2010-02-23CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES These minutes are not a verbatim transcript of the public hearing or public meeting of the Board of Appeals. Reviews of the decision or outcome of the public hearing should include an examination of the Board's Decision for that hearing. Board: Zoning Board of Appeals Date: February 23, 2010 Place: Beverly City Hall, Council Chamber, 191 Cabot Street Board Members Present: Full Members: Day Ann Kelley, Chairperson, Joel Margolis, and Jane Brusca. Alternate Members: Sally Koen and Pamela Gougian Others Present: Building Commissioner — Director Steven Frederickson and Clerk for the Board - Diane Rogers Absent: Scott Ferguson and Margaret O'Brien Chairperson Day Ann Kelley opened the meeting to the public at 7:00 p.m. She stated there were two (2) continued cases from last month that would be heard first. 30 Fairview Avenue — R -10 Zone — Arthur V. & Sylvia Di Paolo Section 6 Finding Request Mr. Di Paolo addressed the Board and introduced Mr. Turner, of Turner Design from Gloucester, MA who prepared the proposed plans that the Board reviewed last month. Mr. Di Paolo stated he did not realize the Board was indicating that he obtain a new designed plan. Mr. Turner stated he did not see anything wrong with the plans he had prepared. Ms. Kelley stated she asked Mr. Di Paolo to reconsider his designs because they appeared unusual to her. She added she believed the design would be detrimental to the neighborhood and would have a large impact upon the neighbors. She thought it was inappropriate for Mr. Di Paolo to come back to the Board tonight without a change in design. Mr. Turner asked if a Section 6 Finding states that the Board can dictate the design of a plan. Ms. Kelley responded that she did not understand the second floor structure and the front room being underneath. She added that the Board does have the digression in this situation because of the size of the addition which is detrimental to the neighborhood. Mr. Turner stated that Mr. Di Paolo does not have the money to make the first and second floors conform. He commented he believed the proposal was not more detrimental to the neighborhood. Mrs. Di Paolo stated she had four children and two were coming back from college and she needed bedrooms. Chairperson Kelley asked if anyone from the public had any questions or comments. Lisa Dibella of 28 Fairview Avenue stated Mr. Di Paolo did not review the plans with her and she is his next -door neighbor. Ms. Kelley gave Ms. Dibella a set of plans to review. Ms. Dibella stated she did not know how to read the plans but has concerns this addition would block light from her dwelling. Ms. Kelley then asked the Board Members for their comments and questions. Ms. Gougian asked if a list of neighbors in favor of the plans were submitted to the Board. Mr. Di Paolo responded that he did speak to some of his neighbors but did not retain any letters or petitions in favor of his design. Ms. Brusca stated this design appears like another dwelling on stilts. She realizes the abutters are notified but questions the large size of the proposed addition. Ms. Kelley stated the plan does meet the required setbacks. Mr. Margolis stated that acoustically the proposed plans affect the neighborhoods because of the size of the addition. He added that without letters of approval from the neighbors he has concerns. Mr. Margolis commented that he has been on the Board for 8 years and this is the first time a petitioner did not bring in a new design when asked. Ms. Brusca stated the guidelines to a discussion of a Section 6 Finding are that the character of adjoining uses will not be adversely affected and that no factual evidence is found that property values in the district will be adversely affected by such use. Ms. Brusca stated she concurs with Ms. Kelley and not in favor of this proposal. Mr. Turner asked if the votes from the Board were negative could the proposal be withdrawn without prejudice? Ms. Kelley responded that Mr. Turner could request the petition to be withdrawn without prejudice. After a discussion with Mr. Di Paolo Mr. Turner asked the Board to withdraw without prejudice the proposal. Mr. Margolis made a motion to allow the petitioner at 30 Fairview Avenue to withdraw without prejudice his proposal. Seconded by Ms. Brusca. Motion Carries 5 - 0. (Kelley, Brusca, Margolis, Koen, and Gougian voted in favor) 116 Rantoul Street Unit 102 CC Zone Connie Payette An Appeal from and Administrative Decision Attorney Steve Greenbaum spoke on behalf of the petitioner. He is requesting An appeal from an Administrative Decision of the Building Commissioner/Director, Steven Frederickson on a Complaint for Enforcement Action concerning the use of Unit 102, 116 Rantoul Street, CC Zone, as a Health Club being operated under the name of Balance Training Studio without a special permit as is required by Chapter 29 -17 of the Beverly Zoning Ordinance for all health clubs. He stated his client