2013-05-14CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Parking and Traffic Commission May 14,2013 Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall Richard Benevento, Chair, Tina Cassidy, John Somes, Richard Hutchinson, and Russ Rollins Bill Fiore, Bill Bent Ward 4 Councillor Scott Houseman, Eric Barber Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:45 a.m. 1. Discussion: Order #56: Request for Parking & Traffic Commission Input on Traffic and Parking Options to Improve Safety at Kimball /Haskell Park - Ward Four Councillor Scott Houseman Ward Four Councilor Scott Houseman addresses the Parking and Traffic Commission and showed photographs of the area on Kimball Road at Haskell Park that were taken on March 30, 2013. He also introduces four residents of the area who've attended this morning's meeting for this discussion. Benevento states that the Parking and Traffic Commission is very familiar with this area and with the parking and traffic concerns that the neighbors have. He recalls that the Commission spent a great deal of time on this matter several years ago with former Ward Four Councilor Kevin Hobin. He notes that the area is very congested and since the installation of the new play area it has become a more popular spot. Cassidy recalls that in 2010 when the playground improvements were made residents complained of parking and traffic and safety issues in the area that occurred shortly after its completion. She noted that at the time the Commission worked with the Director of Parks and Recreation who believed use of the park would recede over time. She recalled that the Commission reached out to Councilor Hobin the following year to see if problems still existed. When the Commission did not hear back from Mr. Hobin the matter was set aside. Houseman stated that he feels that on- street parking should be restricted to one side of the street for traffic safety issues and notes that this is the general feedback he has received from residents. Eric Barber, City Engineer, asks if there is parking issue for residents and their guests. Houseman states that there is no parking problem for the residents, but notes that it is a safety issue. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes May 14 2013 Meeting Page 1 of 5 Eric Barber says that a couplet arrangement (one way Boden, one way Ray) would allow for angle parking which might help the problem by increasing the number of parking spaces. One resident states that the parking issues are really on the residential side of the street. She suggests that the current location of the entrance to the tot lot area of the playground (now close to the corner of Cross and Ray Streets) is part of the problem. She says she is concerned about safe access, with cars parked on both sides of the street. Safety and emergency vehicle access must be provided at all times. Benevento states that this is one of those situations where if restricting parking on one side we would be encouraging parking on the street. He adds that he would like to confer with Bill Fiore on the question of adequacy of access for emergency vehicles and he is not present this morning. Benevento asks if there would still be a safety problem if there was parking allowed on one side of the street, since parking on one side of the street would provide more paved right of way width for emergency vehicles. Houseman says that there are concrete posts near the existing parking area that could be removed to free up a little more parking. He also says that park users sometime park on Cross Lane as well. Benevento suggests that the Commission refer the matter to the City Engineer to see what that office can come up with for suggestions. Barber states that he will take a look at it and see what he can come up with. It was suggested that a seasonal approach to the matter might be a way to go but Rollins states that he would rather not have a seasonal situation, noting that it is hard or impossible to enforce. Houseman says that he would like a resolution to the problem by the end of June so that they can implement the changes this season. Barber replies that his office can get it done in a timely manner. 2. Discussion with Eric Barber on Municipal Parking Lots and Road Closure Policies /Practices a. Parking in Municipal Lots Cassidy explains that Beverly businessman Chet Marcus reached out to Commission member John Somes regarding parking in the Pond Street municipal lots. She explains that (one of) his concern was that there is not enough long term parking to Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes May 14 2013 Meeting Page 2 of 5 address the needs of the businesses. That concern has turned to concern about adequacy of signage in the lots noting location of long term parking spaces. Until recently (and despite keen interest in the subject), Mr. Marcus was unaware that long term parking was permitted in the lower half of the two -level Pond Street lot because the signage is so poor. Barber states that better signage is in fact needed in all of the off - street parking lots. He also notes that there needs to be better enforcement of the pay -by- number lots. Cassidy explains that when the parking lots were redesigned the scope of work did not include signage. Barber explains that his office is currently reviewing the lots one at a time. He explains that he and Rob Dever have already reviewed the Franklin Place lot and