1693-02-01[Selectmen's Meeting February 1, 1693] February the first, 1692/3. At a meeting of the Selectmen at the house of Mr. Roger Haskins, was then paid to Lieut. William Dodge, four shillings & four pence in money, & eight shillings & eight pence in pay, which was the whole of his town rate, bearing date 17 January, 1693. At the same meeting of the Selectmen, then reckoned with Deacon Peter Woodbury, for seventy -six days service as deputy at the General Court, and there is due to him for said service in money, eleven pounds and eight shillings. At the same meaning of the Selectmen, then was paid to the above said Peter Woodbury, one pound and eighteen shillings, of the above said eleven pounds & eight shillings, and there now remains due to the above said Woodbury, nine pounds and ten shillings. January 15, 1693/4 paid to Deacon Woodbury £09 of the above said £09:10:00.