2013-05-16Beverly CableAdvisory Cormuissian Meetingof May 15, 2813 Members Present George Jam, d w r; Muriel &WBailo%Yice Chair, D. Bernal Diane Costa; Al Tarsesr, Alex Ilsbakoff Members Ahse»t Eric Overberg The meeting was c AW to order at 7:14 PM by Geor- The minutes of the previous meeting of April 18 were approved as premed Disaasaon was held or the subject of amp to minutes- Muriel primed a memo r+ea m aendiing procedures regarding handling of mmaI `Amendments to l Tinutce, here wed_ The memo was voted approved to be inowporawd. as Procedure for ham minutes (aarTh tiuon was made that the first distrr'hitivn made bythe secretary (within 10 days ofa Wig) should be labeled "DRAFT" and aft any amendments and correctiom are made by member% a second version. is to be dul led (1 week prior to a meeting) labeled'FDWf- No one reported receiving any new vocrespond George mentioned the aogaing 'urban legend" that continued to pe rsist that Verixon will not engage with Beverly because the Igor discourages it: There is little that can be done to correct this notion Repot from the Cow on Policies and Procedures submitted by Muriel, here attached. Report from the Committee on Compliance and Oversight submitted by Don, here allachedL This will be reviewed in detail in suhsequent meetings_ Report ii om the Cow on 1-Na Expansion presented by George detailed presenting ratable tee to the Mayor for a letter to Wow I -Net development- George announced his in on to re*m as chair in June but to cont ue as a commissar member- Alex will provide the approved stationery either as elecuumc Ste or hard copy_ The meeting was adjourned at 8.35 PId_ Next meeting sdWxh led for June 20 by Donald S. Berman