2013-05-23CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Parking and Traffic Commission May 23, 2013 Site visit to intersection of Willow & Lovett Sts. Chair Richard Benevento, Tina Cassidy, John Somes and Russ Rollins Vice -Chair Bill Bent, Rich Hutchinson, Bill Fiore Ward 2 Councilor Wes Slate, resident Toni Musante Tina Cassidy Chairman Benevento calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members review the existing situation and note the following issues: • Problems with sight distances for traffic exiting either street onto Hale Street, particularly right -hand turns; problems stem from combination of on- street parking patterns and topography /current roadway layouts. • Traffic turning from Hale Street onto Lovett Street "cuts the corner" and makes it dangerous for cars trying to exit either Lovett or Willow Street onto Hale Street; • Vehicles exiting Lovett Street onto Hale Street do not always slow or stop for merging traffic from Willow Street and instead stop at the Hale Street intersection. Members noted the extensive (excess) amount of pavement at this intersection and the lack of a crosswalk serving the sidewalks on the southern side of Hale Street. Benevento suggests a potential solution to the bulleted points above, which would be to revise the geometry of the Willow /Lovett Street intersection such that Willow Street intersects Lovett Street at a right angle (perpendicular), and to adjust the geometry of Lovett and Hale Streets to reduce the expanse of pavement and provide better channelization. Benevento asks Cassidy to have the Engineering Department prepare a GIS plan of the intersection and says he will review it before the next meeting and sketch out a possible configuration /solution. When asked for a ballpark estimate of cost, Benevento guesses perhaps $10,000 depending on details /plan refinement. Cassidy agrees to request the plan and will forward it to Benevento when it's available. Benevento notes that this matter will be discussed at the next regular Parking and Traffic Commission meeting in early June. There being no other business, the site visit is adjourned at 6:07 p.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes May 23, 2013 Site Visit Page 1 of 1