1691-08-08[Selectmen August 8, 169 1] The 8th day of August, 1691, there was a country rate made by our Selectmen of Beverly, that was delivered unto Jonathan Biles Constable, for said Biles collecting, containing twelve single country rates amounting to £101:09 -of which sum said Biles was to pay in unto the country treasurer or his order £89:7:6, by the first day of September next ensuing the date hereof, & the overplus which was £12:01:06, said Biles was to pay in unto the selectmen for the use of the town. At the same time there was another rate or list made by said selectmen, & committed to said Biles to collect & gather containing twelve single country rates amounting on to £101:09, of which sum said Biles was to pay unto the country treasurer or his order £89:7:6, by the first day of May next ensuing the date hereof, & the overplus which was £12:01:06, said Biles was to pay in unto the Selectmen for the use of the town of Beverly.