1695-01-25[Town Meeting January 25, 1695] At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Beverly, it was voted & ordered, that there shall be a town rate made forthwith by the selectmen amounting to fifty pounds, one moiety [half] thereof to be paid in money, the other moiety [half] in current pay granted to be paid at the prices following, viz.: Indian corn at three shillings, barley and barley malt at four shillings, hay at four shillings & oats at two shillings per bushel, said rate to be improved towards the paying the town debts. At the same town meeting January 25, 1694/5, it was voted that whereas there was a vote passed the last town meeting bearing date December 21st in swamps, till the 10th of February next ensuing, it is now voted as abovesaid that the said vote shall from hence be void and of no effect, and that there shall be no more green wood cut in our common, without further order on penalty as in bylaws is expressed, and that such as have cut any green wood or timber in swamps, shall have the liberty in former vote till 10th February next, to carry away their wood and timber and any wood or timber being left in any part of our common, being cut as above said, after 10th February next, shall be for any inhabitant to carry away according to former vote. At the same town meeting of the inhabitants of Beverly January the 25th, 1694/5, it was voted that whereas there is a committee chosen to seat people in our meeting house, according to record bearing date December the 22nd, 1693, the said committee are now empowered to grant liberty, to any persons whom they shall judge mete, to build any seat or seats in our meeting house, as said committee shall judge necessary or convenient.