1697-03-16 (2)[Selectmen's Meeting March 16, 1697] At a meeting of the selectmen March the 16th, 1696/7, Constable John Trask brought the following receipt, viz.: I received of John Trask, Constable & collector by his order, 32 pounds for my pains for the year ended last February, was twelve months this March 15th, 1696/7. By me John Hale. At the same meeting of the selectmen, Constable John Balch brought the following receipt, viz.: Boston, December 9th, 1696. Received of Mr. John Balch, Constable of Beverly, forty one pounds, ten shillings, in full of a warrant for forty one pounds. Received for Mr. James Taylor, Treasurer. Jer. Allen At the same meeting of the selectmen then reckoned with Constable John Trask, with respect to the overplus of Mr. Hale's two rates, committed to him during the time of his two years Constableship, viz.: in year 1695 -1696, also for a town rate committed to him dated July the 6th, 1696, as also for the overplus of all country rates committed to him in said time, and he the said John Trask hath fully paid and discharged said rates, as with respect to the overplus of said rates, only there remains due of the town rate, the sum of five pounds which is due to the town, to which five pounds the said John Trask is ordered to pay unto Mrs. Ruth Haskins, it being due to her from the town, & it also remains that the said John Trask do clear with Mr. Hale for the year 1696, as also for the two and thirty pound rate, dated 27th day of May, 1696, his part being £ 16:00:06.