Ms. Payette purchased Unit 105 in June of 2007. An Art studio was beside her and there were no problems with noise. In September 2009 the Balance Fitness Club, which is directly 2 beside my Client's condominium moved in. On Tuesdays and Thursdays the music begins at 5:30 a.m. On weekends the music begins at 7:30 a.m. The Building Inspector informed my client that the Balance Fitness was not a health club for the following reasons: It did not contain showers, swimming facilities and lockers. He also said to telephone the police to report loud music before 7:00 a.m. Ms Payette does not want to call the police every day. Atty. Greenbaum stated that he believed that this is inappropriate. He added, in this case you have classes of people (approximately 15 each class) going through an exercising program like any other health club. There are no showers in this space but there is an area to change clothes in the rear of this location. Atty. Greenbaum stated the size of the room should not be the issue. In a residential neighborhood next to a resident this use should have been taken up by the Board as a special permit process not allowed as a mater of right. Atty. Greenbaum commented that his client cannot live in her unit a good deal of the time because of the noise. Atty. Greenbaum submitted the Board with a Noise Transmission Report prepared by Hendrik David Gideonse. He commented clients of the Balance Fitness are parking all over the streets. Ms. Kelley asked the Building Commissioner to explain the character of a gym. Mr. Frederickson stated there in no interpretation in the zoning ordinance relative to a definition of a health club. He added he thought it was an issue of noise. He stated this space is a 1,200 square feet room, which is similar to a dance studio or karate studio, which is allowed by right. He added there is a noise ordinance, which is handled by the Board of Health. Ms. Kelley stated "in looking at this, in 2004 this entire Building was allowed by special permit." She believes there are comments in that decision on how this space was to be used. Atty. Miranda Gooding spoke on behalf of Grethen Driscoll, owner of the Balance Fitness Studio. She submitted a floor plan of the space and other information for the Board to review. She described the fitness studio as having (12) spinning bicycles, (12) clients doing personal, or cardio training or working out on yoga mats. The classes range from Monday & Tuesday 3.5 Hours, Wednesday and Sunday 2 Hours, Thursday 4 Hours, Friday, 1 Hour, and Saturday 3 Hours, totaling 19 '/z Hours a week. Atty. Gooding stated this one room studio does have a changing area, waiting room and office. There is no memberships, lockers, showers, or swimming facilities. The public cannot come and go frequently. She added this is a personal consumer establishment, which is a permitted use in a CC District. Mr. Jeffrey Belliveau, owner of the Windover LLC building stated he entered into a lease with the Balance Fitness Studio two years ago. He added that when Ms. Payette's complaints came in to him he took steps to elevate the problem by hiring an acoustical consultant. He commented that no other complaints have been made. Ms. Kelley asked how many other residential units are in this area. Mr. Belliveau responded there are (7) units but they do not abut the studio. Ms. Gougian asked if sound proofing the floor was done. Mr. Belliveau responded no, soundproofing was too expensive. He did install acoustical mats under the spinning bicycles. Ms. Koen asked how many early morning classes there were. Ms. Driscoll responded she had 4 classes beginning at 5:30 a. m. but when she heard of Ms. Payette's complaint she cut the schedule down to two classes on 3 Tuesday and Thursday. She commented that she has a family and this is a small business operating not more than 25 hours a week. Chairperson Kelley asked if anyone from the public had any questions or comments. Mr. John Dawson of Gloucester, Ma. stated he stayed over night a few times in Ms. Payetts condominium and the improvements done by Windover have not alleviated the noise especially under the spinning bicycles. Ms. Kelley asked the Board Members for their questions and comments. Mr. Margolis stated he believed this was a Condo Association issue. He added that if a cleaners business, hair salon, or coffee shop occupied that space there would be offensive odors going into Unit 105. He added that the train goes by several times a day and that noise would be very loud. Ms. Kelley stated if there is (12) people exercising and (12) spinning bicycles, early in the morning, then this is a health club in her opinion. She asked why they did not come before the Board for a special permit in the beginning so there could be guidelines to protect residents. She stated she did not agree with the Building Inspector. Mr. Margolis stated having a few pieces of equipment does not mean it's a health club. Atty. Gooding asked if the Board is inclined to make a site visit to