2011-02-14BEVELRY GOLF & TENNIS February 14, 2011 Meeting Minutes COMMISSIONERS Bill Lowd, Chairman Richard Barger Martin J. Lawler Douglas Richardson GFMI Mr. Carter Mr. McHugh GUESTS: John Dunn Meeting called to order at 7pm. FINANCE REPORT Mr. Lawler presented the January 2012 Finance Report to the Commission members. He reviewed the expense budget and maintenance /bond fund with the members. MINUTES FOR JANUARY 2011 Mr. Lawler motioned to approve the January 2012 minutes; seconded by Mr. Barger. Motion carried 4 -0. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS UPDATE Mr. Dunn distributed his Capital Improvement Spreadsheet to all members. He indicated that the estimated expense of the elevator installation will go from $100,000 to $300,000. The Maintenance building footings are in, steel is on order which should be delivered Monday. Then the floor is expected to be poured. He has reserved $40,000 for utilities and other various necessities. He did state that there was a complaint that went to the Architect Access Board regarding the handicap ramp which will result in the dismantling a portion of the ramp and a rebuild by the end of the calendar year. Modifications may need to be done to the kitchen to accommodate an elevator installation. He indicated that he has no idea of the cost as yet; some of the work will be done by public services. In the end we will need far more money than is available. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Dunn indicated that they are preparing a new grant to the Historic Commission for new windows. This grant will also be a "match grant ". He asked the Commission and GFMI a letter of support for the grant application. We are looking at $500,000 on top of what we already have; we may need to go back to Mayor and Council for borrowing authority to get it. We have no choice regarding the ADA work that needs to be done. Mr. Dunn stated that the Commission needs to focus on mandated issues first and it will leave pressure on the budget. Mr. Dunn stated that they have paid all major expenses to the DER Annual Filings and annual reports need to be done by licensed professionals. These expenses can run them from $5000 for the next five years. Mr. Lowd indicated that a request came in from Parks & Recreation for a donation of $1500 to support a fund raiser for the library. Mr. Dunn will advise Mr. Lowd on this a t a later date. Mr. Lowd also took pictures of the new fence separating the 9 th fairway and the driving range and on behalf of the Commission; he expressed thanks to all the Public Service workers who have worked so hard to clean up the course this past season. THE CARTER REPORT Mr. Carter stated that he is looking forward to the spring. Members are mailing in their payments. He also indicated that many outings are being booked and rebooked. He is also working hard at drumming up new business. If there remains to be no snow, they will open the course on March 15. He also indicated that Mr. Page will reopen the clubhouse when the weather improves. THE MCHUGH REPORT Brian McHugh indicated he needed to order the new operating system for the pump house. This expenditure was approved at the December 2011 meeting for $13,450. Mr. Dunn asked that Mr. McHugh submit a quote for the indicated amount and he will issue a purchase order. Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm