1696-05-27[Selectmen's Meeting May 27, 1696] At a meeting of the Selectmen on the 27th day of May, 1696, was a town rate made amounting in the whole to £32:13:03, said rate being made for the payment of £32:16:00, due to the Rev. Mr. John Hale minister of the gospel amongst us, as appears by record on our town book bearing date March the 5th, 1693/4, said rate being divided into two lists, the whole of the list committed to Constable John Trask for the collecting being £16:00:06, ordered to pay according to the following warrant, viz.: to Constable John Trask, you are in his Majesty's name required to collect of the several inhabitants within named, their several proportions as they are rated or assessed, to the within rate, list or bill of assessment, the whole sum being sixteen pounds, and six pence, fifteen pounds and seventeen shillings whereof, you are also required forthwith to pay or cause to be paid to the Rev. Mr. John Hale minister of the gospel amongst us, the fifteen pounds & seventeen shillings above said, being part of a debt of thirty two pounds and six shillings, due from the town to the above said Mr. John Hale, to be paid in good and current pay, according to record on our town book dated March 5th, 1693/4 and the remains being three shillings & six pence, you are to pay to the selectmen for the use of the town, and if any person or persons shall neglect or refuse, to make payment of their respective sum or sums set them in the within rate, list or bill of assessment, then you are to make distress for the sum according to law, and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant dated in Beverly May 30th, 1696. The whole of Constable John Balch's list of said rate being £ 16:12:09, ordered to pay to Mr. Hale £ 16:09:00, committed with warrant according to the next above written.