see this operation. Ms. Kelley asked Mr. Belliveau what were the other options he had to rent this space. He responded that was hard to say. Ms. Kelley asked, "Why couldn't you have applied for a special permit ?" Atty. Miranda responded that when Ms. Driscoll applied for a permit, she was never asked to go before the Board. She added that her client has been in business for 18 months. Ms. Gougian stated that Windover LLC should have known not to locate a bedroom next to a commercial space. Ms. Kelley commented that she could certainly understand the vibration of the noise. A motion was made by Mr. Margolis to uphold the decision of the Building Commissioner. Seconded by Ms. Koen. Motion did not pass on a vote of 2 -3. (Koen and Margolis in favor) (Kelley, Brusca, and Gougian opposed) As there was some confusion over the vote, the Board voted again just to clarify the vote of 2 -3. 14 Windham Lane — R -22 Zone — John P. Collins Variance and temporary Condition Permit Request Mr. John Collins spoke on his own behalf. He stated he was requesting a variance and temporary Condition Permit to construct a 13 -feet by 25 -feet 6 -inch two -story addition to existing garage with In -law Suite above for Carol J. Collins. He added he was married with two children and that his mother, Carol resided with them. He stated he went through a process to determine the best solution for separate living quarters for his mother. He decided to locate an addition on top of the garages. He stated his mother has health issues and that was another factor for choosing this design. If he chose the attic design there would be too many stairs for her to climb. 11 Mr. Collins prepared a letter explaining his proposal to his neighbors. He included that there was an area of ledge located next to the garage. He explained that an Excavation Company would survey homes up to 250 -feet before and after the blasting. Three letters were returned in favor of this proposal from direct abutters: Diane and Bob Adams of 10 Windham Lane, Edgar R. and Aura L. Deleon of 12 Old Planters Lane, and Paige K. and Michael L. Katzenstein. Of 12 Windham Lane. Chairperson Kelley asked the Board Members for their questions and comments. Mr. Margolis asked what the hardship for the requested variance was. Mr. Collins responded that he needed a long -term space for his mother and that he had no other place for the addition. Ms. Kelley asked what specifically the variance request was for. Mr. Collins responded that the Building Commissioner informed him he was required to obtain a variance to build an extra kitchen /or bathroom. Mr. Margolis stated a hardship had to do with the soil and topography of the land. Jeffrey Ward of Ward Construction stated a variance is required on the proposed addition so as not to encroach upon the setbacks. Ms. Kelley and Mr. Margolis were concerned because the design appeared to be two dwellings. Ms. Kelley stated in a temporary Conditional Permit the in -law apartment is to be within the existing dwelling. She has concerns with granting a variance because it goes with the land. The Board recommended a review of the zoning ordinance regarding granting a variance for in -law apartments going forward. Mr. Margolis asked if the deed restriction stated the dwelling remains a single - family. Ms. Brusca suggested the Board examine the drawings on page 8a because the design appeared much smaller. Mr. Ward explained the drawings and design to the Board. Ms. Gougian stated she believed the proposed apartment looks very large and like a separate structure. Chairperson Kelley asked if anyone from the public had any questions or comments. Atiq Sheikh and his wife Farida of 18 Old Planters Road questioned the blasting procedure because their dwelling contains several windows. Mr. Ward responded the blasting would be minimal and that the ledge would be covered with large metal and rubber blasting mats. Building Commissioner Steve Frederickson explained what the Fire Department does regarding blasting. Mr. Margolis stated the design was somewhat over sized, but that he was in favor of this proposal. Ms. Kelley stated that the name "Carol J. Collins" be filed on the variance as long as she resides in the dwelling. Ms. Gougian questions if the dwelling remains a one family. Mr. Frederickson responded if granted the dwelling would remain a one - family. Ms. Kelley stated if the mother no longer resided in the house the kitchen must be removed. (or the bathroom) Ms. Kelley reiterated that the blasting was to be minimal, Caps placed on top of the ledge. Mr. Ward responded yes, there would be minimal blasting. A motion was made by Ms. Brusca to grant a temporary Conditional Permit to allow an addition to a proposed accessory apartment at 14 Windom Lane to be occupied by Carol J. Collins to accommodate one person to live in proximity to, but with independence from a relative. There shall be no more than (2) dwelling units on said property, including an accessory apartment. The