Samuel Stone senr. Received an order to receive the sum of nine shillings and six pence of Constable Cornelius Larcom, out of the town's rate now in the said Larcom's hands, four shillings and six pence thereof for the discount Thomas Woodbury junr. his rate, when the said Stone was Constable, and the five shillings for the allowance of the widow Joane Hathon her rate, when said Stone was Constable. December the 27, 1697 Straber, so- called, the daughter of Sarah Lambert was warned to depart out of our town, by Mr. Isaac Woodbury, who was appointed to give said Straber warning by the Selectmen, at the same time was also a warrant written directed to Constable William Cleaves to warn Henry Temple of Salem that he also depart out of our town.