2013-05-01CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee May 1, 2013 Charlie Mann (Chairperson), Nancy Coffey (Vice - Chairperson), David Brewster, Elizabeth Dunne, David Gardner, James Matz, Marilyn McCrory Pam Kampersal, Bill Squibb Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Ian Beckman Jane Dooley Chairperson Mann calls the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Principal Items of Business Ian Beckman update about his Eagle Scout proiect completed at Tanzella Hill Eagle Scout Ian Beckman updates OSRC showing before and after photographs of his project and notes that he and 31 volunteers cleared an enormous heap of trash in the middle of the path at Tanzella Hill down to a defined rock in area. He describes how there were shopping carts and bicycles in the area. In addition, the footpath was raked to make it walkable and to connect it to other trails. Beckman notes that areas were cut back to make path walkable, as were thorns and a fallen tree that was pushed to side. He adds how he and his father had marked the trail with tape to identify work areas for volunteers. Discussion ensues about how neighbor Don Morse spoke about his dismay relative to the clearing of the trail and access to Bathing Beach by abutters. Mann describes his conversation with Morse where he had suggested if the trails were made more walkable for more pedestrians then this could reduce vandalism. Beckman mentions that a contractor living in area let the Scouts use his dumpster for collected trash. He mentions that the resident was not ecstatic about increased foot traffic in the path area. Discussion addresses how the Eagle Scout project should be publicized and Beckman offers to write a press release. Mann summarizes the Eagle Scout projects done to date including: Standley Street — Matt Akerman, Cove School — Justin Tramonti, Tanzella Hill — Ian Beckman, Greens Hill — Ben MacDonald who went directly to M. Collins, Norwood Pond — Ben Rich and the Manfre twins are interested in doing a project at Sally Milligan. Discussion ensues about how OSRC will draft letter of commendation for Beckman in addition to Mann signing off on the project. The Committee thanks Beckman for the project that he says Open Space & Recreation Committee May 1, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 was enjoyable. Discussion ensues about how Eagle Scout Gabriel Buchsbaum will be doing natural history signage at Phillips Estate, Sally Milligan and Lynch Parks. Discussion addresses how Committee will add project completion dates to its list of Scout projects and how Girl Scouts do not do similar projects. Discussion ensues about need for publicizing these Eagle Scout projects and the Committee offers suggestions to Beckman for his press release. Mann recommends an announcement about Beckman's project with a Committee thank you along with words from Beckman about the project. Coffey describes how to place a press release in the Beverly Citizen by sending it to the editor. Maxner suggests something be drafted for the June 5 OSRC meeting. Discussion addresses having Beckman send OSRC dates about when a walk could be set up to see his cleared trail perhaps in July or August. Discussion ensues relative to public access over a private way at Bathing Beach Lane has not been resolved and if there would be any impact on that resulting from publicizing Beckman's project. Mann mentions if the trail could be a loop then it would probably attract more walkers. Mann explains that this applies to a couple of places in Beverly where the City has frontage on a private way then it would have access as an abutter but he questions to what extent this provides a wider range of access for potential users. Gardner moves that the Committee draft a letter for a public walk on Tanzella Hill trail. Seconded by Coffey. The motion carries 7 -0. OSRC members note that they will work with Beckman on press release for placement in newspaper. Acceptance of Previous Minutes — April 3, 2013 Members give amendments to Maxner. Discussion ensues about what vernal pools are certified at Norwood Pond. Gardner moves for the Committee to accept the minutes as amended. Seconded by McCrory. The motion carries 6 -0. Site Visit at Beverly Commons with Dan Streeter of NEMBA Discussion ensues about the Committee's site walk at Beverly Commons with Dan Streeter from New England Mountain Bike Association. Mann reports that all of Streeter's ideas are good for trail improvements and suggests OSRC approve all of the ideas so NEMBA can do the work and notes that there could be some projects for Boy Scouts. Maxner states that Streeter came to last night's Conservation Commission meeting and the Commission was supportive of Streeter's ideas especially regarding trail project # 8. Mann says OSRC members walked most of the suggested trails that Streeter had discussed with the Committee. Discussion ensues about proposal for trail #8 and that it is needed, is supported by Conservation Commission and that this trail skirts Audubon land. Discussion addresses how bike association develops trail plans and sections off areas of interest but does not flag proposed trails. The Committee prioritizes the projects presented by Streeter at its March meeting noting that the boardwalk on ECGA trail (project #1) would include some costs and was a high priority. Open Space & Recreation Committee May 1, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 Maxner reiterates that Conservation Commission was in favor of the projects and had an interest in proposed trail #8. Coffey moves that the OSRC accept the eight trail changes proposed by NEMBA as approved by the Conservation Commission. Seconded by Gardner. The motion carries 7 -0. Discussion ensues about preference for two -plank boardwalk and need to allow space on trail along the side of boardwalk to be sensitive to all users such as equestrians. Brewster mentions ski or bike jump that has been constructed up the hill on ECGA property and he will forward photographs he has taken in area to Coffey who offers to contact ECGA. Potential Proiects to Partner with Trust for Public Land — Discussion/Develop Priority List Mann notes that a few OSRC members met with Chris LaPointe from Trust for Public Land on April 18. He explains that the non - profit organization preserves open space for public use. It does research and appraisals for financing packages and gets revenue from supporters and projects. Mann mentions that the organization could bond money from CPA as part of financing structures