2012-06-05CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Parking and Traffic Commission June 5, 2012 City Hall Conference Room B, Third Floor Chair Richard Benevento, Vice -Chair Bill Bent, Tina Cassidy, Bill Fiore, Richard Hutchinson, John Somes, Russ Rollins Tina Cassidy Chairman Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and suggests taking agenda items out of order in order to accommodate late arrivals. 1. Discussion of neighborhood traffic issues on Woodland Avenue Benevento invites Ms. Lois Johnson to address the Commission regarding her recent email about traffic problems and resulting safety concerns on Woodland Avenue. She explains that although she lives on Ashton Street, she baby sits her grandchildren who live at 22 Woodland Avenue and sees first hand significant traffic issues with that roadway. Issues include cars going too fast and volumes of traffic associated with cut through commuter traffic and school drop offs. She presents a map and a typed summary of issues. Other neighborhood residents are also present including Ben Johnson and residents of Garden Street and they echo her concerns. Members discuss some of the issues in a general fashion including lack of curbing, narrow sidewalks, faded crosswalks obscured by hills, speed and traffic volume. Benevento cautions that some of the potential recommendations (such as new sidewalks or new curbing) could be very expensive and therefore unrealistic, while other recommendations may be affordable and easily implemented. Members decide the best time for a site visit would be either during the school pick- up and drop -off periods (7:30 - 8:30 a.m. or 1:45 - 2:15 p.m.) or the afternoon commuter rush hour (4:00 - 5:30 p.m.). Members agree to conduct a site visit on Friday morning, June 8, 2012 at 7:30 a.m. Participants will meet at the playground on Livingstone Avenue and will proceed from there. 2. Discussion /recommendation to Planning Board: Site Plan Review application #108 -12 and Special Permit application #131 -12 for new commercial /residential building at 130 Cabot Street / Levy & Maffeo, Trustees of 130 -140 Cabot Street Real , Trust Final Parking and Traffic Commission meeting minutes June 5, 2012 Page 1 of 4 Attorney Tom Alexander addresses the Commission and explains the proposed site plan. It consists of a three story building with 4,250 sq. ft. of commercial space and one 1 bedroom apartment on the first floor, with twelve additional 2 bedroom apartments on upper stories. A total of 14 parking spaces would be provided on site (13 typical spaces plus 1 handicapped) which is less than required by zoning. However, the applicants are requesting a waiver of the requirement, or will rely on the City's current policy of recognizing public spaces within 500' of the main entrance. Alexander also notes that the three parking spaces proposed for the side of Vestry Street are too close to the lot line (should have 5' setback), the width of the driveway off of Cabot Street is 10' wide where 18' is typically required for one way traffic, and the two way travel aisle in the parking lot is only 22' wide at one point where 24' minimum is required. He adds that the project will have two affordable housing units in order to meet the City's inclusionary zoning ordinance. Benevento expresses concern about the proposal to put three parallel parking spaces on Vestry Street. In total they will be 66' long and he asks if this would meet zoning. Cassidy states that she does not know, it would be a question for the Building Inspector to answer. Benevento asks how the public will know those spaces are for private use - they will look like on- street spaces to those who don't know otherwise. Alexander states that they intended to erect signage indicating their private use. A member asks how trash trucks will access the property. Fiore speculates the hauler will need to use Railroad Avenue, travel down Elm, take a right onto Vestry Street and service the trash from Vestry Street directly. Cassidy asks where the trash container will be located. Trash containers will be located interior to the building and the trash hauler will need to come onto the property, wheel the refuse containers to the truck, then return the containers to the building. Fiore states that the building will be fully sprinklered. Cassidy expresses great concern about the proposed 10' driveway and asks for elaboration on its intended use as a drive through. Alexander states that it is designed as a drive through, for a bank branch. Zoning would not permit a drive - through for a restaurant in this district and the applicant knows about that. Cassidy suggests that the drive through be eliminated and the area used for parking instead. Benevento expresses concern about the last parking space in the proposed lot at the extreme southwest corner. Because the aisle is narrow at that point it appears that vehicle will need to back out using the proposed 10' wide driveway in order to leave the space. Bent suggests that the applicant consider the Commission's comments and return to its next meeting in July with a revised plan. He encourages the applicant to Final Parking and Traffic Commission meeting minutes June 5, 2012 Page 2 of 4 investigate shifting the building southward. He does not like the proposed spaces off of Vestry and moving the building might allow for a re- design that provides more conventional, site - internal access to those spaces. Alexander promises to research and reconsider the present design and return to the Commission at the next meeting. Members agree to schedule the next Commission meeting for Tuesday, July 10, 2012. Alexander promises to provide a revised site plan to all members at least one week in advance of that meeting by email to the Planning Department assistant. 3. Update /discussion: Possible truck exclusion for Cole Street Rollins distributes printouts of the automated traffic counts that were done on Cole Street. Bent states that he had an opportunity to review them and, in a nutshell, they show less than 1% of the traffic on Cole Street consists of 3 axle vehicles or bigger. This percentage is far less than the 5 -8% truck traffic MassDOT typically uses as a threshold for approving truck exclusion routes, but that percentage is not a regulation /requirement so it would still be okay to submit an exclusion request. Members discuss the next steps that should be taken on this matter. Bent agrees to draft a summary memo of the automated traffic count analysis and Cassidy will work with him to create a memorandum for the Council that outlines the results of the traffic counts and the steps needed to request a truck exclusion route from the State. The letter will be drafted between now and the next meeting and this matter will be placed on the July agenda for additional discussion related to the memo. 4. Update /discussion: Council Order #4: Conduct of traffic and parking study in the vicinity of the proposed commuter rail parking _garage Cassidy states that she has nothing specific to report other than the fact that the MBTA held a pre -bid meeting at Beverly City Hall yesterday with the three firms pre - qualified to bid on the Beverly garage project: Suffolk, Welch, and Consigliano. The matter will be placed on the next Commission agenda for additional discussion and update. S. Update on status of roadway signage installation in the Chapman's Corner subdivision (follow up to Order #194 Cassidy updates members by informing them that the missing /required signage was erected several days after the last Parking and Traffic Commission meeting. 6. New or Other Business a. Citizen complaint regarding parking near Hannah School / Traffic Sgt. Russ Rollins Final Parking and Traffic Commission meeting minutes June 5, 2012 Page 3 of 4 Rollins informs members that he has received an emailed complaint regarding on- street parking during school drop off and pick up hours at the Hannah School. He says the complaint was lodged by the owner of the day care center on Wayland Road, Mr. Markarian. Rollins states that he will be contacting Mr. Markarian and will report back to the Commission at the next meeting. b. Schedule site visit to Hale Street Fiore reminds the Commission that it received a complaint mid - winter from a resident of Hale Street regarding an unsafe parking situation at 740 Hale Street. The complainant indicated that the issue is at its worst in July, and suggests that a site visit needs to be scheduled as a follow up. Benevento states that this matter will be put on the July meeting agenda and a site visit scheduled at that time. Benevento asks if there is any other business for the Commission to discuss. There is not. 7. Approval of Minutes: May 1, 2012 and May 10, 2012 meetings Benevento asks if everyone has had a chance to review the draft minutes and whether there are any edits that need to be made. Fiore: motion to approve the minutes of the Commission's May 1, 2012 meeting, seconded by Hutchinson. All members in favor, no one in opposition. Motion carries 7 - 0. Bent: motion to approve the minutes of the Commission's May 10, 2012 meeting, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor, no one in opposition. Motion carries 7 - 0. Benevento asks if there is any other business to discuss. There is none. The meeting is adjourned at 10:40 a.m. Final Parking and Traffic Commission meeting minutes June 5, 2012 Page 4 of 4