2013-01-23Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — January 23, 2013 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Historic District Commission Date: January 23, 2013 Location: Beverly City Hall, City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA. Members Present William Finch, Chair, James Younger, Vice Chair, Martin Lian, and Wendy Pearl Members Absent: None Others Present: Tina Cassidy, City Planner, Lee Dellicker, President of Windover Construction, Doug Kelleher, Epsilon Associates Recorder: Eileen Sacco Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Beverly Depot — Odell Park Historic District National Register of Historic Places Nomination Doug Kelleher of Eplison Associates addressed the Historic Commission and explained that the designation of the Beverly Depot — Odell Park area to the National Register of Historic Places would make the properties in the district eligible for state and federal historic preservation tax credits. He noted that Windover is currently pursuing state and federal tax credits for the 60 Pleasant Street project. Kelleher explained that the Massachusetts Historic Commission has reviewed the nomination and has found that the building is eligible for listing on the National Historic Register. He noted that construction is underway and should be completed by summer. Kelleher explained that the nomination will now be referred to the state review board and will ultimately go to the National Board. Kelleher explained that the rationale for this action is that it is the last surviving example of late 1920's architecture near the depot. He distributed an aerial photograph of the proposed district depicting the building locations and the boundaries of the district. Kelleher reported that the National Park Service applied a standard condition calling for the right to review shop drawings and mock up drawings and specifications for replacement windows. Kelleher reported that he spoke with Betsey Friedberg at the National Register and she is in the process of reviewing the nomination. Finch addressed Mr. Kelleher and stated that there are some issues with this submission and explained that he feels that they are pursuing tax credits for a building that may contribute to the district. He further noted that he is not sure if the district is cohesive. Page 1 of 4 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — January 23, 2013 Finch asked if all of the property owners have been notified of this action. Kelleher reported that they have been notified and Windover has taken the lead on that. Lee Dellicker reported that there are 13 owners and they have not heard from any of them for or against this proposal. Finch noted that the Beverly Historic Commission does not have the authority to deny this. Finch also stated that he feels that the Press Box and the Casa DeLuca properties are both eligible for the National Register and it is troubling to him that they are not considered as contributing to the district in the nomination form. Kelleher stated that historic districts across the country are filled with buildings that are considered noncontributing. Finch noted that National Grid filed over a year ago to demolish a building on their site and they are in the process of moving forward with that. Kelleher noted that when they filed the submission they were not aware of National Grid's intention to demo the property. Finch also noted that there are other buildings along Rantoul Street that should be considered. He noted that they would make a stronger case if they show the areas of significance and identify the properties in the district on the map. Pearl addressed the Commission and stated that she thinks that this is a great move. She also noted that she feels that the Trafton Hotel should be considered a contributing property. She explained that it is consistent in applying the test of integrity, noting that the Hose House was moved to its present location and there is a huge addition on the back of it. Younger stated that there have been some interesting comments this evening. He noted that he thinks that the nomination is a good move. Pearl asked when they expect to get some feedback on the nomination. Kelleher stated that they hope to hear something within the next month to six weeks. Dellicker addressed the Commission and stated that he purchased 45 Broadway, which the owner wanted to demo, and he swapped it for the Hotel Trafton. The veterans housed in the Hotel Trafton building have now been moved to 45 Boradway. He noted that they saved 45 Broadway from demolition and hem is thinking about extending the district to include that property. Finch stated that it might be a good idea to include all of Broadway, noting the Victorian architecture on the street and most of the buildings are in good shape. He noted that he would see that as a positive thing for the district. Kelleher stated that to include 45 Broadway would be a stretch, explaining that a district has to be cohesive to be considered a district. Finch suggested that a thematic nomination may be a way to include 45 Broadway. Pearl stated that she thinks that they are all multi property submissions now. Page 2 of 4 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — January 23, 2013 Younger questioned what the next steps are if they want to make the boundary more defined. Kelleher explained that Massachusetts Historic is reviewing the nomination and they will review the boundaries and make a recommendation as to whether the boundaries should be extended or maintained. Kelleher explained that for the state program it is sufficient to be eligible for the National Register and they allow 2 '/z years to get the property listed in the National Register. Younger stated that he things that this is great that they are trying to get the district listed but he would like to see more definition of it. Pearl noted that there are some features throughout the district that should be noted. She noted that things such as the cast iron call box on Bow Street and lampposts that should be captured in the nomination. Dellicker stated that there are a lot of things that will benefit the district and he thinks that this is good for the city. Finch stated that he is concerned that Mass Historic will think that this is a district without much in it. Tina Cassidy, City Planner addressed the Commission and stated that if she has a concern it would be the inclusion of the properties on the West side of River Street. She explained that River House, a homeless shelter and the former Desmond Yacht Yard is located there and they may have a financial hardship if regulations trigger, that would be costly for them to improve their property. Dellicker addressed Ms. Cassidy and stated that he thought about that but explained that those properties would also be eligible for tax credits that they could benefit from and they would be eligible for more state and federal money. Cassidy noted that while there may be benefits she would be concerned about possible additional costs to comply with the regulations, noting that another layer of review costs money. Pearl noted that CPA money should be available to assist them as well, noting that non profit organizations are eligible for funding and that could help with the requirements of the district. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, Pearl made a motion that the Historic Commission send a letter of support with the following recommendations; that the boundaries should be altered to include a broader area; the Hotel Trafton property should be listed as a contributing property; and, the language should be strengthened as to why the boundaries reflect the historic significance of the district. Younger seconded the motion. The motion carried (4 -0). Approval of Minutes Page 3 of 4 Beverly Historic Commission Minutes — January 23, 2013 The minutes of the Historic Commission held on November 29, 2012 and were presented for approval. Younger moved to approve the minutes of the meeting as presented. Pearl seconded the motion. The motion carried. Correspondence Finch distributed a letter to members of the Historic Commission from William Cross regarding the progress of the Charles G. Loring House in Prides Crossing. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Beverly Historic Commission this evening, Younger moved to adjourn the meeting. Lian seconds the motion. The motion carries The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Page 4 of 4