2012-06-26City of Beverly, Massachusetts eo Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 7:00 P.M. Place: Beverly Farms Branch Library Board members present: Margaret Altman, Mary Behrle, Georgia Bills, John Kelley, Neil Olson, Kevin O'Reilly, Board members absent: Joanne Panunzio, Myron Schirer - Suter, Anthony Kline Others present: Patricia Cirone, Anna Langstaff Recorder: Anna Langstaff Kevin O'Reilly presided. Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by John Kelley, to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of May 29, 2012 as read. Motion passed. Public Presentation None Committee Reports Personnel: John Kelley reported that library director and assistant director contracts have been sent to the Mayor for his signature. John Kelley reported on the library director's review. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Library Director 1) FY2012 Budget: FY2012 budget is on track. 2) FY2013 Budget: The City Council passed library budget as submitted. 3) Energy Reduction Plan: Mike Collins has contacted National Grid about an energy reduction plan. 4) Building RFP: Patricia Cirone is still waiting to hear about bid award for building repair work. 5) HVAC: Patricia Cirone is still waiting to hear back from Mike Collins about HVAC overhaul. 6) Personnel: There is one full -time person out on medical leave. 7) Bookmobile: The new bookmobile has arrived. 8) Evergreen: Overall, the implementation of Evergreen is going well, with a few problems to be resolved. 9) Union Negotiations: Union negotiations are proceeding. 10) Summer Reading Programs: Young Adult and Children's reading programs have started. 11) Gran Prix: The Friends of the Library will have a table with free lemonade, guessing games, and raffle tickets at the downtown bike race. Communications Financial Planning Presentation: Patricia Cirone presented information on Larry Albert's request for a meeting room on behalf of the Financial Planning Association. Library trustees discussed how the meeting room policy works in practice. Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by John Kelley, to: reject the request to use the library's meeting room because the trustees see this as a conflict with both the organization and the profession of Mr. Albert. Motion passed. Library trustees would like to review the meeting room policy at the September meeting. Unfinished Business 1) Materials Selection Policy: Patricia Cirone needs to review more reconsideration forms. Proposed from will be reviewed at September meeting. New Business 1) Acceptable Use Policy: Library trustees reviewed the current Acceptable Use Policy. Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by John Kelley, to: continue the Acceptable Use Policy as stated during the past fiscal year. Motion passed. 2) Public Internet Use Policy: Library trustees reviewed the Public Internet Use Policy. Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by Mary Behrle, to: continue the Public Internet Use Policy as conducted during the past fiscal year. Motion passed. 3) Security Policy: Library trustees reviewed draft of the Security Policy. Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by Margaret Altman, to: adopt the Security Policy for the coming fiscal year to be reviewed yearly. Motion passed. The next meeting of the board will be Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the Main Library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.