2013-02-05CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: RECORDER: Parking and Traffic Commission February 5, 2013 Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall Chair Rich Benevento, Bill Bent, Tina Cassidy, John Somes and Bill Fiore Richard Hutchinson, Russ Rollins Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m. 1. Recommendation to Planning Board: Revised Entrance to Cummings Parking Deck on Balch Street / Steve Drohosky - Cummings Center Benevento reports that he went out and looked where they want to put the proposed entrance to the Cummings Center on Balch Street. Cassidy reports that the Commission reviewed this matter at a previous meeting and provided the Planning Board with a positive recommendation. The Planning Board did not agree with the recommendation and indicated it would not approve an exit onto Balch Street from the garage. She explains that the applicant has since revised the plans and moved the driveway more to the east. In addition, they've made the proposed exit a "right or left turn" out of the garage; initially traffic was going to be permitted to only turn right upon exiting. She recalls that the Commission wanted a right turn only out of the driveway due to the proximity to one of the driveways at the abutting school. Benevento states that he feels that this is a better plan. Drohosky reviews the distances on the plan from the driveway to Cabot Street and the McKeown School. Benevento asks if there is a slew of people that leave the center later in the day. Drohosky reports that from 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., there are people leaving the center. He also notes that he thinks that the only people using the exit will be the ones exiting the garage. Cassidy explains that the applicant is here because they need a special permit because there will be more than two curb cuts onto Balch Street from this particular lot. She notes that the revised proposal places the exit drive further away from the school. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 5, 2013 Meeting Page 1 of 8 Benevento explains that he likes this design better because it is further away (113 feet) from the school driveway. He also notes that it will "split" the exiting traffic which will mean all traffic isn't being required to take one (right only) turn. Bent states that he would prefer it to be a left turn only so that the traffic will be centralized and notes the area on the plan that he is referring to. He adds that he feels that the alternative - having motorists exit the garage and then drive around the site to get to an exit - is inefficient and unsafe. Cassidy notes that the applicant could avoid the "maximum of two curb cuts per lot" by filing an ANR plan with the Planning Board. Fiore states that there needs to be a design feature that discourages or prevents people from trying to enter the garage from Balch Street. Cassidy suggests embedding a row of "teeth" in the concrete noting that it is an effective but imperfect solution. Fiore notes that the McKeown School dismisses around 2:00 p.m. and the majority of traffic from Cummings Center leaves later in the afternoon, so would not affect it. Bent agrees that the school traffic is separate but notes that traffic backs up at Balch and McKay Streets. He again states that he would like to see all the traffic turn left and at one location. Benevento addresses Drohosky and suggests that there has to be some design measure incorporated to keep people from entering the garage using this entrance and suggests "Do Not Enter" signs be posts or "Exit Only" signs. Benevento asks if there was anyone present at the meeting who wishes to comment on the project. There is no one present who wishes to speak on the matter. Benevento also recommends that the Commission recommend to the Planning Board that it impose a condition requiring review of the garage operations after completion of the project to see if there are further issues that need to be looked at and addressed. Bent expresses his concerns about the addition of a third curb cut on the street and notes that if he was a member of the Planning Board and the Commission made a recommendation that a third curb cut was a good idea when there are already two on the street he would be surprised, noting that there is already a good amount of traffic coming from the two Balch Street driveways that are already there. Cassidy notes that the applicant has discussed the option that this special permit request is avoidable by filing an ANR that would put the garage on its own lot. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 5, 2013 Meeting Page 2 of 8 Drohosky explains that they (Cummings) feel strongly that they need another exit and they wanted the input of the Parking and Traffic Commission, which is why they are not pursing the ANR. Cassidy: motion to recommend to the Planning Board that any approval the revised site plan as submitted dated January 13, 2013, be granted subject to (a) an acceptable plan amendment to address concerns about traffic entering the garage from Balch Street, and (b) that a "look back" provision be incorporated which calls for review of operations by the Commission approximately 6 months after the driveway is in operation, seconded by Fiore. Benevento, Cassidy, Fiore and Somes in favor, Bent opposed. The motion carries 4 -1. 