1690-04-11[Town Meeting April 11, 1690] At a general town meeting legally warned on the 11th day of April 1690. It was taken into consideration by the inhabitants then convened, to have a town clerk, & it was then judged convenient, that there should be a town clerk chosen for our town of Beverly, to expedite the business in that town & to attend our town meetings & selectmen's meetings, having do and seasonable notice to enter all records, & to keep our town books from the date hereof, as said clerk shall be capable in said office of a clerk, & the said inhabitants did then make choice of, & appoint Andrew Elliott for said service, & said Elliott did accept of said office, & did covenant & promise to & with said inhabitants to serve in said office as long as he the said Elliott should be capable, & said inhabitants did covenant & and promise to & with the said Elliott, to pay thirty shillings to him the said Elliott or his order in money, or five and forty shillings in pay for said service annually, as long as said Elliott shall be capable of serving in said service.