1693-03-20[Town Meeting March 20, 1693] At a general meeting of the inhabitants of Beverly legally warned on 20 of March 1692/3 was chosen for Selectmen for the year ensuing, Deacon John Hill, Capt. William Raymond, Mr. Thomas West, and Nehemiah Grover and Richard Ober. At the same town meeting Lieut. Andrew Elliott was chosen constable for Bass River ward, with said town, for the year ensuing; at the same town meeting Joseph Eaton was chosen constable for Mackerel Cove ward, within our town of Beverly for one whole year ensuing. At the same town meeting Lieut. William Dodge was chosen Commissioner, to join with the Selectmen for assessments for the year ensuing. At the same town meeting Samuel Balch was chosen clerk for the town, for the year ensuing. At the same town meeting were chosen for tithing men for the year ensuing, as followeth, viz.: Robert Bradford, John Black senr., Nathaniel Wallis, Roger Haskell, Ebenezer Woodbury, John Balch, & John Woodbury & Jeremiah Butman. At the same town meeting were chosen for surveyors of the country & town highways, for the year ensuing, and Edward Dodge, Lt. Conant, Thomas Whittridge & Jonathan Biles. At the same town meeting were chosen for fence viewers for the year ensuing, John Giles & William Cleaves. At the same town meeting John Lovett senr. was chosen clerk of the market for the year ensuing. At the same town meeting, Tobias Trow was chosen sealer of leather for the ensuing year. At the same town meeting was granted by general vote of the inhabitants then convened, unto Mordecai Larcom about a quarter of an acre of our town, land, parts of it where his house stands & the rest where his orchard is, & Nehemiah Grover, & Joseph Lovett, & Joseph Herrick are chosen to lay out said land to said Larcom. At the same town meeting was granted unto Nathaniel Stone senr., about half an acre of our town common land next the meadow of Thomas Woodbury, senr.