2002-07-08BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JULY 8, 2002 PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Duval, Lydon, Mahoney, Simpson, Trask, Vitale, and White ABSENT: Commissioners Nelson and Tognazzi PUBLIC: Ken Lewis, Craig Schuster, Ken Robinson, Gary Kerr, Alex Skrabut, and Rich Mello A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Vitale called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentation: · Edwards & Kelcey Update – Craig Schuster updated the commission that the FY03 Fencing Grant Pre-Application was being worked on by th Airport Manager Mezzetti and E&K for a July 19 submittal. 2. Reading of the Minutes for June 2002 – Chairman Vitale called for a reading of the minutes from the June meeting. Vice Chairman White made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report – Chairman Vitale called for a reading of the financial report. Vice Chairman White gave the financial report for June 2002. Commissioner Mahoney made a motion to accept the financial report subject to audit, seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS: Sub-Committee Reports · Property/Legal/Finance Subcommittee – Commissioner Mahoney informed the commission on Mr. Angier Ames’ desire to develop T- hangars on the West Side in-field area. Such development would impact Taxiway Bravo. The sub-committee will talk with FBO’s on impacts to Bravo Taxiway if taxiway were a.) closed, b.) made a taxilane, or c.) remained a taxiway. Commissioner Mahoney updated the commission on Network Innovations’ desire to have their own lease versus being a New England Flying School sublessee. Commissioner Mahoney also updated the commission on Alex Skrabut’s (Aviators of New England) desire for their own lease and own hangar. 1 BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JULY 8, 2002 Commissioner Mahoney updated the commission on G.A.S.’s desire to sublet Hangar #4 to Boardman Partners LLC. Commissioner Duval made a motion to delegate the authority to approve the sublet to satisfying the desires of the subcommittee, seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Simpson asked to be invited to the subcommittee meeting on this subject. Victor Capozzi will submit the proposed sublet agreement to the BAC. · Public Relations Subcommittee – Commissioner Simpson updated the commission on a recent tour of several other airports and the status of the PR brochures. · Facilities and Maintenance Subcommittee – No report as Commissioner Tognazzi could not attend the meeting. C. NEW BUSINESS: · G.A.S. Request for Hangar #4 Vehicle Access Gate Relocation – Victor Capozzi requested a vehicle access gate (that he would supply) be placed on the roadway leading to Hangar #4. Commissioner Barnico made a motion for G.A.S. to obtain new posts and gate and place on Omni Road, combination lock to be supplied by the airport. Airport will be in charge of giving out the combination, seconded by Commissioner Duval. Motion passed unanimously. D. AIRPORT MANAGER’S REPORT: Airport Manager Mezzetti informed/updated the commission on the defeat by City Council of the proposed zoning change in current Industrial District Zoning, June traffic count, Gurnard status, Wyler hangar status, non-payment of deferred rent by G.A.S. and New England Flying School, airport maintenance activities, and inspections. E. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: · Chairman Vitale handed out AOPA information. · Chairman Vitale updated the commission on a proposed tiedown strip beside the maintenance road across from Wyler’s hangar. 2 BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JULY 8, 2002 · Chairman Vitale updated the commission on the status of the airport industrial parcels. F. COMMISSION COMMENTS: · Commissioner Lydon suggested that those pilots interested in the maintenance road tiedowns pay for the tiedown paving. · The Beverly Airport Commission monthly meeting time was changed from 7:30PM to 7:00PM. G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Trask, seconded by Vice Chairman White. Motion passed unanimously. 3