2012-08-14CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: August 14, 2012 LOCATION: Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Rich Benevento, Russ Rollins, Bill Fiore, Richard Hutchinson, John Somes, Tina Cassidy MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Bent RECORDER: Tina Cassidy Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m. 1. Discussion: Traffic Concerns regarding Woodland Avenue / resident Lois Johnson Cassidy reminds members that discussion of this issue was tabled at the July meeting because Mr. Bent was not in attendance. The matter was tabled to this meeting with the expectation that Bent would be here today, but his recent sudden illness has kept him from this meeting. Knowing that Bent would not be here today, Cassidy says she emailed Ms. Johnson yesterday to inform her that the Commission was unlikely to hold substantive discussion on this issue at this meeting. Ms. Johnson fully understood the need for further postponement and as a result is planning to attend the September Commission meeting instead. 2. Update /Discussion: Possible truck exclusion for Cole Street / Sgt. Rollins Members discuss this matter briefly and in general terms, noting that Bent's involvement and advice are greatly needed in drafting the proposed exclusion request. Cassidy suggests that rather than trying to address this matter as a routine agenda item during a regular meeting, the Commission should consider scheduling a meeting specifically on this issue. Members agree that she should email out some prospective meeting dates and times for a dedicated meeting on this subject, and Cassidy agrees to do so between now and the next meeting. 3. Discussion: Council Order #4: Conduct of traffic and parking study in the vicinity of the proposed commuter rail parking garage Cassidy reminds members that Councilor Slate introduced this Order a number of months ago and the Commission or its chair have attended several meetings on this subject since then. A meeting of various City staff (including the planning, finance and public services directors, purchasing agent, city solicitor and mayor) and Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes August 14, 2012 meeting Page 1 of 4 Councilor Wes Slate and Parking & Traffic Commission chair Rich Benevento is being scheduled for sometime within the next two weeks to continue the discussion. Though there are a number of subjects on the meeting agenda that do not directly relate to the garage's construction, all agenda items are in some way related to parking in the downtown. Cassidy and Benevento promise to update members at the next meeting. Beneventc suggests it would be a good idea to disseminate copies of any functional design report Dewberry may have created for the Rantoul Street project, as well as any traffic analysis that the T's consultants might have done as part of the MEPA review. 4. Discussion: Order #141: Request for Parking and Traffic Commission to evaluate and recommend traffic circulation and safety improvements for Essex Street (Cole Street to Corning) / Councilors Houseman, Martin, and Schetszle Rollins asks Councilor Schetszle to provide the Commission with some background behind the request. Schetszle explains that though the Order may have originally stemmed from the planned 40R project on Essex Street, the issues raised in the Order are still valid. He mentions several existing conditions /problems that lead to traffic congestion in the area today, including: • Delays on local roadways due to MBTA train operations (closure of roads when trains at station); • Blind entrance /exit drive to the YMCA; • Intersection of Colon and Essex Street; and • Left turns onto Essex Street from both Cole and Brimbal. General discussion takes place on these points and possible solutions such as traffic signals at the YMCA driveway or Colon / Brimbal intersection and prohibiting left hand turns from Brimbal to Essex. Benevento suggests that the Councilors' request is tantamount to a corridor study. He mentions the Brimbal Avenue project which he believes will positively impact traffic on Brimbal Avenue and in the proposed study area (traffic signals cause gaps in traffic which in turn allow other movements). Members agree that a site visit is in order and decide to schedule one for Thursday, September 13, 2012 from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. This site visit will be held just prior to the regular monthly Commission meeting at 8:30 a.m. that morning. Cassidy will send out a site visit reminder notice that will specify where the group is to convene. S. New or Other Business Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes August 14, 2012 meeting Page 2 of 4 a. Follow up on 740 Hale Street complaint Fiore informs members that he has conducted several site inspections since this matter was first raised some months ago. He suggests that several street signs in the immediate area may be contributing to the parking issue because the signs are either faded /illegible or otherwise unclear to motorists on Hale Street. Rollins states that he has made numerous trips to the site and had several conversations with the operators of the commercial establishments. In particular he spoke with the owners about some of their previous practices related to delivery vehicles and employee parking on the side of the building. Neither Rollins nor Fiore reported recently observing in the field any of the troublesome issues Ms. Pope initially raised, nor has the Commission received any additional complaints regarding this area over the summer. Members agree that Cassidy should draft a letter summarizing the work of the Commission's members on this issue and including Fiore's recommendation regarding the signs. Rollins agrees to review the City Ordinance to determine if replacement of these signs will require authorization from the City Council and if so he will submit a formal Order to do that. Cassidy will draft a letter for review and distribute it. b. Update on last months' Planning Board meeting and discussion relative to Walgreen's on Conant /Dodge Street Benevento informs members that he addressed the Planning Board directly at its July meeting to ensure the Board members understood the Commission's position on this site plan and the wisdom of incorporating its recommended conditions into any Planning Board approval. He is happy to report that the Planning Board chair was very interested in having him address the Planning Board and the Board did in fact incorporate all of the Commission's recommendations into its approval of the site plan. C. Update on additional Planning Board filing on Cummings' planned Balch Street parking deck Cassidy informs members that planning staff discovered a last minute problem with this site plan just prior to the scheduled July hearing. A provision of the zoning ordinance limits the number of driveways from any lot at two. As a result Cummings technically needs a special permit in order to have an exit from the proposed deck. Cummings has applied for the Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes August 14, 2012 meeting Page 3 of 4 special permit which will be considered at the September Planning Board meeting. Cassidy asks members if the fact that the Balch Street deck needs a special permit would in any way change their conclusion. If so, Cassidy can place the special permit application on the Commission's upcoming meeting agenda and invite Steve Drohosky from Cummings to the meeting to explain. Members briefly discuss the matter and decide not to review the proposal a second time. 6. Approval of Minutes: June 5, 2012 regular meeting and June 8, 2012 site visit to Woodland Avenue Benevento asks members if there are any changes or corrections to make to the draft minutes of either meeting. There are none. Hutchinson: motion to approve the draft minutes of the Commission's June 5 and June 8 meetings, seconded by Somes. All members in favor, motion carries 6 -0. 7. Adjournment Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct. There is none. Cassidy: motion to adjourn, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor, motion carries 6 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 10:12 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes August 14, 2012 meeting Page 4 of 4