1695-05-08[Town Meeting May 8, 1695] May the 8th, 1695. At a legal town meeting of the inhabitants, of the town of Beverly, Lieut. Andrew Elliott was chosen by the major part of the inhabitants then met, to serve for and represent them in a Great and General Court or assembly to be convened, kept and held for their Majesties' service at the town house in Boston, on Wednesday the 29th day of this instant May, and to attend according to warrant dated April 27, 1695. At the same town meeting Lieut. William Dodge, Mr. Thomas West & Joseph Herrick, were chosen a committee to take an account of the former Selectmens of the disposable of the town rate, made and committed to Constable Joseph Herrick & Constable Samuel Stone, being dated August 24, 1694, the whole sum of said rate being £29: 07:09.