1998-03-17 BEVERLY CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MARCH 17, 1998 A regular meeting of the Beverly Conservation CommisSion was held on March 17, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., third floor, City Hall, 191 Cabot Street. Those Present were: Chairman David Lang, Vice-Chairman Tony Paluzzi, Dr. Mayo Johnson, Jon Mazuy and Jay Donnelly. Also present was Assistant Planning Director Debbie Hurlburt and Susan Akerman, Secretary to the Commission. Meeting called to order by Chairman Lang at 7:00 p.m. Request for Determination of APPlicabilities: Continuation: Hale Street (Mullen/Loeb Estate) determination/James Mullen delineation Elizabeth Wallace of Hayes Engineering addressed the Commission and stated that a revised plan indicating the Conservation Commission's request for additional wetland flags has been submitted. Ms. Wallace explained the added flaggings and noted that specifically ~he revised lines consist of the M series of flags that connect 4ith the J series, and that the N series of flags indicate a small stream. Ms. Wallace further stated that they added a P series of flags that connect two wetlands (F & E) to the plan in response to some members concerns, and in addition they added flags off the paved driveway (C line) as far up as to the culvert. Ms. Wallace stated that she supplied the Conservation Commission with calculations regarding an area in question that has been determined to be not "isolated land subject to flooding" and noted that the area is under Army Corps. jurisdiction only. Ms. Wallace stated that she would like to hear any comments that the Conservation Commission may have regarding the site walk. Chairman Lang asked the members if they had anything they would like to add to the site visit. Jon Mazuy asked if the plan in front of them tonight is now just being submitted. Debbie Hurlburt stated that the plans had been submitted on Friday prior to this evenings meeting. Jon Mazuy stated that some members felt that after checking against maps and walking the area, that the N series of flags should go beyond the marked flagging. Ms. Wallace stated that they have looked at the soils beyond the N series of flags, and explained that the soils are not bright enough, and therefore do not support that there are wetlands beyond that marked N series of flags. Jon Mazuy further stated that on the back side of the property when looking at the N series of flags, he saw a creature running up and down a tree, which was later identified as a fisher, and noted that there are many signs of deer, coyotes, etc., that will be displaced with the construction of this development, and stated that the Commission should take a stronger look at the wildlife habitat and wildlife habitat aspects because this area will be changed significantly. Tony Paiuzzi stated that in the E & F section of the site he noted that there is a lot of water and questioned why this area is not marked on the plan as being connected. Ms. Wallace explained that E & F are connected by the P series. Chairman Lang stated that the maps given to the Commission on Saturday show E & F as being connected. Chairman Lang questioned the soil samples that were taken in the area marked Flag NiS. Ms. Wallace explained that the determination was made by taking soil samples above and below Flag 18, and that HaYes: determined that the soils were not sufficiently gray enough to be considered wetland soils. Chairman Lang noted that the hydrology seems to be the same. Ms. Wallace stated that she did agree that the hydrology seems to be the same as a wetland and that there are wetland plants there, but that the area also contains a lot of upland plants as well, and that the determining factor would have to be the soils. Chairman Lang stated that he has several concerns regarding a stream along the Northwest border that flows along the hillside which is shown on a USGS topographic map, and asked if it should be flagged/mapped, and if the stream is considered to be under the River:s Act. Ms. Wallace stated that she believes that the stream is either on their property or 100' within their property and that she thinks it is an intermittent stream and would have to check. Chairman Lang stated that the Commission would like to request: (1) if the information regarding the stream should be considered to be included on the plan; (2) to check if it is covered under the River~s Act; and (3) to evaluate further the wildlife habitat in that area. Ms. Wallace stated that she has no comment regarding the wildlife habitat, that this subject will have to be addressed during the Notice of intent when they are proposing construction. Tony Paiuzzi stated that he saw a large puddle on the Greenwood Avenue side of the site, approximately 50 yards from the end of the wetlands in that area, and questioned wheather or not it is a vernal pool. Ms. Wallace stated that they looked at that area and it was completely dry. Chairman Lang stated that it could be due to the water table. 2 John Dick addressed the Commission and stated that it does communicate with a larger wetland, but that it barley functions as · a vernal pool, and that there is no more than 8" of water ever. Jay Donnelly stated that it is the Commission's objective to define the boundaries of the wetlands, and questioned whether or not the Commission's consultant has had an opportunity to review the revised plan. Mr. Dick stated that he has not yet seen the new plan. Jay Donnelly asked if the Commission should consider having Mr. Dick review the revised plan. Chairman Lang stated that if you want him to evaluate the revised plan you can have him do that. Ms. Wallace addressed the Commission and stated that we've been at this delineation process since November, and that her client is looking to close this matter up. Ms. Wallace stated that she would like to see this matter resolved by the next meeting. Jon Mazuy stated he feels that the environmental issues surrounding wildlife habitat have been overlooked, and that he is concerned that if the contractors were to commence construction of the roadway prior to a determination, what effects it will have on the wildlife. Chairman Lang stated that the subject of wildlife habitat will be discussed during the Notice of Intent, and at that time the Commission can evaluate in detail the effects construction will have on wildlife habitat, and that before the next meeting the Commission can determine where they want to go with that aspect. Chairman Lang read a letter from Richard Baker, 643 Hale Street. (On File) Chairman Lang asked if any members of the public wished to speak. Rene Mary of 274 Hale Street stated that she was on the site walk, and that some of the flags seem to be old and no longer apply, and asked if they could be removed because it becomes very confusing. Chairman Lang stated that he also noted that there were flags that may not be valid any more. Ms. Stella-Mae Stevens of 840 Hale Street stated that she too went on the site walk, and that she felt quite disconcerned that all the maps were not consistent, and that she felt that everyone was trying to match maps, because they didn't corresponded to anything. Ms. Stevens further stated that she thought that a site walk was more informative, and that she and other members of the public walked the site further and were stunned by the wildlife, had a question whether or not there is a vernal pool in that area, and stated that the Commission needs to find out more facts with 3 respect to vernal pools in that area, the wildlife habitat, and the wetlands. Ms. Stevens also asked if the Commission could display the map so that the public can see what the Commission is talking about. Chairman Lang stated that the Commission members were all given maps that matched, that the map showing the subdivision has been submitted to the Planning Board, and that the Conservation Commission is faced with looking at the wetland lines. Chairman Lang explained that there is a map up on the table that you or any member of the public can look at after the meeting or take it to another room after this discussion. Ms. Wallace commented that the public does need to have permission to be on that property. Linda Baker 643 Hale Street asked if there is a way to stop the meeting so that the members of the public could look at the visual layout of the delineation map in order for the public to ask educated questions. Chairman Lang explained that the Commission is going to continue this hearing, and that if any members of the public wish to view the map they could do so later on or make other arrangements. John Murray of Ward 6 addressed the Commission and stated that it is imperative that the Conservation Commission share with the Planning Board the map with an overlay that clearly shows the wetlands, so that they can very easily determine where there are real problems. Chairman Lang stated that they will have them in the Planning Department. Don Brusca of 11 Greenwood Avenue stated that the fishers have been there for years, and that the stream that runs down Greenwood does flow year round. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Jay Donnelly to continue the hearing until the Commission's next meeting scheduled for April 7, 1998 so that the Commission's Consultant can have the opportunity to review the most recent delineation map, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved unanimously. Continuation: 218 Hart Street Christopher Welles delineation determination/ Mike DeRosa of DeRosa Environmental addressed the Commission on behalf of the applicant Christopher Welles, and stated that he was not on the site walk, but understands that the Commission has requested that some minor changes be made to the delineation line. Mr. DeRosa stated that his client has no problem with moving the lines, and that they would like to have the hearing be closed subject to submission of a new map. 4 Jon Mazuy asked if the applicant is well aware of the changes. Mr. DeRosa stated yes, and explained that they are seeking a Positive Determination on the wetland lines subject to submittal of a new map. Chairman Lang asked if the area is covered by the River's Act. Mr. DeRosa stated that he has observed the area two times last summer and found it to be dry, but that he will inform the Commission at the next meeting if it is covered by the River's Act. Jay Donnelly asked how many trees are going to be removed. Mr. DeRosa explained that they will know more about that with the actual final plan, but stated that they are trying not to take out any trees, that they would like to maintain all the major trees. Jay Donnelly asked if they would be retaining an engineer to do the design of the out-flow of the weir, and if they are proposing to keep the elevation of the weir the same. Mr. DeRosa stated that they intend to keep the same elevation, and that they are planning to dredge out the pond. Chairman Lang asked if any one from the public wished to speak. Rene Mary of 274 Hale Street stated that she has 3 topo maps and that they all show the stream tobe a perennial stream, she further stated that she lives by Thissal Brook and that that brook is dry, ponded up and flowing into the ocean, and that the Commission should pay special attention to that stream. Debra Borshire of 143 Hart Street stated that she is concerned about when they dredge the pond, and that she would like to see Chubbs Brook protected. Mr. DeRosa explained that they will have the design work before the Conservation Commission by this Spring, that they intend to use the dredge out material for the planting shelves, and that the clean sand that is taken out will be taken to an appropriate place. Ms. Borshire noted that the area is on a septic system and asked where the septic system is in comparison to the brook. Mr. DeRosa explained that the brook is in front of the septic system and that there is an allowable distance between them. Richard Baker of 643 Hale Street stated that there is a company in Danvers that has 15 years of daily data on record that would be useful to the applicant with respect to precipitation. Mr. DeRosa stated that he would check into that. Kevin Collins of 57 Hathaway Avenue stated that he is a meteorologist and that he has local data on precipitation that he would be willing to give to Mr. DeRosa and his client. John Murray of Ward 6 addressed the Commission and stated that he wanted to make the Conservation Commission aware of the fact that the City Council recently approved a drainage study for the Lawrence and Chubbs Brook areas, and that the study will be underway very quickly. Chairman Lang stated that this pond may help the flooding problem around Chubbs Brook to some degree° · Mr. Baker stated that the pond will get to its maximum capacity quickly because there is no storage. Mr. DeRosa stated that they are trying to keep the inverts the same, and that they plan on addressing that matter with the Notice of Intent. Rene Mary stated that it is her observation that there is a lot of storage space, and that she doesn't think storage is the problem. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Jon Mazuy to issue a Positive Determination, based on the submittal of an updated report of the flags, according to witnesses testimony, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. New: 57 Hathaway Avenue - deck construction/Kevin Collins Kevin Collins addressed the Commission and explained a plan to construct a deck in the back of his house. Mr. Collins stated that there is a wetland behind the property, and that he supplied a plot plan that reflects the delineation of deck to the wetlands behind the property. Chairman Lang asked if any of the members have been out to this site. Tony Paluzzi stated that he visited the site and observed the wetlands in the back of the house, that the property is flat, that a silt fence was up, and that there was material stockpiled on the site. Chairman Lang asked if they plan to do any excavation. Mr. Collins explained that they would be excavating only for the footings for the sono tubes. Mr. Collins also stated that they would like the silt fencing to be up on a temporary basis. Chairman Lang asked what they plan on doing with the extra soils from the footings. Mr. Collins' developer Mr. Dennis L'Italien stated that the soil will be taken off the property by a truck, and explained that they are looking for an approval to only use silt fencing, and not hay bales because the work will only take one day and he can't see ruining the lawn. Chairman Lang asked if any one from the public wished to speak. There were none. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to issue a Negative Determination #3, and to close the hearing, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved unanimously. A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to recess for the purpose of holding public hearings, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved unanimously. Notice of Intents: Continuation: 886 Hale Street - stairway, wall, foundation, qazebo, landscapinq/Erikson JohnDick of Hancock Environmental addressed the Commission, handed out a map to the members, and explained a proposal to build a stairway, foundation, balustrade wall, and gazebo. Mr. Dick stated that minor grading will need to take place and that the only change in grade is where the proposed gazebo is going. Mr. Dick explained that most of the material on the site is back waste that came from the pool, that they intend to use the side cast material for the proposed construction of the wall, and that the wall will have a sono tube foundation with reinforced footings. Mr. Dick explained that they plan to cast in place posts 4' above grade and that the sono tubes will go underneath the ground. Mr. Dick stated that they intend to use a bob cat to do the work on the slope, and if the equipment can't move a rock then the sono tube will be poured on the rock. Mr. Dick stated that they don't want to remove boulders and destabilize the slope. Tony Paluzzi stated that the Commission's concern was the face of the slope, that he saw large boulders, and that he was concerned that they wouldn't rip apart the slope to place the sono tubes in. jon Mazuy asked what size boulder can't be removed. Mr. Dick stated anything much bigger than a basketball, and explained that the bob cat is equivalent to hand digging. Chairman Lang asked if any one from the public wished to speak. There were none. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Jon Mazuy to close the hearing, seconded by Jay Donnelly and approved unanimously. 7 Continued: 63 Lothrop Street - boathouse construction/Perrott John Dick of Hancock Environmental addressed the Commission and explained a proposal to construct a boathouse. Mr. Dick explained that they are proposing footings for a davit in the rear of the boathouse, that there is a coastal bank that was contributing sediment to the wall, that the wall is in good shape in the course of repairing the wall, and that a lawn is proposed. Mr. Dick explained that there is considerable erosion to the steeper part of the slope due to the fact that no haybales were placed at the top of the slope, so water ran down and caused erosion, but noted that the applicant did recently install a haybale barrier at the end of the slope with a gap. Mr. Dick stated that the applicant has extended the haybale barrier across the bottom of the slope/road and added some to the top of the slope. Mr. Dick explained that the slope is vegetated all the way across and that the applicant wants to maintain the stone bed to the toe and to the steeper part of the slope to get the lawn started. Mr. Dick stated that they are seeking a request for a modification to the original Notice of Intent. Jay Doanelly asked what the elevation of the boathouse will be. Mr. Dick stated that it will be within the flood hazard zone and that the floor will be below 14' with a sono tube structure. Mr. Dick explained that the boathouse will be afloat and tied down to the footings so it won't float away. Jay Donnelly asked what the elevation of the floor will be. Mr. Dick stated approximately 11½-12' above storm water elevation. Jay Donnelly asked if water will flow underneath the boathouse. Mr. Dick responded yes. Tony Paluzzi asked what the size of the concrete footings for the davit will be. Mr. Dick stated that they are proposing a 2' by 2' pad on sono tubes. Chairman Lang asked how often the waves will top the wall. Dick stated with every high moon. Mr. Dr. Johnson asked if a Chapter 91 License will have to be obtained. Mr. Dick responded no, and explained that the boathouse will be above mean high water. Dr. Johnson asked if the applicant will need an amnesty license. Mr. Dick responded no. 8 Dr. Johnson asked if the owner will object to public passing. Mr. Dick stated that he wasn't sure, but that he didn't think that the owner would voluntarily suggest it. Chairman Lang asked if any one from the public wished to speak. Virginia McGlynn asked if the owner would be going through the Harbor Management. Mr. Dick stated no, that the boathouse will not be above mean high water. Ms. McGlynn asked if the owner has researched the wall, and questioned whether or not it is a public way. Mr. Dick stated that there is nothing in the deed. Ms. McGlynn stated that the owner should present this proposal to the Harbor Management. Jay Donnelly stated that he has construction along the visa property. are in agreement. a problem with allowing Chairman Lang and Jon Mazuy Jay Donnelly questioned why they can't built above/beyond the visa. Mr. Dick stated that he will ask the owner to consider leaving it open to meet management criteria, but that they will come up with an argument with respect to a guarantee that it doesn't become a houseboat. Jay Donnelly suggested that the Commission keep the Enforcement Order in place. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Dr. Johnson to continue the hearing, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. New: Shortmeadow Road - cluster well installation/IT Corporation New: Columbia Road - cone Penetrometer point installation/IT Corp. New: Fitzgerald Way - cone penetrometer point installation/IT Corp. Val Miller of Varian addressed the Commission on behalf of IT Corporation and explained a proposal for the installation of several wells on Shortmeadow Road, Columbia Road and Fitzgerald Way for the investigation of groundwater compounds (TCE/PCE). Ms. Miller explained that IT Corporation is at their assessment phase, and that they are looking to install added wells to gather groundwater samples, and to study groundwater flow patterns. Shortmeadow Road Ms. Miller explained the procedure for the installation of the wells, and noted that the first installation will be a cluster well, three wells within one location, that the wells will be 2", 9 and 15' below grade, then they will take samples; move over, and install the second well. Ms. Miller explained that they will hit bedrock with the installation of the second well, but that they plan to use a screen, and get a groundwater sample; then move over and install the 3rd well. Ms. Miller explained that they will have to drill into the bedrock for this well, then get a sample. Ms. Miller stated that the Shortmeadow Road well has been installed, that it is a low wetland area, a location where compounds are being discharged to, and that IT Corporation wants to investigate that. Ms. Miller stated that Arthur Boris has no problem with them drilling on this property. Dr. Johnson asked why don't they just take water from the pond, and asked where the results go. Ms. Miller stated that they will do that too, but that the compounds are found in deeper zones, and that the results will go to the Conservation Commission, the Board of Health, the library, and DEP (Woburn Office) within 30 days. Chairman Lang asked why they are planning to install three wells in the Shortmeadow Road area. Ms. Miller explained that low concentrations where picked up on Sohier Road. Chairman Lang asked if any one from the public wished to speak. Joan Murphy of Longmeadow Road asked where on Shortmeadow will these wells be installed. Ms. Miller explained that they will be situated on Shortmeadow Road on private property. Columbia Road/Fitzqerald Way Val Miller explained that in this location there is a low lying wetland stream that cuts through the City that is acting as a discharge location, and that they intend to take a sample from a discrete location (from a shallow zone), drill to a depth, and see what is going on. Ms. Miller stated that they are concerned with who else is picking up these contaminants, and that this is part of an overall program to investigate the site. Joan Murphy stated that there is a lot of water in this area. Ms. Miller stated that they won't be moving any dirt, that they will previously investigate the area, and that they will be extending the results in the mail. Ms. Murphy asked if there was a notice in the paper for a site classification (did apply/not apply). Ms. Miller stated that the site was a waiver site, that a Tier 1 application is on record at the library, and that if the State wants to get more involved they ca/1. 10 Chairman Lang asked if there will be a public hearing with respect to the permits. Ms. Miller stated at some point in time. Rene Mary asked what the time table for this project is. Ms. Miller stated mid April. Joan Murphy asked if this business could be getting in Norwood Pond. Chairman Lang stated possibly, but that it is topographically to low. Chairman Lang stated that the Varian flow goes toward the Victory- Rocci Post and asked if a cluster well would be installed there. Ms. Miller responded yes, Cluster Well 1. Jay Donnelly asked if the wells will impact the wetlands. Ms. Miller stated no, that they will put hay bales around the wetlands so that there will be on impact at all, unless really wet. Jay Donnelly asked if any of the equipment will go in the wetlands. Ms. Miller stated no, that there is very limited work involved. Tony Paluzzi asked where the soils from the wells will go. Ms. Miller explained that they intend to drum it and have it hauled off site. Tony Paluzzi asked if this would be done daily. Ms. Miller responded yes, or that it might stay on the truck over night. Jon Mazuy asked if the drums will be covered. Ms. Miller explained that the covers will be screwed on. Ms. Miller read a letter submitted to the Conservation Commission. (On Fi'le) There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Jon Mazuy to close the hearing, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to accept the Modification, seconded by Dr. Johnson and approved unanimously. Old/New Business: New Enqland Power Company modification request Joe Callihan of New England Power Company addressed the Commission, reviewed the history of the site, and explained a request for a modification to the Order of Conditions in order to continue with their site investigation. Mr. Callihan stated that the Phase I work has been done, but that along the way they found contaminants, and stated that they are seeking to add 15 additional borings, finish up the environmental investigation to understand the site, 11 submit the report, and move forward with the next phase for the site. Mr. Callihan noted that they will be doing Phase II sampling under the existing Order of Conditions, and that they would be keeping the same techniques. Mr. Callihan stated that the new sample locations are highlighted in yellow on the new plan, that the area is heavily developed, and that there are no wetland vegetation. Chairman Lang asked if the Commission requested that hay bales be placed around the test pits the last time. Mr. Callihan stated that it didn't state it in this Phase, but that they will. Chairman Lang asked what type of drilling would take place. Mr. Callihan explained that N.E. Power Company is not proposing to use anything that is visibly contaminated when testing, and that they intend to have excess drums available. Tony Paluzzi asked if the new test holes would be closer to the water than before. Mr. Callihan stated that two would be relatively close in order to make sure of the extent of the contamination, and that N.E. Power Company is hoping to do this procedure in mid April. Chairman Lang stated that he wants hay bales around the test pits. Mr. Callihan stated that they will have hay bales around everything that is within 100' of the buffer zone. Chairman Lang asked if any one from the public wished to speak. There were none. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Jon Mazuy to close the hearing with modifications, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. Others: · Debbie Hurlburt explained to the members that she received a Letter of Request seeking an extension of the Order of Conditions for 6 Lakeside Avenue. Hurlburt stated that the Notice of Intent was for the raising of a house, the replacing of the foundation and landscaping. Debbie Hurlburt stated that the applicant is seeking a two year extension on DEP File #5-497, and stated that the seeding has not yet taken. Jon Mazuy asked what is going to happen to the parcel. Hurlburt stated that she was not sure. Debbie 12 Chairman Lang stated that he would feel more comfortable with granting a 6 month extension, and to have the applicant send the Commission another Letter Request. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to grant an extension of time for 6 months, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved unanimously. · Debbie Hurlburt informed the members that the Danvers Conservation Commission is going through a Request for Determination of Applicability regarding the subdivision proposal off Bradley Street that abuts Beverly, and stated that the Commission should keep an eye out because of storm water and where Danvers intends on dumping it into. · Debbie Hurlburt informed the members that the Mass Highway Department is ready to walk the site, and that she can't be in their truck, that she has to be in her own car. Jon Mazuy asked if perhaps the Beverly Police could drive Debbie with their lights on. Debbie Hurlburt asked if any of the members were interested in identifying these areas as well. There were no offers. Order of Conditions 57 Hathaway Avenue The Commission voted that only silt fencing need to be placed up. L.P. Henderson Road Jon Mazuy questioned what was going on with the L.P. Henderson Road project. Debbie Hurlburt explained that she spoke with Tom Ford and suggested he come in this evening and explain to the Commission what steps need to be taken before he is back before the Commission and to ask for a realistic extension of time. A motion was made by Jon Mazuy to continue the time for the hearing on the L.P. Henderson Road issues to the Commission's meeting on April 7, 1998, seconded Tony Paluzzi. Motion fails 2-1-1 (Dr. Johnson and Tony Paluzzi in favor; Jay Donnelly opposed; Chairman Lang abstained) Jon Mazuy, move to reconsider. A motion was made by Jon Mazuy to continue the time for the hearing on the L.P. Henderson Road issues to the Commission's meeting on April 7, 1998, seconded by Tony Paluzzi. Motion passes 4-1 (Chairman Lang abstained) 13 886 Hale Street The Commission voted to issue (1) standard conditions for this project; and in addition (2) that no boulders in excess of 12" in diameter be removed; (3) that there shall be no storage of heavy equipment in the soils by the stream, and that the heavy equipment on top of the slope shall stay back 50' of the stream; and (4) that there shall be no cement truck washout on site. A motion was made by Dr. Johnson to approve the Order of Conditions for 886 Hale Street as agreed, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved unanimously. Shortmeadow Road The Commission voted to issue (1) standard conditions for this project; and in addition (2) the applicant has 24 hours to move the cutting off site; (3) all water from drilling operation shall be self contained; (4) that a haybale barrier be placed around the entire rig; (5) haybales shall be placed around the nearest catch basins and area toward resource area; (6) drilled water shall be removed from site; and (7) the Speical Conditions issued previously for similar work. Columbia Road/Fitzgerald Way The Commission voted to issue (1) standard conditions for this project; and in addition (2) no containerized water from proposed work shall be stored on site; (3) analytical data shall be submitted to the Commission and Board of Health within 30 days of testing; (4) haybales shall be stored around the drilling machine; (5) applicant must notify the Conservation Administrator in writing 48 hours prior to commencement of activity. Certificate of Compliance 10 Avalon Avenue Dr. Johnson updated the members and stated that all looks ok, that lots of grading/landscaping has taken place, and that it complies to the Commission's standards. A motion was made by Jon Mazuy to approve a partial Certificate of Compliance for 10 Avalon Avenue, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. 1 Whitman Place Debbie Hurlburt updated the members and explained that she has received a letter from the applicant's attorney Mark Glovsky seeking a Certificate of Compliance. 14 A motion was made by Jon Mazuy to issue a Certificate of Compliance for 1 Whitman Place, seconded by Dr. Johnson and approved unanimously. 85-101 Water Street Debbie Hurlburt explained that this area is part of the Tuck Point Marina and that she would does not want to issue a Certificate of Compliance for this project until she has had an opportunity to go down and take a closer look. 4 McPherson Drive Tony Paluzzi updated the members and stated that he sees no problem with ordering a Certificate of Compliance, and acknowledged that Ms. Hurlburt should be commended for a job well done. A motion was made by Jon Mazuy to issue a Certificate of Compliance for 4 McPherson Drive, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. Approval of Minutes - FebruarF 24, 1998 A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to approve the Minutes of the February 24, 1998 meeting as amended, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved unanimously. Adjournment A motion was made by Jon Mazuy to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. 15