2012-06-06CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee June 6, 2012 Elizabeth Dunne (Chairperson), David Brewster, David Gardner, Charlie Mann, Marilyn McCrory, James Matz, and Bill Squibb Nancy Coffey, Pam Kampersal, Sylvan Menezes Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner David Mercier, North Shore Academy teacher Jane Dooley Chairperson Dunne calls the meeting to order. Acceptance of Previous Minutes — May 2, 2012 Members review draft May 2, 2012 meeting open session minutes. Members discuss amendments with Maxner. Gardner makes a motion to accept May 2, 2012 open session minutes as amended. Seconded by Brewster. Motion carries 7 -0. Principal Items of Business Proposed student clean up proiect at J.C. Phillips Nature Preserve trail by Northshore Academy David Mercier, teacher at Northshore Academy operated out of the McKewon School, informs Committee that his school runs a Youth Opportunities Class as well as an Abandoned New England class where they explore hiking trails and historic sites. He explains that recently when they were walking the J.C. Phillips Nature Preserve trail they noticed that the location near the former Highover mansion is overrun with plants and there is quite a bit of graffiti and debris on the site. He presents proposal to Committee about having students and teachers clean up graffiti, debris, overgrowth and dirt from remnants of fountain area as a community service project. Mercier adds that this project could be a focus for some of the summer school programming that begins on July 11 relative to ecology and environmental health. Also, he offers as part of the project to organize the directory board to include a trailhead map, brief written history of Highover House, include pictures of site's former glory, and a small sign stating "Site Restored by Northshore Academy ". He also mentions that Academy could do continued regular Open Space & Recreation Committee June 6, 2012 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 7 maintenance "check -ups" throughout the school year and that future maintenance could include possibility of student created model of the Highover Estate through the school's art program. Mercier explains that there would be no cost to the City and minimal cost to Northshore Academy. He describes cleanup crew supplies as rakes, clippers, shovels, paint, trash/recycling bags and gloves. Discussion ensues with Committee about best practice to remove spray paint from architecture to preserve historic patina at site rather than using proposed whitewash. McCrory, Mann and Gardner recommend that Mercier contact City's DPW Commissioner Mike Collins for assistance in selecting cleaning products and paint and to work in conjunction with City to clean up walls. Mercier and Committee concur that students should not handle cleaning materials that would work best to remove graffiti. Gardner recommends that cleanup crew could place filled trash bags (Note: special trash bags may be required that can be recommended by M. Collins) at the end of the driveway at the site for pick up by the City. Discussion ensues about which City department (i.e., Parks & Recreation) is responsible for the site that was taken by the City as Maxner states by eminent domain. OSRC members express enthusiasm for Mercier's proposal to clean up the site. Maxner states that Mercier should communicate the project to City Council and the OSRC could write a support letter to the Council as well. McCrory suggests Mercier could contact Trustees of Reservation that oversees adjoining Moraine Farm that was once part of Phillips Estate for historical information. Maxner offers to work with Mercier regarding correspondence to the City Council and she offers to draft a letter from the OSRC supporting the project. Squibb moves that Maxner write the letter of support from OSRC for North Shore Academy cleanup project to City Council. Seconded by Mann. Motion carries 7 -0. Maxner also offers to contact M. Collins on Mercier's behalf. Mercier agrees to keep Maxner up- to -date on status of project via email and will forward to her a draft letter containing information on Academy support for cleanup proposal for her approval on content. Open Space & Recreation Plan Revision — Changes to Language re: Aquifer Resources — Update & Discussion Matz addresses his motion made at the previous OSRC meeting regarding proposed edits to description of North Beverly aquifers referred to in the Open Space & Recreation Plan that interconnect Wenham Lake, Longham Reservoir, Beaver and Norwood Ponds. He refers to assertion that Kampersal has made that the aquifer is not medium yield but high yield and is fully potable. The Open Space & Recreation Plan refers to the aquifer as medium yield and non - potable. Matz explains that he has not found any information to contradict that and as a Open Space & Recreation Committee June 6, 2012 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 7 hydrogeologist, environmental consulting professional he concurs with the classification as a non - potable medium yield aquifer. Discussion ensues with Matz referring to MassDEP — Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup map that is used to assist with analysis of site relative to sensitive receptors, drinking water, open space and wetlands. He explains that there is a significant difference between highly transmissive and high yield aquifer so the North Beverly aquifer is still medium yield per DEP. Matz addresses with Committee specific details on the map to decide whether or not the aquifer is potable or non - potable and describes how the aquifer is classified as non - potable because there are contaminated sites within the aquifer due to gasoline (i.e. Hess station site), solvents (i.e., Varian Semiconductor) and septic systems. So Matz notes that in Beverly's Open Space & Recreation plan the statements that the aquifer is medium yield and non - potable are correct. Discussion ensues due to Matz's explanation for OSRC to rescind its previous vote to send an errata sheet to DEP to correct statements made in Open Space & Recreation Plan regarding classification of aquifer. Matz recommends OSRC not correct any statements made in Open Space & Recreation Plan. Discussion was about new series of motions from Kampersal and that if any development were going to occur near the aquifer, special permits would be required. Gardner mentions that there are a lot of controls in place. Gardner moves to rescind motion made on May 2, 2012 