for larger projects than the tax title parcels the Committee is investigating. Mann notes that parcel 27A is not the size project that the Trust would do but LaPointe had suggested an appraiser could do an assessment /limited use study for the land for a better assessment of value. He adds that a full appraisal could cost from $1,000 to $2,500. Discussion ensues about the importance of homeowner involvement in the process prior to getting an appraisal done. OSRC members mention that the Trust is interested in assisting with acquisitions of farms or unique landscapes. Discussion ensues as to how the City owns Norwood Pond and its overlay zoning protection. Maxner updates Committee about meeting James Matz had with City Councillor Don Martin regarding Norwood Pond where he had reported results via email to Maxner. She notes that Martin was not interested in rezoning area where there is certified vernal pool, wetland and protection around water tower. In addition, that Martin was not in favor of rezoning but also was not in favor of a change in the existing zoning in favor of development. Maxner explains that she would look at the logistics relative to areas on parcel where building could occur. Mann informs Committee about walk that took place with Paul Earl of Harbor Management on Greens Hill and Tanzella Hill. He also notes that he had met with J. Dunn about tax taking parcels who agreed they were appropriate to set aside as open space. He adds that the City took the owner unknown properties and thought tax taking process was initiated but it was not classified properly with DOR. Mann reports that J. Dunn says reclassification process would take 18 months but he was not sure what DOR wanted. Discussion ensues about how Mann had offered to help but J. Dunn did not define what could be done and there is uncertainty with the process for all of the tax title properties although 27X is moving forward in 18 -month process. The Committee discusses how they could each call their individual Councilors on the matter to nudge this ahead regarding eight properties OSRC is interested in beyond 27X and getting reclassification done. Open Space & Recreation Committee May 1, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 Other Business Community Preservation Act — Update on Ordinance Committee Progress McCrory reports that there was a meeting with Legal Affairs on April 8 and a public hearing is set for May 20 on the CPA Ordinance. Also, that anyone who is interested in serving on Community Preservation Committee should submit letters of interest stating background (this could include OSRC members) for the four at -large seats. Maxner explains that she would be staffing CPC with help from new associate planner. She describes the range of work that could be involved with a CPA plan and that the first priority is to get the CPC guidelines in place. Discussion ensues about what guidance would be available from the State. Maxner notes that she plans on meeting with part time CPA administrator from Hamilton to talk about how Hamilton runs things. Discussion addresses how the intent of ordinance is to keep CPC open as possible to all residents and that OSRC would be applicants for CPA funds for open space projects. Also, that bonding could be used for open space acquisitions. The Committee notes that $650,000 is the expected CPA annual revenue with State match and that each year 10% of that (and possibly more after the two other categories are sufficiently funded at 10 %) needs to be used for open space. Remembrance of Sylvan Menezes Discussion ensues about how the Committee should wait until the Harborwalk project is done so it can decide the best way to have a remembrance for Menezes. Maxner notes that State DOT is managing the project would be calling her for a pre - construction meeting per the Con Com Order of Conditions and so she will be able to keep the OSRC informed of the project's progress. Earth Day Walks Maxner provides the Committee with color copies of flyers and notes that she would do a press release article. Members offer to distribute the flyers. Coffey and Brewster update OSRC about the success of Coffey's recent walk that had 18 attendees. Maxner notes that information on the Earth Day walks is on the City's website and as well as the OSRC webpage. Discussion ensues about need for more "Enjoy this Public Way" signs to accompany new trail projects to raise public's awareness. Maxner concurs that Mann should talk to M. Collins about if there is public works budget for these signs. She adds if a trail is posted then the police would get involved if necessary. Mann suggests that two, eight foot sections of split rail fence installed at Tanzella Hill would make the trail more visible and in general the City's trails would be more inviting if there were signs. He asks the Committee to consider what language should be used as a template for multiple signs. Updates Bathing Beach Lane — Right of Way Access Open Space & Recreation Committee May 1, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Mann states that he spoke to J. Dunn about leftover land slivers at Bathing Beach Lane who said there cannot be land with no lot numbers since there has to be identification for the Assessors. Mann shows OSRC area on the City map where there should have been a road. Discussion ensues about who owns this land relative to Tanzella map from 1934, and that J. Dunn is going to take this to the Assessors to identify a lot number that would generate a tax bill and is expected to result in owner unknown so land sliver would be added to tax taking parcel list. Pole Swamp Lane right of way Coffey reports on a visit she and Gardner made recently to Pole Swamp Lane right of way and notes that there is a fence that divides the beginning part of Pole Swamp Lane right of way from Ben William's land. Discussion ensues about how there is a pass over on the resident's grass to the right of way, that deeds exist for right of way and abutters (i.e., the City) have rights. Gardner suggests that legal help is needed on this matter. Matz joins the meeting at 8:59 p.m. Coffey offers to bring packet of deeds on matter to R. Gelineau. Discussion addresses if deeds are complete and if a survey would be needed. Mann refers to Boston Globe newspaper article about a similar situation in Cape Cod regarding a beach rights easement. The Open Space and Recreation Committee's next meeting is on June 5, 2013. Gardner moves to adjourn. Seconded by Dunne. The motion passes 7 -0. Meeting adjourns at 9:02 p.m.