1998-10-20BEVERLY CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1998 A regular meeting of the Beverly Conservation Commission was held on Tuesday, October 20, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., Senior Center, 90 Colon Street. Those present were: Chairman David J. Lang, Vice Chairman Anthony Palnni, Jay Donnelly, Pat Grimes, Jon Mazuy and Dr. Mayo Johnson. Also present was Conservation Administrator Debbie Hurlbutt. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Lang at 7:00 p.m. Discussion re: Maestranzi Debbie Hurlburt states that she received notification yesterday ( 10-19-98) t~om the City Solicitor's office that there will be a site inspection at the Maestranzi property on November 2, 1998 at 1:30 p.m. Ma. Hurlhurt also states that there was a conference call on that same day with DEP, the Solicitor's Office, and Attorney Faherty. Chairman Lang asks who called for the meeting. Ms. Hurlbutt responds that she was not sure. Debbie Hurlbutt states that the Comm[qsion had requested that Mr. Maestranzi and his representatives attend this meeting to discuss the findings by the Commission' representative, Gulf o f Maine Inc. Chairman Lang states that it appears that they are not attending the meeting this evening, and that he would like to have a letter sent to Mr. Maestranzi indicating the Commission' s disappointment and are wonderin~ whether they intend on supplying the information to the Commission at the site inspection. Chairman Lang also indicates that he would like the Commission' s representative Gulf of Maine to attend the site inspection. Debbie Hurlbun adds that currently there is an outstanding bill that needs to be appropriated by the Commission for work that Gulf of Maine has currently done, and that amount is $1,295.00. Tony Pahtzzi made a motion to appropriate up to $2,000.00 to cover the cost of the current bill and for the site visit cost that will be incurred, seconded by Jon Mazuy. Approved 5-1 with Dounelly opposed. Conservation Commission Minutes October 20, 1998 Page two A motion was then made by Jon Mainly to forward all bills that the Commission has incurred from the Gulf of Maine to the City Solicitor for the purpose of seeking reimbursement, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. 179 Lothrop Street Debbie Hurlburt states that she has received a revision to the compensatory flood storage area at 179 Lothrop Street from Hancock Environmental. Ms. Hurlhurt indicates that the letter from Bill Manuell has stated that the original numbers were incorrect and that they have provided the new numbers and that they still provide for an additional 25% compensatory storage area. A motion was made by Tony Painful to forward the revised ealculatious to City Engineer Frank Killilea for his review, and to accept them once Mr. Killilea has approved them, seconded by Jon Mazuy, and approved unanimously. Essex County Greenbelt Debbie Hurlburt states that she has received an invoice from Essex County Greenbelt for their annual fund drive and is looking for the Conservation Commission to donate again this year. A motion was made by Jon Mazuy to appropriate $50.00 to the Essex County Greenbelt Associates, seconded by Tony Palnr~i, and approved unanimously. City of Beverly Depanmeut of Public Works Chairman Lang updates the Commission members regarding his recent meeting with Mayor Scanlop., Departmere of Public Works Director Michael Papamichel, Forestry and Grounds Supervision Phil Klimowizc and City Engineer Frank Killilea. Mr. Lang states that he recommended that the DPW discuss with the members what the latest issues are, and what and where they anticipate work to be necessary. Then the Commission can indicate to them what type of filing may be necessary. Mr. Lang states that he did receive a phone call from a couple of residents that the DPW was doing work out on Greenway Road. Mr. Lang went out to the site and talked to Mr. Dick McNeill who was doing this as emergency work. Debbie Hurlburr read a letter from Mr. McNeill regarding the work on Greenway Road (see file). Ms. Hurlbutt also reads a letter from Mr. McNeill for future work necessary Conservation Commission Minutes October 20, 1998 Page three (see file). The work entails four various loeatinns and the Commission approved work at Virginia Avenue; however they instructed Ms. Hurlhurt to write a letter to the DPW for more information on the other sites and permitting for two. The Commission would like a more in-depth plan for Waldemar Street, and a notice of intent for the area with the brook. Ms. Hurlburt updates the members on the Cross Lane soccer field. Ms. Hurlburt states that she went on a site inspection and approved some cutting of branches, and shows members the required cross section forthe slope. Members reviewed and approved the plan as submitted. Minutes A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to accept the minutes of August 11 1998, seconded by Pat Grimes. 4-0-2, Palu77i, Lang, Grimes and Johnson in favor, Mazuy and Doanelly abstaining. A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to accept the minutes of September 1, 1998, seconded by Pat Grimes. 5-0-1, Pal.7~i, Lang, Grimes, Johnson & Mazuy in favor. Donnelly abstaining. Adjournment A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to adjourn, seconded by Dr. Johnson. All members in favor.