2. Recommendation to the Planning Board: Site Plan Review #109 -13 Construction of a new Convenience Store at 157 Essex Street - CD Patel Matt Hammer of Hancock Environmental addresses the Commission and explains that the applicant is proposing to construct a new convenience store at 157 Essex Street. He states they are proposing construction of a new building that will be within the previous store footprint. He explains that there was previously a store on the site that collapsed and has been removed from the site. He also notes that they will be using the existing curb cuts on the site. Hammer explains that they are proposing a one way driveway pattern, with an entrance on Gardner Street and an exit onto Essex Street. Hammer explains that they are planning for 11 parking spaces on site and notes the locations on the plans. He explains that there is ample parking in and around the site, with additional parking available on the street. Hammer explains that there are a lot of surrounding amenities to accommodate the site. He notes that the plans call for a fenced in dumpster pad at the rear of the building and that the parking area will be striped to define the spaces. Hammer also notes the loading area on the plan. Fiore clarifies that the site can accommodate deliveries. Cassidy notes two discrepancies on the plan which Hammer agrees to fix: There are two typos on sheet #1 of the plan. The signage at Gardner Street should face cars in the lot and should say "Entrance Only" or "Not an Exit ". The signage at the Essex Street end should face the cars on Essex Street and state "Exit Only" or "Not an Entrance ". Benevento suggests that they consider creating angled parking spaces to encourage people not to go out the wrong way. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 5, 2013 Meeting Page 3 of 8 Bent states that he has no problem with the layout or traffic circulation on the site. Benevento asks if there is anyone present at the meeting who wishes to comment on the project. There is no one present who wished to speak on the matter. Benevento asks if there are any further questions or comments regarding this matter. There are none. Bent: Motion to recommend to the Planning Board that any approval of this site plan be granted subject to amending the driveway signage as noted above, seconded by Cassidy. All members in favor, the motion carries 5 -0. 3. Recommendation to the Planning Board: Revised Site Plan Review for proposed mixed -use building at 130 Cabot Street Attorney Thomas Alexander addresses the Commission and notes that his client Jeff Holloran is also present this morning. Cassidy recalls that in June and July the Commission reviewed the site plan and made a recommendation to the Planning Board on it. She explains that the Planning Board held a number of discussions and hearings on the project since then which have caused the applicant to revise the plan in response to the Planning Board concerns. In a nutshell, the Planning Board wants the applicant to maximize the number of parking spaces provided on site, to reduce the project's reliance on parking in a nearby municipal lot. Cassidy explains that the Planning Board asked the applicant for more parking spaces on the site as a result. Alexander explains that the plan now shows 17 spaces on the site noting that they re- engineered the site to make that happen. He explains the proposed parking spaces noting that they include piggy -back spaces as well as two spaces within the building. Benevento states that he would recommend something similar to what was done at the Infinity site, and states that the proposed handicap parking space along Vestry Street does not work. Alexander suggests relocating the handicap space to the parking lot and notes the area on the plan. Benevento says that he would not put any car in that location (Vestry Street). Alexander also notes that the plan calls for the removal of the guardrail currently on the site. He adds that the first draft of the plan had three spaces along Vestry Street. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 5, 2013 Meeting Page 4of8 Benevento notes that the building is huge and suggests that the concept used at the Infinity site works. Alexander notes that they need 17 spaces. He also says that they had a meeting with Mr. Dinkin, Planning Board Chair, and 17 spaces on site may very well address the concerns of the Planning Board. Fiore notes that the trash was initially located on the inside of the building in the first draft. Alexander explains that the trash will be located outside now, with a door. Benevento states that he is concerned about the location of the handicap space and the trash removal scheme. Halloran addresses the Commission and explains that they will be using trash barrels and a trash service, not a commercial Dumpster. Bent stated that ideally the commercial and the residential tenants will be parking all day and walking to the commuter rail and not tying up the commuter parking. Alexander explains that Dinkin was concerned about residential parking and they would have dedicated parking for the residents with signage. Bent states that he would prefer to see 14 -15 standard parking spaces on the site with the rest provided in the municipal lot. Alexander states that the extra spaces on the site will kill the economics of the project. Benevento notes several discrepancies between the plan sheets being shown to the Commission. Alexander explains that results from his request to one (architect) to make certain changes to the plan, and his request to another (engineer) to make other changes. Benevento states that he wants the applicant to provide the Commission with plans that complement - and do not conflict - with each other. Cassidy notes that when the Commission reviewed this project earlier this year, the trash door opened out into a parking space. Benevento agrees and notes that he needs to see how the proposed handicap parking space works. Benevento repeats his request for a reasonable (agreeing) set of drawings to understand what is going on. Holleran addresses the Commision and explains that if they use the Infinity parking model they will lose a residential unit. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 5, 2013 Meeting Page 5 of 8 Benevento notes that the Commission has an obligation to see that this plan works as well as it can. Alexander states that they could do an "as of right plan" that does not require this much parking. He notes that they are proposing more parking than the zoning requires and they are trying to accommodate the Commission and the Planning Board. Benevento explains that while the Planning Board is requiring 17 spaces the Parking and Traffic Commission does not think that 17 spaces are doable and would be substandard. Bent suggests that the Commission send this proposal back to the Planning Board with an observation that 17 spaces are not doable. Assistant Planner Leah Zambernardi addresses the Commission and explains that Chairman Dinkin is trying to get as many spaces as possible located on site and 13 in the back has been suggested. She explains that they could get a couple of more conventional spaces on Vestry Street. Cassidy notes that conventional spaces must be 9' wide. Alexander notes that they are going to the Planning Board next Tuesday. He suggests that they could submit a plan to Cassidy electronically and she could forward it to members for confirmation that their concerns have been addressed. Cassidy agrees to do so. Bent: Motion to recommend to the Planning Board that any approval of this project be subject to (a) relocation of the handicap parking space on Vestry Street to the parking lot at the rear of the building; (b) creation of a "traditional" parking space on Vestry Street in its place; and (c) submission of revised plans that do not show conflicting information (that is, all spaces currently shown as 8.5' wide can remain with a total of 17 spaces in /behind the building. Somes seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries 5 -0. 4. Discussion: Pedestrian Hazards at Gas Station at 443 Essex Street in Centerville - Tina Cassidy and the Disabilities Commission Benevento explains that the problem is the whole area around that gas station, noting that there are no defined sidewalks and curbs near the gas station. Cassidy agrees, and states that the introduction of a Dunkin Donuts onto the property was allowed by right. As a consequence, there was no Planning Board or even Parking and Traffic Commission review of the project beforehand. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 5, 2013 Meeting Page 6 of 8 Cassidy explains that several Disabilities Commission members are familiar with the site and it was brought up at a Disabilities Commission meeting. She states that she suggested that she would talk to Mike Collins and the Commission to see if either has any suggestions. Benevento notes that this is not just an isolated issue at the Sunoco Station. Bent agrees that the Commission should take a look at it. He also notes that he agrees with Benevento that this is not really a one parcel issue and that the whole corridor needs to be looked at. He suggests that Cassidy let the Commission know that the P &T will be willing to work with them on this matter. S. Update: Regarding Issues regarding Speed and Roadway Impediments on Pillowlace Lane and Wentworth Drive - Resident Richard Garlin Cassidy reports that she visited the site and says one of the basketball hoops (the taller of the two) is no longer within the paved roadway and laid down in the grass outside the cul -de -sac. In its current location it is not obstructing vehicular traffic in any way. 6. Update: Request to State Regarding Truck Exclusion Request for Cole Street Cassidy reports that while one graphic was "missing" and needed to be re- created, the report should be ready by the end of the day to be submitted to Mayor Scanlon who in turn would submit it to the State. She will send copies of the request to the Commission members via email when it is finalized. 7. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on January 3, 2013 regular meeting were presented for approval. Benevento asks if there are any amendments that should be made. There are none. Fiore: Motion to approve the minutes of the January meeting as drafted, seconded by Somes. Benevento, Cassidy, Fiore, Somes in favor, no one in opposition, Bent in absention. The motion carries 4 -0 -1. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. 8. Adjournment Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 5, 2013 Meeting Page 7 of 8 Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct this morning. There is none. Bent: motion to adjourn, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor, motion carries 5 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes February 5, 2013 Meeting Page 8 of 8