and for the Committee not to make any amendments to the current existing language in the subject section of the Open Space & Recreation plan upon further examination. Discussion ensued about how classification of aquifer as non - potable could change in the future and Kampersal could present her motions to OSRC at another time. Seconded by Dunne. Motion carries 7 -0. Parcel/Linkne List & Land Access Action Items — Review & Discussion Maxner distributes Excel spreadsheet that captures Committee's thoughts about parcel/linkage list and land access that she organized moving from west to east through the City. She suggests this topic could be OSRC's primary focus at its July 11 meeting. Maxner offers to put information on FTP site to enable Committee use as a collaborative document for revisions and updates and mentions that online GIS maps of Beverly could be used for this purpose. Access Easement off Dunham Road to Norwood Pond — Discussion /Action Items Discussion ensues about how Committee plans to communicate its interest in obtaining an access easement off of Dunham Road to Norwood Pond for bicycle trails and connection with Greenbelt land where members (i.e., Gardner, Mann and possibly Matz) would confer with Mayor about best way to approach Cummings on matter. Members discuss if City should approach property owner about easement along property line or if request should focus on a formal conservation restriction at Norwood Pond where OSRC notes Open Space & Recreation Committee June 6, 2012 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 7 that request could be impacted by Mayor's interest in a possible overpass project in area. Matz suggests that the trail easement be the first priority and if secured would help bolster the argument for more permanent protection for Norwood Pond open space. Discussion continues on if property owners at Cummings site and North Shore Music Theater would be willing to do more than an easement in area. Gardner, who was charged by the Committee at its last meeting to meet with the Mayor on the access easement proposal, agrees to work with Roland Adams to develop a map that would illustrate an 8 -foot to 10 -foot easement. Other ... (Other City Board 's /Commission's/Department's agenda items, proiects or business related to open space and recreation — discussion and /or recommendations, if an ... Conservation Commission Agenda Item: 50 Dunham Road ANRAD: Maxner explains that Conservation Commission continues to review the wetland delineation application at the Cummings Dunham Road property and is waiting for a revised plan from wetlands consultant. She adds that Commission hired a wetlands scientist to investigate the area for functioning vernal pools which impacts 100 -foot No Disturb Zones around them. She expects to receive a plan from the applicant in time for next week's Commission meeting that shows their No Disturb Zones that will be discussed and the next steps are up to Commission discretion. Maxner mentions that after ANRAD process when there is a project and NOI process this would likely be time for City to negotiate for a trail. She notes that she'll provide R. Adams with information on the vernal pools so they could be overlaid on City's Emerald necklace trail map. Discussion was about impact of vernal pools on potential interchange and property development although Maxner clarifies that these functioning vernal pools are not certified but can be classified as vernal pools under City's local ordinance. Conservation Commission Agenda Item: National Grid 44 -46 River Street NOI: Maxner updates Committee about status of National Grid and River Street project where the utility is coming back to Commission since there has been agreement on negotiated principles relative to a new Notice of Intent. She notes that National Grid is proposing a walkway perpendicular between Desmond's Boat Yard and Bass River. She notes that a full riverfront walkway proposal would have been a deal breaker on moving the restoration project forward. Discussion ensues about utility's plan to address coal tar issue and Bass River dredging with steel sheet pile wall on water's edge, where material will be removed and replaced with fill and covered with poly vinyl membrane situated under paved asphalt to contain coal tar hot spot and restore riverfront. Maxner notes that buildings will be taken down and there would be a deed restriction (i.e. an AUL). Discussion ensues about how work on this project would not preclude a future walkway in the area and Chapter 91 may be used for riverfront restoration area. Open Space & Recreation Committee June 6, 2012 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 7 Planning Board Update: Matz updates Committee about Planning Board's recommendation to City Council to accept changes in ordinance as relates to FEMA map, article numbering and zoning for accessory apartments. He mentions new projects to be discussed at June 19 Planning Board meeting include new parking garage at Cummings Center, and mixed -use facility next to Siam Delight on Cabot Street. Discussion ensues about public forum on Chapter 40R Smart Growth project near Montserrat station at Kelleher's Pond for high density housing and proposal is for one to two bedroom apartments with as few as 20 children expected. Old Business Community Preservation Act Campaign Strategy — Update & Discussion McCrory reminds the Committee that the City Council voted unanimously to place CPA ballot question on November election ballot. She notes that CPA planning committee is holding many meetings and CPA was publicized during Earth Day walks. She asks Committee members to assist with CPA outreach to public by volunteering at a table for this purpose at upcoming farmer's market events. She mentions that there has been good newspaper coverage about Beverly's interest in participating in CPA. Also, McCrory reports that she is compiling a list of projects (i.e., Carriage House, Emerald Necklace trails and historic preservation) as well as photos and information for the website to illustrate viability of CPA for the City. Earth Day Walks — Recap on events so far Maxner distributes thank you cards for Earth Day walk event leaders for Committee signatures. She asks Committee to consider new themes and leaders that could be used for future Earth Day walks (i.e., David Mercier after Phillips Reserve cleanup) and notes that K. Newhall would be creating montage on OSRC website page of event photos. Updates Eagle Scout Proiect Updates — