2013-03-06CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee March 6, 2013 Nancy Coffey (Vice- Chairperson), David Brewster, David Gardner, Pam Kampersal, James Matz, Marilyn McCrory Charlie Mann (Chairperson), Elizabeth Dunne, Bill Squibb Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Robert Buchsbaum, Eagle Scout Ben Rich and his father Herb Rich Jane Dooley Vice - Chairperson Coffey calls the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Principal Items of Business Acceptance of Previous Minutes — February 6, 2013 Members communicate amendments to Maxner. Gardner moves to accept the minutes as amended. Seconded by McCrory. Motion carries 5 -0 since Matz had not arrived yet. Discussion with Eagle Scout on potential proiects Brewster and the Committee speak to Eagle Scout Ben Rich about potential projects he could consider since he needs to complete an Eagle Scout project by summer's end. Brewster notes that Eagle Scout Justin Tramonti was doing a trail in the former Whitehall area. He adds that Ian Beckman is doing a headlands trail in Ryalside at Tanzella Hill. Kampersal describes how trail clearing and restoration is needed at Norwood Pond. Brewster refers to list the Committee determined at its last meeting for scout projects. He agrees that Norwood Pond is on top of the list as is Centerville's Bald Hill property. He adds that the projects could be done individually by Eagle Scouts or scout troops or in a combined effort. Buchsbaum mentions that his son Gabriel's Eagle Scout project has been put on hold. G. Buchsbaum is planning to do interpretive /informational signage at Phillips Estate, Sally Milligan Park and tide pools at Lynch Park. Brewster notes that signage is lacking at Norwood Pond and suggests that Ben could take a look at that possibility for his project. The Committee members introduce themselves to Ben. Gardner notes that there are a couple of projects at Sally Milligan Park including Pearl Street extension where steps are needed at the steep part of the trail. In addition, he states that the meadow is being overtaken by sumac that could be cut down to preserve the open grass habitat Open Space & Recreation Committee March 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 for small mammals where stalks would be cut and roundup applied. Buchsbaum notes that the shrubs at Sally Milligan Park have habitat value as thicket. Discussion ensues about Maxner's suggestion that a potential project would be to construct a Kestrel box. Brewster notes that a man in Essex, Phil Brown, has plans for these boxes. Maxner adds that bluebird boxes could also be constructed. Coffey suggests Ben contact Kampersal to learn more about Norwood Pond. Kampersal recommends Ben visit the Beverly website to explore the trail maps. Brewster tells Ben to contact him when he has a project idea that can be developed into a plan for presentation to the Committee. Maxner explains that OSRC is the conduit for the project, that the Committee meets the first Wednesday of most any month, and she suggests he email her for answers to any City related questions. Brewster recommends Ben contact fellow Eagle Scout Matt Akerman to understand the trail project he did on Standley Street. Coffey mentions the opportunities the OSRC is developing with its Earth Day walks. Earth Day Nature Walks — Discussion/Planning Events Coffey reports that she spoke to Darren Brown and he can assist with birding and Shoe history walk. Brewster states that the walk would start at McKeown School and follow edge of Shoe pond. Buchsbaum agrees to do a walk on May 19 at 1 p.m. He mentions videographer who does work with vernal pools during the night at the end of March. Maxner notes she sent email correspondence to Mike Rabolvski relative to a possible reptile walk. She adds that the Earth Day walks could possibly be publicized in Beverly Life magazine. Brewster mentions that a publication deadline for the magazine is occurring tomorrow. Also, Maxner states that TTOR at Moraine Farm was receptive to a walk and this would be coordinated with Matz related to his walk on May 11 at 10 a.m. In addition, Maxner notes that the Trustees of Reservations has focused on the Frederick Law Olmstead design and that could be part of the walk. Coffey will confirm with Ed Myskowski on leading a history walk in April on the 27 or 28 at Beverly Commons about shanty towns and quarry. Buchsbaum offers the idea of a "bio- Blizt" as a theme to publicize for Fox Hill (off end of Tall Tree Drive) walk. Maxner agrees to email Erika Sonder for content about her Sally Milligan Park walk on May 5. Potential Proiects to Partner with Trust for Public Land — Discussion/Develop Priority List McCrory mentions that Chris LaPointe is the contact person from the Trust. Gardner explains that the Trust for Public Land would provide money up front while fund raising occurs for specific projects. Discussion ensues about if this would apply to Norwood Pond related to the permanent CR. Kampersal notes that Greenbelt did this with the CR for Norwood Pond that was drafted; meetings occurred with individuals providing the funding and with the Mayor but the permanent CR never happened. Discussion ensues about who would pay for a CR on City land, the intent to get an easement from the Cummings Foundation on the Cummings land to connect the trails, and intent to get a permanent CR for Norwood Pond that includes as much of the three parcels as possible with old Open Space & Recreation Committee March 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 growth forest and wetlands complex including vernal pools. Also, that City funding is not known to be available for a consultant to identify the vernal pools and wetlands that could be explained in a memo to the City relative to potential for development and protection of areas. Kampersal describes how Norwood Pond Coalition hired someone for this purpose and developed a report stating where various areas are. Coffey suggests what information the Committee already has could be provided to McCrory to share with Trust contact. Gardner summarizes what public land trust could do for OSRC. He adds that Trust could help with ideas about how to proceed. Kampersal, Matz and McCrory offer to be on a subcommittee to address the issue, suggests a presentation be given to City Council but he first offers to speak to City Councillor Don Martin who historically has not supported the permanent CR at Norwood Pond. Discussion ensues about development and revenue possibilities that City is considering related to the area and Matz offers to meet with and show Councillor Martin the GIS map relative to protected habitat and vernal pools. Coffey suggests subcommittee of three that does not constitute an OSRC quorum work on matter and report to OSRC at its next meeting. McCrory will follow up with LaPointe. Other Business Community Preservation Act — Update on Ordinance Committee Progress McCrory reports that the ad hoc committee has met a few times and developed a draft ordinance. She describes discussion on CPA committee membership noting that it is unlikely that a permanent seat on the CPA Committee will be designated for OSRC. Maxner explains the language related to the at -large seats on the committee. The at -large seats are intended for residents with interest or expertise in CPA funded categories, and by representatives from other City boards. Discussion ensues about the nine members on the Ordinance Committee including McCrory, Buchsbaum, Wendy Pearl, Heather Richter, Catherine Keefe - O'Hare, Sean Mahoney, Peter Von Zweck, Lincoln Williams, and Matthew St. Hillarie. Maxner explains the charge of the committee is to draft the ordinance for the City Council and notes that committee is thoughtful and has discussed open space at length. McCrory mentions the intent to not tie up the seats with representatives who have certain interests. Maxner notes that the main concern is that this is a transparent process. McCrory describes for OSRC answers to CPA funding questions that she received from coalition and mentions that she'll email these to Maxner regarding if appraisals can be funded in various ways, if CR around Norwood Pond could be funded (i.e., CPA could pay for some of research legwork), paying for the easement through the Cummings property may not be allowed but to acquire the easement an appraisal may be required. She suggests Gardner could contact coalition directly with further questions. Matz initiates discussion about if a subcommittee should be formed to address plan for Conservation Commission and permanent CR at Norwood Pond and notes that the easement to Open Space & Recreation Committee March 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 connect the trail at the Cummings property is a separate issue. Discussion ensues about importance of having a plan for the entire property and how other abutters such as Maestranzi should be involved and connection with Greenbelt. Committee Remembrance for Sylvan Menezes -- Update Maxner reports on Mass. DOT specifications on benches that are 6' wide metal with 2" wood slates for seating and backs. She adds that the Mass. DOT already has put the project out to bid. Gardner and Kampersal mention that wood is not a durable material for long -term use. Discussion ensues about how the benches at Lynch Park are better for the purpose and that the plaque for Sylvan could be embedded in the back. Maxner notes that DOT is doing the walkway project and is installing the benches, she offers to speak to her contact at DOT about Committee's concern on longevity of benches based on proposed materials. Matz notes that DOT will not change their specifications at this point so it is probably not worth asking. Discussion ensues about whether or not the Committee would spend shared Greenbelt profits from trail run ($1,000) for a plaque imbedded in a stone located to the side of the bench. Coffey expresses her belief that Committee should not spend that much money and suggests another possibility for a remembrance for Sylvan including affixing a sign on the metal railing identifying "Sylvan's outlook" and providing interpretive educational information. This would have to be decided when the project is funded. She offers to consult with her contact (Robert) for advice on this possibility. Maxner summarizes that the project is on track to get done by the end of summer. Updates Maxner mentions that there has been no word on the Sweeney parcel. Bathing Beach Lane — Ri2ht of Way Access Maxner notes that Mann wanted to set up a meeting with Roy Gelineau. Greens Hill — Parcel 27X Maxner states that she forwarded OSRC an email from J. Dunn and a new member from the Harbor Authority inquired about it and there is a waiting period related to the tax title. Gardner explains that there is a process that Dunn has to follow before the waiting period begins. He offers to speak to Mann to understand what actions have already been taken. He adds that a consultant is researching paperwork at land court, and he reports on his conversation with Paul Earl, regarding $20,000 placeholder that could be used for paperwork to get 27X in tax title, and Harvard School of Design presentation regarding area from bridge to Bass Haven Yacht Club. Gardner notes that he volunteered to walk 27X with Earl. Other rights of way and /or open space matters /issues /concerns Pole Swamp Lane Open Space & Recreation Committee March 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Discussion ensues about next steps regarding public way on Pole Swamp Lane and conversation that should occur between OSRC and Mr. Williams, or if an easement should be purchased to create access from another way. Discussion ensues about how abutters were given deeded rights to Pole Swamp Lane and if City can establish that it is an abutter. Coffey explains that in this case the right of way does not go to the center of the road. Gardner and Coffey agree to form a subcommittee to research this matter. Maxner notes that finalists are being interviewed to replace Kate Newhall and that Planning Department is close to hiring someone to fill the vacant position. Scheduling The Open Space and Recreation Committee's next meeting is on April 3, 2013. Matz motions to adjourn, seconded by Gardner. The motion passes 6 -0. Meeting adjourns at 8:45 p.m.