1697-05-11[Town Meeting May 11, 1697] At a legal town meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Beverly, assembled on the 11th day of May, 1697, Lieut. Andrew Elliott was chosen representative to serve for and represent said town in Great and General Court or assembly to be convened, held, and kept for his Majesty's service, at the town house in Boston on Wednesday the 26th day of May current, and so during their session & sessions. At the same town meeting John Giles & John Giles were chosen to serve on the grand jury, and Samuel Herrick senr., Roger Haskins, William Bradford & Mr. Edmund Gale, to serve on the jury of trials at the next Superior Court of Pleas, Court of Assize & general goal delivery, to be holden at Ipswich on the 3rd Tuesday of May current. A legal meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Beverly, assembled on the 11th day of May, 1697, it was voted and agreed to by general vote of the inhabitants then convened, the Capt. John Dodge and Capt. William Dodge should be a committee, and the said Capt. John Dodge and Capt. William Dodge were chosen a committee in the town's behalf to act and do in the town's behalf, with respect to the line and bounds between our said town and the town of Wenham, & the said Capt. John Dodge & William Dodge, are hereby empowered to sue and defend, and in all respects to act and do as they shall see needful for the regaining and settling of our town's rights, with respect to the line and bound between the towns aforesaid. And further the said Capt. John and William Dodge have and do engage, to disburse such sum and sums of money, as shall be needful in the prosecution of the business aforesaid, also it was voted and agreed that the said Capt. John Dodge & Capt. William Dodge, shall be repaid by the town, what cost and charge they are at in management of said business between when Wenham and our town. May 11, 1697, John Trask who was Constable for the year 1695's -1696, brought the following receipt, viz. Boston, February the 2nd, 1696. Received of Mr. John Trask, Constable of Beverly, thirty six pounds, seven shillings and six pence, in part of a warrant for thirty eight pounds, ten shillings. Received for Mr. James Taylor, Treasurer. Jer. Allen Boston, April 38th [sic], 1697. Received of Mr. John Trask, Constable of Beverly, two pounds, two shillings and six pence by the hands of Mr. Robert Briscoe, in full of a warrant for thirty eight pounds, ten shillings. Received for Mr. James Taylor, Treasurer. Jer. Allen