2012-12-04CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: December 4, 2012 LOCATION: Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Rich Benevento, Bill Bent, Tina Cassidy, John Somes, Richard Hutchinson OTHERS PRESENT: Councilor Wes Slate, Frank Wojick (for Sgt. Rollins) MEMBERS ABSENT: Russ Rollins. Bill Fiore RECORDER: Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m. 1. Discussion /Recommendation: Short Term Parking near Luigi's Pizza on Rantoul Street (at request of Councilor Slate, Cassidy reports that Councilor Slate and Kevin Wyrocki are present at the meeting to discuss Wyrocki's concerns about the impact that parking changes in the area will have on his business which is located at the corner of Rantoul and School Streets. Wyrocki addresses the Commission and reports that there is one 15 minute space in front of his business and there are some open free parking spaces across the street but he is concerned that cars from nearby projects will tie up the spaces. Cassidy asks Wyrocki if there is an issue now that prompted him to come to the Commission. Wyrocki states that though he has no issue right now, he is concerned that once construction starts on the parking garage and on the site of the former Enterprise Rent a Car site, workers and then permanent residents will take up the on- street parking that is available today. Benevento asks Wyrocki how many spaces he thinks he needs. Wyrocki estimates two or three spaces. Benevento suggests that two thirty (30) minute spaces across the street may help. Cassidy notes that if people exceed the 30- minute limit the police department can ticket them. She does note that there is a multi - family residence immediately adjacent to Wyrocki's establishment, so creating more short term parking on that side of the street could be problematic for those residents and their visitors. Bent notes that his wife's store in Newburyport has long term parking all around and he therefore shares Wyrocki's concern. He states that he would be willing to try this. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes December 4, 2012 meeting Page 1 of 5 Slate suggests that unregulated parking on the same side of the street as the business would make sense, noting that the peak hours of business at 12 -2 and 5 -7 p.m. Cassidy states that her only concern about creating more restricted spaces on the same side of the street as the business is that the abutting residents and their visitors will have to abide by the restrictions as well. Hutchinson expresses concern that the Commission will be setting a precedent. Benevento suggests that members go out and individually take a look at the site. Cassidy will ask Eric Barber to join the Commission at the next meeting, explaining that an analysis was done to deal with immediate parking issues regarding the construction of the garage. She notes that the inventory is complete but phase two has yet to be done. Benevento asks if the on- street parking spaces are marked. Slate reports that there are no markings. Benevento suggests that the Commission look at the striping plan for Rantoul Street which should be part of the City's designs for the upcoming Route 1A project. Bent suggests that the Commission visit the site on an evening to see the parking situation during peak hours and members agree to hold a site visit on December 11, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. 2. Update: Regarding Issues regarding Speed and Roadway Impediments on Pillowlace Lane and Wentworth Drive - resident Richard Garlin Cassidy reports that the basketball hoops have been looked and they are not being used she noted that notice of Impending Removal will be issued and the signs should be posted this week. 3. Discussion: Police Department Recommendation to Prohibit Parking on Hull Street, Northerly Side from Desmond Road to Essex Street Benevento notes that the Commission already looked at the issue of overflow parking at the Centerville School several years ago. He asks if the recommendations of the Commission at that time were adopted by the City Council and sent to Mike Collins. Benevento suggests tabling the matter to the next meeting for information on the outcome of the previous recommendations made by the Commission. He notes that the Commission can make recommendations but it is up to the city to implement them. Cassidy will check to see what action the City Council took on the Commission's recommendation on this matter. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes December 4, 2012 meeting Page 2 of 5 4. Discussion of September 13. 2012 Site Visit and Letter of Recommendation: Council Order #141: Request for Parking and Traffic Commission to Evaluation and Recommend Traffic Circulation and Safety Improvements for Essex Street (Cole Street to Corning) / Councilors Houseman, Martin and Schetszle Cassidy recalls that the Commission conducted a site visit on this matter and a letter of recommendation was sent to the City Council. She notes that there is some confusion around the recommendation on at least one councilor's part. Slate addresses the Commission and explains that Councilor Schetszle has some concerns that there should be traffic signals at Essex, Spring and Corning Streets at the intersection near the YMCA. Benevento notes that a corridor study should be done, noting that this cannot and should not be done piece -meal. Benevento suggests that the Commission draft a follow -up letter clarifying the recommendation that studies need to be done on the corridor from (and including) the 128 ramps down past Corning Street. Slate wonders if the City can do that because Route 22 is a state highway. Benevento explains that Essex Street is a state numbered route but within local jurisdiction. S. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meetings held on July 10, 2012, August 14, 2012, September 13, 2012, October 9, 2012 site visit, and October 9, 2012 regular meeting were presented for approval. Benevento asks if there are any changes to make. Hutchinson asks that the minutes of the July 10th meeting be amended to reflect the fact that he was not present and the minutes of the August meeting amended to show he was in attendance. Bent: Motion to approve the minutes of the July 10, 2012, August 14, 2012, September 13, 2012, and October 9, 2012 meetings as amended. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all in favor. The motion carries 5 -0. 6. Discussion: Draft Request to State Regarding Truck Exclusion for Cole Street / Bent Cassidy recalls that at the last meeting Commission members were given a copy of the truck exclusion request drafted by Bent and that members were asked to send any comments /edits to her in the interim. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes December 4, 2012 meeting Page 3 of 5 Benevento states that he feels that the report is fine. Cassidy noted that a couple of edits were made for clarification but she too feels it is ready for submission. Bent notes again that busses cannot be excluded from any roadway via a truck exclusion request. David Overberg, resident of Cole Street notes that people from out of town use GPS systems and traffic is directed to Cole and Boyle Street by the GPS systems. Benevento states that is not something that the Parking and Traffic Commission can control but does note that if a truck exclusion is implemented then the GPS Systems may change their routes. Benevento asks if the truck exclusion request is going to be submitted to the state by Mayor Scanlon. Cassidy states that she is not sure if the Chief Elected Official should be the one to submit it or not. Benevento suggested that the Commission submit it to the Mayor as a recommendation for him to in turn submit the application to the State's department of transportation( MassDOT). Cassidy will prepare a memo from Benevento to the Mayor regarding the recommendation to MA DOT and a suitable cover letter for the Mayor's use. She will distribute the drafts to Benevento and Bent for consideration. 7. Request for Restricted Parking or a Fire Lane on Both Sides of Wayland Road Sgt. Wojick reports that the area is near the Caterpillar Clubhouse and explains that there is a house in the back that has special needs residents and there is a need to get emergency vehicles down there on occasion. Cassidy reports that Eric Barber was at the last meeting and he was going to take a look at it and go out with Sgt. Rollins and talk to the neighbors. She notes that Rollins had talked about the possibility of the Police Chief implementing a 30 day trial period for parking restrictions to see how that goes. Benevento states that he would like a recommendation from Rollins regarding this. Bent notes that if the roadway is not wide enough his recommendation would be to prohibit parking on both sides. Benevento suggestes tabling the matter to the next meeting and Cassidy will email Barber and Rollins to see if they have talked with the neighbors. 8. New or Other Business Cassidy reports that the Planning Board encouraged the applicant of 130 Cabot Street to rework his plan which relied heavily on off - street municipal parking to Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes December 4, 2012 meeting Page 4of5 meet the parking requirements of zoning. She reports that the developer met last week with her, Assistant Planner Leah Zambernardi and Planning Board Chair Richard Dinkin to address the Planning Board's parking concerns and its desire to see more parking included on the site. She notes that she gave the developer's representative copies of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting minutes at which the project was discussed, to remind them of the concerns the Commission had. Cassidy says that she informed Tom Alexander, the applicant's attorney, that the Parking and Traffic Commission was meeting today and that this was the only meeting that would be held prior to the December 19, 2012 Planning Board meeting. He is not yet here and as a result she says he might request a special meeting. Benevento states that he would not be at all inclined to hold a special meeting for this purpose. 9. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. 10. Adjournment Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct. There is none. Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Cassidy. All members in favor, the motion carries 5 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes December 4, 2012 meeting Page 5 of 5