2012-07-10CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Parking and Traffic Commission July 10, 2012 City Hall Conference Room B, Third Floor Chair Richard Benevento, Bill Fiore, John Somes, Russ Rollins Rich Hutchinson, Tina Cassidy, Bill Bent Councilor Maureen Troubetaris Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 1. Discussion /recommendation to Planning Board: Site Plan Review application #108- 12 and Special Permit application #131 -12 for new commercial /residential building at 130 Cabot Street / Lew & Maffeo, Trustees of 130 -140 Cabot Street Realty Trust Benevento recalls that at the last meeting the Commission asked the applicant to address the matters of the driveway on the south side of the building, reconfigure the parking and to widen the lane in the parking area to 24 feet. Jim McDowell of Eastern Land Survey addresses the Commission and reports that they have eliminated the driveway on the south side of the building and reconfigured the parking area so that there are 7 spaces against the back lot line and 7 spaces against the building. He also notes that they widened the lane in the parking lot to 24 feet. McDowell also reports that there is still one handicapped parking space on Vestry Street and they hope that is palatable to the Commission. The others originally slated for Vestry Street have been eliminated. Benevento asks if the handicapped parking space could be managed by a handicapped driver. McDowell explains that it can accessed. Benevento notes that the issue was a deficit of parking and it looks like they tried to address the concerns of the Commission. He questions what the parking situation is on Cabot Street. McDowell notes that it is metered parking. Benevento asks how many spaces were originally proposed. McDowell explains that they proposed 14 originally and three of them were on the street, and now there is only one parking space on the street. Attorney Tom Alexander addresses the Commission and notes that the site will be a mix of commercial and residential uses and that they have no tenants for the commercial space at this time. He also notes that current interpretation of city zoning allows the use of municipal parking within 500 feet of the site. He further notes that the City has been encouraging this kind of use (mixed use). Benevento asks if any members of the Commission have any questions at this time. Fiore asks what they plan to do with the area that was to be a driveway on the site. McDowell reports that the area would be landscaped. Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes July 10, 2012 Page 1 of 6 Benevento notes that Assistant City Planner Leah Zambernardi is present this morning and asks her if the project has been reviewed by the Planning Board. Zambernardi reports that the applicant has had an initial meeting with the Planning Board and the hearing is still open. Benevento asks for public comment at this time. Dana Acciavati of Elm Street addresses the Commission and expresses his concerns about the project. He states that there are no sidewalks on either side of Vestry Street and there are problems with parking in the area during the winter months, particularly when there is a lot of snow. He also states that Railroad Avenue is often used as a cut through in the neighborhood. Alexander notes that historically this property was a commercial use, adding that Tompkins Furniture occupied the site in the 1960's until it was destroyed by fire. He says that Sam's Cleaners rebuilt at the time. Alexander also reiterates that the City is encouraging this type of development (mixed use) and that Beverly Main Streets is in favor of this proposal. Acciavati states that the municipal parking lot in that area is usually full at other times of the year and not so much in the summer. He also expresses concern that existing parking spaces that are used by residents in the area will be lost and they will have to find somewhere else in the area to park. He also notes that people are currently utilizing the existing spaces on this site but he is not sure that the owner is allowing it. Benevento notes that the Commission cannot restrict the owner from developing his property because people are parking there. Councillor Maureen Troubetaris addresses the Commission and states that she utilizes the municipal parking lot and at times it does fill up fast. A woman who fails to identify herself addresses the Commission and notes that back when Tompkins Furniture was in business there were not as may cars around and should not be compared to the traffic and cars that are on the road today. Benevento notes that when the Commission first met with the applicant they realized that this is a tight site and asked them to make adjustments to the plan and they did that. He also says that he is not happy about the location of the handicapped parking space. Alexander notes that the downtown has been a difficult place to try to "incentivize" people to develop properties, and it is only now that people are willing to locate in downtown areas. Acciavati states that the merchants in the area are not in favor of this proposal because it is going to impact the city in a bad way. He notes that there are condos and apartments downtown that are vacant. Alexander states that Mr. Dellicker's project that was recently completed on Rantoul Street was full within a month. Alexander points out that the handicapped accessible unit will be located on the first floor of the building in the back. Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes July 10, 2012 Page 2 of 6 Fiore asks where the location of the dumpster would be, noting that he was concerned about trucks making the corner to access the site to empty it. McDowell states that there will be indoor trash storage and private trash pick up. He suggests that they could contract with a company that uses smaller trucks and they could research that. Benevento asks where they plan to have a loading zone. Alexander suggests that the loading zone would be on Cabot Street and states that they would have to petition the city to make one on- street space a loading zone. Benevento notes that this is a dense urban setting and this is a "shoe horn" fit for this project. He notes that the applicant has been cooperative and incorporated the changes that were suggested by the Commission at the last meeting. Rollins states that he has concerns about parking in the winter months, noting that the police tow hundreds of cars each winter. Benevento states that he would be willing to entertain a motion for the Parking and Traffic Commission to recommend to the Planning Board that approval of this project be conditioned on the following: 1. No left turn onto Vestry Street; 2. Small trucks shall be used by the contractor for trash removal; and 3. That a loading zone be created on Cabot Street. Fiore adds that signage on Vestry Street may need to be removed, noting that it is tight getting fire trucks by them now. Benevento suggests that another condition be added: That post- construction the applicant shall review the location of signage on Vestry and Elm Streets and if there are any signs that need to be addressed they will be removed and reset if /as needed. Rollins: motion that the Parking and Traffic Commission recommend to the Planning Board that approval of this project be conditioned on the following: 1. No left turns on Vestry Street shall be allowed; 2. Small trucks shall be used by the contractor for trash removal; 3. That a loading zone be created on Cabot Street; and 4. Post construction, the applicant shall review the location of signage and if there are any signs that need to be addressed they will be removed and reset as needed. Fiore seconds the motion, all in favor. The motion carries 5 -0. 2. Discussion of June 8th site visit: Traffic complaints regarding Woodland Avenue / resident Lois Johnson Benevento reminds members that he was unable to attend the site visit and asks if any other members have visited the site. Fiore states that he went by there, noting that he knows the area generally. Benevento states that he thinks that we are all in agreement that there are issues with speeding and site distances in this location. Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes July 10, 2012 Page 3of6 Lois Johnson (who notes that she does not live on the street but babysits her grandchildren four days per week there) addresses the Commission and suggests that a stop sign and a crosswalk be installed near 18 Woodland Avenue. She describes the location on the plan. Benevento suggests that it may need an "All Stop" intersection, explaining that is what a four way stop is called now in the regulations. Rollins expresses concern that an "all stop" would create a gridlock at the school. He also notes that the police department does not feel that there is a speeding problem on the street. Mrs. Johnson agrees that she did not think that there is a speeding problem but she feels that there is a safety issue for people walking and crossing the street. Benevento states that the Commission is not going to reach resolution of this issue today and suggests that the Commission take a look at it and make a determination after all members have had a chance to look at it. He notes that Mr. Bent is not present today and he would like to hear his input, noting that Bill is familiar with the area as well. He says that this is a critical issue and safety should be first priority, noting that they will consider Mrs. Johnson's recommendation and if they find that it is not a good idea they will try to find something else. Benevento thanks Mrs. Johnson for attending the meeting. 3. Update /Discussion: Possible truck exclusion for Cole Street / Sgt. Rollins Benevento asks Rollins if there is anything new to report regarding this request. Rollins states that there is nothing new to report. He notes that police have been doing traffic checks in the area and says that he hopes to have more information for the next meeting. 4. Update /Discussion: Council Order #4: Conduct of traffic and parking study in the vicinity of the proposed commuter rail parking garage Benevento suggests that the matter be tabled this morning and discussion continued until a time when all Commission members are present. 5. Discussion: Order #141: Request for Parking and Traffic Commission to evaluate and recommend traffic circulation and safety improvements for Essex Street (Cole Street to Corning) I Councilors Houseman. Martin and Schetszle Rollins explains that he had a conversation with Councilor Schetszle in July who explained that the request was precipitated by recent talk of future development at Kelleher Pond. Fiore notes that the Fire Department has concerns about that site as well and they have yet to address them. Benevento suggests that this matter will be explored more thoroughly when the proposed project is reviewed. Leah Zambernardi adds that rezoning will have to occur as well, in order for the site to be developed. She also says the developer has not yet filed any plans with the Planning Board. Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes July 10, 2012 Page 4of6 6. Discussion: Further review and recommendation of proposed site plan and parking waiver special permit for proposed Walgreen's / corner of Dodge and Conant Street / Symes Development Benevento addresss the members present and reports that he is concerned the developer has reneged on the conditions that the Parking and Traffic Commission suggested in its recommendation letter to the Planning Board. He recalls that the Commission requested that the intersection at Henry's Market be analyzed for possible signal timing adjustments and that count down pedestrian signals be installed near the Shaw's Plaza. He suggests that the Commission rescind its positive recommendation to the Planning Board and have the applicant come to the next meeting in August for another review of the project. He also notes that Mr. Bent has expressed his concerns in an email he sent to him. He further adds that he feels that the Commission was bamboozled, noting that they agreed to the conditions and then told the Planning Board that they were not going to do them. Representatives of the Walgreen's project, including attorney Tom Alexander and Jeff Rhuda of Symes Associates arrive at the meeting at this time. Benevento repeats his concerns regarding the reneging of the conditions agreed to in the recommendation to the Planning Board regarding the intersection at Henry's Market being analyzed for possible signal timing adjustments and that count down pedestrian signals be installed near the Shaw's Plaza. He also states that he is recommending that the Commission rescind its recommendation to the Planning Board and have the applicant come to the next meeting in August for another review of the project. Benevento asks the applicants why they took those items off the table after agreeing to them at the Commission meeting. Mr. Rhuda states that it was because of cost. Zambernardi notes that the consultant hired by the city is present at the meeting as well, and introduces Dan Mills. Mills addresses the Commission and explains that they reviewed the initial traffic impact report and observes that the primary focus was on the "away" traffic on Dodge Street. He notes that there is a lot of congestion in the area and adds that the scored concrete on the site was surprising to him. Benevento explains that the Commission is not crazy about the use of scored concrete but due to legal issues involving lease of a portion of the site to other users, the Commission reluctantly agreed to it. Mills also notes the improvements to the Route 128 off ramp and says that the "No Left Turn" will be hard to enforce. He suggests that they could relocate the entrance which would reduce parking but it looks as though they have 18 more spaces than are required. Rhuda states that they would lose 10 parking spaces if the entrance were moved, and they cannot do that, noting that it would greatly diminish the future value of the site. Zambernardi says that the applicant is requesting a special permit to have four (4) less parking spaces on site than is required by zoning. Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes July 10, 2012 Page 5 of 6 Rhuda states that the loss of the spaces would result in a loss of 2,000 s.f of building space. Mills suggests that they put out five (5) construction cones now for a few days to see how it would function. Alexander explains that when they agreed to the conditions they thought that they could do them. However when they were cost out they found that to analyze the intersection and timing adjustment and draw up plans and permits would cost $10,000. They estimated the cost of all of the conditions to be $50,000 for design and implementation. Benevento reminds Alexander that other Walgreen's projects have contributed more in off - site improvements. Rhuda notes that when the conditions were suggested they sounded like short money items. He also says that the site is an existing use and he does not see why the Henry's intersection is part of this. Benevento states that the applicant has lost credibility with him and the Commission, and recommends that the Commission rescind their previous recommendation on this project. Alexander states that the applicant will in fact comply with the conditions recommended by the Commission. Rhuda says that he is working within a budget and he is trying to make that budget work and the conditions at issue are outside of the scope of the project. Rollins: Motion that the Parking and Traffic Commission rescind its previous recommendation to the Planning Board regarding the proposed site plan and parking waiver special permit for proposed Walgreen's at the corner of Dodge and Conant Street and that the applicant come back to the Commission's August meeting for another review. Fiore seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries 5 -0. 7. Approval of Minutes Benevento states that approval of the draft sets of minutes will be postponed to the next meeting of the Commission. 8. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Commission will be held on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Benevento asks if there is any other business for the Commission to conduct. There is none. 9. Adjournment Fiore: motion to adjourn, seconded by Rollins. All members in favor, motion carries 5 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission meeting minutes July 10, 2012 Page 6 of 6