are planning to place additional explanatory signage. Somes agrees more signage is needed in the parking lots, noting that the Pond Street lot has virtually no signage to indicate the location of long -term spaces. Barber states that he is aware of the issues and he is working on it. Benevento requests that Barber keep the Parking and Traffic Commission apprised of the progress on this issue and suggests perhaps different color paint could be used to differentiate between long and short term parking spaces. b. Procedures for Road Closures Barber addresses the Commission and explains that the procedures for the closure of roads and temporary restricted parking is handled as needed in consultation with the police department and Mike Collins. He says that Sgt. Rollins and Mike Collins worked with Windover on the current project at the former Enterprise Rent a Car site. Benevento states that he is concerned with any practice of using street closures to store equipment. Barber states that it is only temporary and now that the building is going up we will start to see more site activity on that side. Cassidy questions whether or not there should be a city ordinance that requires the developer to go through an application process for a road closure. Rollins notes that the ordinance states that the Chief of Police has the authority to close roads. Benevento suggests that in the future the Parking and Traffic Commission could ask the applicants, at the time of project review, if road closures are planned or expected during construction. 3. City Council Order #68 - Re: "Sharrows" Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes May 14 2013 Meeting Page 3 of 5 Cassidy explains that Councilor Jim Latter has requested a report from Engineering on the use of "Sharrows" markings for bike lanes. Barber explains that he and Commissioner Mike Collins talked with Councilor Latter and if there is an opportunity to include sharrows in future construction they will include them. Houseman states that they are concerned about bicycle safety issues, noting that there is a growing need to increase drivers' awareness of bike lanes in the city. Benevento states that there were designs for bike routes in Beverly years ago. Houseman says that they are looking to make Beverly more bicycle- friendly. Benevento explains that sharrows are required by the Department of Transportation in some roadway construction programs. Houseman states that maybe it should be a policy decision for secondary roads. 4. 25% Design Public Hearing regarding Rantoul Street Members are reminded that the City will be holding a public information meeting on the 25% design plans for Rantoul Street on Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, third floor of City Hall. Though members are not required to attend they are welcomed to do so. S. Approval of Minutes: April 2. 2013 draft regular meeting minutes Benevento asks if there are any changes that need to be made to the draft minutes of the Commission's April 2, 2013 meeting. There are none. Hutchinson: motion to approve the draft minutes, seconded by Rollins. Motion carries 4 - 0 - 1 (Hutchinson, Rollins, Somes, Cassidy in favor, no one in opposition, Benevento abstains). 6. New or Other Business a. Update: Citizen Inquiry Regarding Intersection of Willow and Lovett Streets Rollins reports that he took a look at the intersection of Willow and Lovett Streets and he is not aware, off -hand, of any accidents in that vicinity. He notes that a stop sign at the end of Willow could be installed, but a stop sign at Lovett makes no sense, noting that there are other stop signs in the area and we cannot have one on every corner. Cassidy recommends that the Commission schedule a site visit with Councilor Slate to review the matter. The Commission decides to schedule a site visit for Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. Cassidy will notify Councilor Slate of the site visit. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes May 14 2013 Meeting Page 4of5 b. Update: Walgreens (Dodge Street) Obligations Pre - Occupancy Benevento reportes that the Commission has received a packet from the Walgreen's developers on Conant /Dodge Street that they intend to submit to the Massachusetts DOT. As required by the Planning Board's certificate of approval, the applicant is requesting the Commission's review and approval coincidental with MassDOT's. Benevento states that the installation of the signal and the striping has to be done before a certificate of occupancy is issued for the pharmacy. C. Pedestrian Safe 1y Grant Rollins informs members that the department has received a small Pedestrian Safety Grant in the amount of $5,000. He explains that 25% of the money must be used for crosswalk improvements where there is heavy pedestrian use and traffic. He reports that improvements will be made in the areas in front of St. Mary's Church, City Hall and the Post Office with this grant money. 7. Schedule Next Meeting The next regular meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. Mr. Somes will not be able to attend that date and time. Benevento asks if there is any other business for the Commission to discuss. There is none. 8. Adjournment Rollins: motion to adjourn, seconded by Hutchinson. All members in favor, no one in opposition. The motion carries 5 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes May 14 2013 Meeting Page 5 of 5