2012-09-13CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: RECORDER: Parking and Traffic Commission September 13, 2012 Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall Chair Rich Benevento, Russ Rollins, Bill Fiore, John Somes, Tina Cassidy Bill Bent and Richard Hutchinson Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m. 1. Update /Discussion: Possible Truck Exclusion for Cole Street / Sgt. Rollins Cassidy reports that Mr. Bent is unable to be here this morning and she would like to postpone discussion of this matter to a possible special meeting when Mr. Bent is able to attend since he has some valuable input to give on this matter. Benevento suggests that Cassidy send Bent an email requesting that he draft a letter to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation regarding this matter. Cassidy suggests that the letter should come from the Mayor or the City Council. Benevento agreed. Cassidy states that she will work on the language of the letter with Bent. 2. Discussion: Resident Issues Regarding Speed ad Roadway Impediments on Pillowlace Lane and Wentworth Drive - Resident Richard Garlin Cassidy reports that Mayor Scanlon received an email from Pillowlace Lane resident Richard Garlin outlining his concerns regarding the use of Wentworth Drive as a cut through and the presence of a basketball hoop in the street that does not appear to be used. Mr. and Mrs. Garlin are present at the meeting. Mr. Garlin states that they have lived on that street for 30 years. Cassidy explains that Pillowlace Lane used to be a dead - end prior to construction of the abutting Planters Subdivision. An emergency access road was constructed between Pillowlace Lane and the end of Wentworth Drive and was not intended for use by regular vehicular traffic. Fiore explains that people in the neighborhood use the road in both directions. Benevento states that when it was built it should not have made to look like a street. Mr. Garlin notes that JRM uses that road when collecting trash in the area as well. Benevento suggests that a letter be sent to the residents informing them that the street should not be used for vehicular traffic and that signage indicating fines put Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes September 13, 2012 Page 1 of 3 up there. Cassidy asks if there was a certain time of day that cars go up and down there. Mr. Garlin states that it is usually in the morning. Mrs. Garlin expresses her concern that this is a safety issue noting that cars fly through there. Benevento suggested that the Commission make a recommendation to the Mayor suggesting that additional signage be installed indicating that fines will be imposed for using the emergency connector at Pillowlace and Wentworth Drive and that this will be monitored and enforced by the Police Department. Benevento suggested that the basketball hoops could be a road obstruction and suggested that the Commission refer to existing City policies. Cassidy will reach out to Mike Collins and see how basketball hoops have been handled in the past. She also suggests that they will find out who owns the hoop. 3. Discussion: Traffic Concerns Regarding Woodland Avenue (June 8 site visit and individual observations) - Resident Lois Johnson Cassidy notes that Mr. Bent has some observations and recommendations on this issue and the Commission has decided in the past to wait for Mr. Bent to return before completing discussion. Benevento explains that he told Ms. Johnson this matter would be tabled until the October meeting, pending Mr. Bent's return. 4. Update /Discussion: Council Order #4: Conduct of Traffic and Parking Study in the Vicinity of the Proposed Commuter Rail Parking Garage Benevento notes that on- and off - street parking utilization needs to be looked at noting that if people can park free on local streets they are going to avoid paying in the new garage and will park in the neighborhood instead. Cassidy states that there is another "in- house" meeting of City staff scheduled for September 18th on this subject and they will be reviewing the city ordinances as well. Benevento and Cassidy promise to update members at the next meeting. S. Discussion: Order #141: Request for Parking and Traffic Commission to evaluate and recommend traffic circulation and safety improvements for Essex Street (Cole Street to Corning) / Councilors Houseman, Martin, and Schetszle Members briefly discuss the results of the site visit held earlier this morning. Cassidy took notes of that discussion and volunteers to draft a letter for consideration. Benevento notes that there is no easy fix and the MBTA needs to be on board since rail crossings are involved and there is a four way stop at Brimbal Avenue where there should be traffic signals. He also says that there are conflict points at Lakeshore Drive. Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes September 13, 2012 Page 2 of 3 4. New or Other Business Benevento asks if there is any new or other business for the Commission to discuss today. There is none. 6. Approval of Minutes: July 10, 2012 regular meetings and August 7, 2012 Benevento suggests that approval of the minutes be tabled to the next meeting. 7. Adjournment Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct. There is none. Cassidy: motion to adjourn, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor, motion carries 6 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes September 13, 2012 Page 3 of 3