accessory apartment shall be a self - contained dwelling unit 5 with separate cooking, sanitary and sleeping facilities for designated occupant Carol J. Collins. There is to be no more than (4) bedrooms and (1) bedroom respectively shall be maintained as the total of both units. There will be only (1) frontage entrance. The temporary Conditional Permit shall be issued to the owner of the property. The temporary Conditional Permit shall run for a period of (4) years and may be renewed every (4) year thereafter by the City Clerk. The temporary Conditional Permit for an accessory apartment and renewal of said temporary Conditional Permit shall terminate 1. upon the death of designated occupant 2. upon the change of residence of designated occupant 3. upon the transfer of ownership of the premises, if such transfer is unrelated to the issuance of the temporary Condition Permit or 4. upon the expiration of the permit period set forth above. Also move to GRANT the requested Variance at 14 Windom Lane to construct an addition for an in -law suite for the benefit of "Carol J. Collins" the primary resident. The hardship being because of the topography of the land particular to the site but not affecting generally the zoning district in which it is located and the application of the standards of the Chapter would deprive the applicant of a reasonable use of the property. Also, the cost of removing the ledge to expand their property. Seconded by Mr. Margolis. Motion carries 5 — 0. (Kelley, Margolis, Brusca, Goudian, and Kohen in favor) 6 Beverly Hills Avenue — R -10 Zone — Paul Ventresca Section 6 Finding Mr. Ventresca spoke on his own behalf. He stated he was requesting to remove the attached garage and construct a 15 -feet by 24 -feet family room addition, add a full dormer to the rear and divide upstairs into (3) bedrooms and a bathroom. Plans containing first and second floor existing and first and second floor revised, plus elevations and dimensions were drawn by Alan Carroll of Andover, MA on January 14, 2010. Mr. Ventresca stated he would be moving the existing bulkhead to the side of the dwelling. A full dormer would be constructed to make a new master bedroom with walk in closet, half bath, and 2 smaller bedrooms on the second floor. Mr. Ventresca stated he spoke to two neighbors but he did not have any letters in favor from them. Chairperson Kelley asked if any of the public had any questions or comments. There being no one present she then asked the Board for their questions and comments. Ms. Brusca complemented his plans. Ms. Kelley stated she had made a site visit and found the request was for a minimal addition. Ms. Koen stated she was in favor of the petition. A motion was made by Ms. Brusca to GRANT the Section 6 Finding to remove the attached garage and construct a 15 -feet by 24 -feet family room addition, add a full dormer to the rear and divide upstairs into (3) bedrooms and a new bath at 6 Beverly Hill Avenue. 31 The following criteria have been met: A. The specific site is an appropriate location for the proposed use, and that the character of adjoining uses will not be adversely affected. B. That no factual evidence is found that property values in the district will be adversely affected b such use. C. That no undue traffic and no nuisance or unreasonable hazard will result. D. That adequate and appropriate facilities will be provided for the proper operation and maintenance of the proposed use. E. That there are no valid objections from abutting property owners based on demonstrable fact. F. That adequate and appropriate City Services are or will be available for the proposed use. All plans submitted with the application are to be complied with, referred to, and incorporated into, the Board's decision. Seconded by Mr. Margolis. Motion carries 5 -0 (Kelley, Margolis, Brusca, Koen, and Gougian in favor) 10 Smithson Drive — Continuation on Variance Thomas Alexander, Esq. Atty. Thomas Alexander spoke on his client's behalf. He stated he wanted to get a sense of the Boards feelings regarding an amendment to this petition. He asked if the Board might think the 6 -feet addition to the porch to be added on the side of the dwelling would be a better design. He added his client had met with his neighbor located at #8 Smithson Drive and they were in favor of this new plan. Ms. Kelley stated a variance would require the Board to support a hardship. She added she could support this design looking at the plot plan. Mr. Margolis concurs. Ms. Brusca asked if the overhang would go all the way in the back. Atty. Alexander made a motion to withdraw without prejudice his variance regarding 10 Smithson Drive. A motion was made by Mr. Margolis and seconded by Ms. Brusca to allow the withdrawal without prejudice proposal regarding 10 Smithson Avenue. Motion carries 5 — 0. (Kelley, Gougian, Koen, Brusca, and Margolis) Administrative Business: Meeting adjourned 9:00 p.m. The Board of Appeals will not meet in the months of August and December 7