2012-10-09CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: October 9, 2012 LOCATION: Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Rich Benevento, Russ Rollins, John Somes, Frank Wojick and Richard Hutchinson MEMBERS ABSENT: Tina Cassidy, Bill Bent, Bill Fiore RECORDER: Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m. 1. Discussion /Recommendation to Planning Board: Revision to Site Plan for Proposed Walgreen's at the corner of Dodge and Conant Streets/ Somes Development Jeff Rhuda is present at the meeting on behalf of Walgreen's. Benevento explains that there is a revised site plan for the proposed Walgreens at the corner of Dodge Street and Conant Street and notes that he looked at the plan in advance of this morning's meeting. He questions why the applicant has revised the plans. Rhuda explains that National Grid does not want the location of the transformer on the site to move and thus they have revised the plans for the Conant Street driveway to accommodate the existing pole the transformer is located on. Benevento asks if the parking on the site would be affected. Rhuda states that there would be no effect on the parking and explains the location of the pole on the plans. Benevento states that he prefers this layout to the previous one and notes that this plan improves the layout of the drive thru lane. Benevento wonders if there is any conflict with the dumpster pad and the dumpster. Rhuda explains that there is no conflict with the dumpster or the pad and notes that the pad is being moved over and notes the location on the plan. Benevento asks if there are any other questions or comments regarding this matter. There are none. Hutchinson: motion to recommend to the Planning Board that the site plan for the proposed Walgreens at the Corner of Dodge and Conant Street be approved as modified. Sgt. Rollins seconds the motion, all in favor. The motion carries (4 -0). Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes October 9, 2012 Page 1 of 2 2. Discussion: Resident Issues Regarding Speed and Roadway Impediments on Pillowlace Lane and Wentworth Drive - Resident Richard Garlin Benevento reports that Cassidy contacted Mike Collins regarding this matter and they discussed the possibility of creating a sticker to put on the basketball hoops. The sticker will notify the owner that unless the equipment is removed by "x" date it will be confiscated. Benevento also reports that Fiore visited the site and issued a memo stating that the basketball hoops cause no obstruction as they have wheels and can be moved around. Benevento suggests that further discussion of the issue can be held at the next meeting. 3. Next Meeting Members discuss the proposed date for the next meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission and decide that the meeting will be held on Friday, November 9, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. 4. Adjournment Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct. There is none. Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Rollins. All members in favor, motion carries 5 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:00 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes October 9, 2012 Page 2 of 2