2008-114 Foster's Point — R -10 Zone — Andrew St. Pierre
Special Permit or Variance Request
At the October 28, 2008 Board of Appeal meeting, Attorney Mark Glovsky spoke on
behalf of the petitioner. He stated that last month he requested a continuance of the
Public Hearing to attempt to address concerns of neighborhood abutters. Mr. Glovsky
stated the request was for a special permit or variance to allow the voluntary demolition
of a single - family dwelling having a height of 20- feet -10 inches and the construction of a
new dwelling having a height of 34 -feet 10 -iches on a non - conforming lot. All in
accordance with Plans dated August 8, 2008 and prepared by H.N.D. Architects, dated
August 6, 2008, prepared by Mill River Consulting, filed with the application. Mr.
Glovsky stated that in January 2006 a special permit was granted to John F.C. Waitt, Jr.
and Toby M. Waitt to replace an existing non - conforming one - family dwelling on a non-
conforming lot on the same footprint. The new owner, Andrew St Pierre, disliked the
former design of the dwelling and designed a new plan. The minimum lot area contains
5,000 square feet of land rather than the 10,000 square feet that is required. The side yard
setbacks are 11 -feet rather than the required 15 -feet. The frontage is 50 -feet rather than
the 100 -feet required. Mr. St Pierre canvassed the neighborhood and spoke to his
neighbors and exhibited his new plans. The proposed basement, first floor, second floor,
third floor, roof plan, entry elevation (left side) water and street, elevations and side
elevation (right side) drawings were submitted by H.N.D. Architects of 1 Southern
Heights, Essex Ma, dated August 8, 2008. Also submitted for the Board's review were
the square foot calculations of the dwelling and deck footprints.
Chairperson Kelley asked if anyone in the public would like to comment on this petition.
Mr. Robert Gallagher of 6 Foster's Point stated the proposed design was too large. He
added that the height of the proposed dwelling would be much higher than his dwelling.
David and Eileen Lang of 2 Fosters Point wrote a letter dated October 25, 2008 stating
most of the dwellings that have undergone significant renovations use dormers to gain
square footage on the upper levels, but clearly the upper floors of these dwellings are
significantly smaller than the lower levels. Chairperson Kelley asked the Board members
for their questions and comments. Brusca stated she liked the design of the proposed new
dwelling, but that the volume has increased, especially on the third floor. She
commented that in the Waitt decision in 2006, the Board recommended that the dormers
on the dwelling be taken out. Brusca stated she would like to hear comments from other
Board members. Ferguson stated he remembered that the Board requested Mr. Waitt take
out the dormers on his plans. He added that it was not the square footage of the new
plans that bothered him, it was the volume. Kelley asked what the height of #6 Fosters
Point was. Mr. Gallagher responded his dwelling was 32 -feet high. He added that the
new proposed plan at #4 towered over his. Kelley asked Mr. Lang what the height of his
dwelling was. Mr. Lang stated he was not sure. Kelley stated Mr. St. Pierre's design was
nice but that the side elevations appear to be too much house. She commented that this
would affect other neighborhood dwellings. She is of the opinion that if the plans were
dropped down it would appear much better. Kelley asked if this petition met the criteria
of a variance or a special permit. Attorney Glovsky responded that he read the Waitt
decision of 2006 and he determined a special permit is adequate. The Building
Commissioner, Steve Frederickson, believes a variance is necessary.
Mr. Glovsky then announced that his client and his architect would like to meet once
again with the neighbors to see what could be done with the third floor that would satisfy
everyone. He asked the Board to allow the case to be continued to the November 25,
2008 meeting.
Motion: Ferguson requested the Board allow this petition to be continued until the
November 25, 2008 hearing. A waiver of time to be signed. Seconded by O'Brien.
Motion carries 5 — 0. (Kelley, O'Brien, Ferguson, Margolis, and Brusca in favor)
181 Elliott Street — 500 Cummings Center- Suite 1100 — IG Zone
Beverly Commerce Park, Inc.
Mr. Ed Juralewicz, President of United Sign Company spoke on behalf of the petitioner.
He stated he was requesting to allow a sign 2 -feet 6- inches by 28 -feet for New England
Academy, to be placed above the second floor window. He added that New England
Academy has been a tenant in the 500 Cummings Center since ? ? ? ? ?? He stated the
overall size of the sign is 30- inches high by 336- inches Wide. The letters are to be white
faces, black trim cap with black returns. He added that the company logo is burgundy
and a gold face with black trim cap and returns. He noted that the raceway mount wood
be painted to match the building. Mr. Juralewicz stated that the hardship is the distance
from Elliott Street to the 500 building, which is located in the rear of the parcel.
Chairperson Kelley asked there were any members of the public that would like to
comment on this petition.
She then asked the Board for their questions and comments. Etc.
41 Corning Street — R -10 Zone — Albin Erikson
Variance Request
Mr. Erikson spoke on his own behalf. He stated he would like to move the location of his
existing 12 -feet by 18 -feet detached garage approximately 4 -feet closer to the dwelling
and rebuild as a 24 -feet by 24 -feet detached garage. He added the setbacks will be
8.5feet and 9.89 -feet in the rear and 12.8 -feet at the side yard. Photographs of the
property and drawings dated August 28, 2008 of the proposed garage were submitted
to the Board for review.
Chairperson Kelley asked if there were any members of the public that would like to
comment on this petition.
There being no one present she asked the Board members for their questions and
6 Longfellow Street — R -10 Zone — Glenn and Jennifer Andersen
Section 6 Finding Request
Mr. Anderson spoke on his own behalf. He stated he was requesting to build a proposed
2nd floor addition over rear living room. He added that the side yard setback is 6.7 -feet
instead of the required 15 -feet. The addition will be no closer to the lot line than the
existing building, and is no more detrimental than the existing non - conforming structure.
The new proposed 2nd floor addition drawn by Raymond T. Guertin, Architect contained
the 1 st and 2nd floor plan, and the north, south, east, and west elevations were submitted
for the Board to review. A site plan dated June 12, 2008 was drawn by Gerald Ralph
Marsella, Registered Land Surveyor. Mr. Andersen also presented photographs of the
Chairperson Kelley asked if there were any members of the public that would like to
comment on this petition.
There being no one present she asked the Board members for their questions and
comments. Etc.
449 Cabot Street — R -10 Zone- Steven Atherton and James Zarella
Section 6 Finding Request
Attorney Marshall Handly, spoke on behalf of the petitioner. He stated he was requesting
to add an accessory convenience use to existing Gas Station use, within existing building
envelope and footprint and to allow a proposed infill addition 11.2 -feet by 8 -feet. To also
allow ancillary used car sales.
A plan of the gas stations proposed conversion to Convenience Store /Gas & Used Car
Sales was dated September 2008 and drawn by Gerald R. Marsella, Registered Land
Surveyor. Photographs of the property were submitted to the Board for review.
Chairperson Kelley asked if there were any members of the public in opposition of this
Chairperson Kelley then asked the Board members for their questions and comments.
611 Essex Street — R -22 — Leah A. Sak
Variance Request
Ms. Sak spoke on her own behalf. She stated she was requesting to construct a 12 -feet by
25 -feet one -car garage, that encroaches 10 -feet upon the required 15 -feet side yard and
encroaches 2 -feet 3- inches plus or minus upon the required front yard setback of 30 -feet.
A plan of the land dated October 1, 2008 was drawn by Eastern Land Survey Associates,
Inc. Front and back elevations and floor plans along with roof plans (Al) dated
September 25, 2008 were submitted to the Board to review. Ms. Sak also submitted
photographs of the property.
46 Ashton Street — R -10 Zone — Thomas A. Frangos /Agent
Section 6 Finding Request
Mr. Frangos spoke on behalf of the owners William and Janice Guerrette. He stated he
was requesting to build a proposed 2nd story addition measuring 24 -feet by 29 -feet over
the existing 1 st floor, and add a 10 -feet by 16 -feet sunroom to the front, add a 6 -feet by
12 -feet rear deck to replace existing steps, and replace front steps with covered entry.
Photographs of the property were provided for the Board to review. The addition and
alterations to the property were drawn by William Frangos, Architect.
Chairperson Kelley asked if there were any members of the public that would like to
comment on this petition.
There being no one present? She asked the Board for their questions and comments.
Etc etc.
102 Lovett Street — R -6 Zone — Kenneth Grant
Section 6 Finding Request
Mr. Grant spoke on his own behalf. He stated he was requesting to allow a proposed
one - story, 35 -feet by 18 -feet, plus or minus addition to the rear of the existing non-
conforming dwelling. The footprint of the addition is in conformity with the existing
zoning regulations.
Chairman Kelley asked if there were any members of the public that would like to
comment on this petition.
Chairman Kelley then asked the Board members for their questions and comments.
A plan of the land was revised on October 1, 2008, drawn by Rural Land Surveys,
Billerica, MA. Proposed site plan with first floor plan (1 -8) were drawn by Austin
Architects, LLC, Cambridge, MA.
138 Conant Street — IR Zone — Stephen I Connolly
Mr. Connolly spoke on behalf of his father. He stated he was requesting to allow
placement of a 3 -feet by 5 -feet freestanding sign. The sign to include the business
address only, which is "138 Conant Street"
The Sight Plan is dated September 19, 2007 drawn by Peter J. Orgen registered Engineer
and Site Landscaping Plan L1.1, dated October 9, 2008.
Chairperson Kelley asked if there were any members of the public that would like to
comment on this petition.
She then asked the Board members for their questions and comments.
39 Friend Street — R -10 Zone — Paul & Emily Brown
Section 6 Finding Request
Mr. Brown spoke on his own behalf. He stated he was requesting to be allowed to
construct a full second story addition, 28 -feet by 33 -feet over the existing first floor.
The front setback is non - conforming. Mr. Brown stated
A plot plan dated 09 -09 -08 drawn by Robert James Sotiros and photographs of the
property were submitted for the Board to review.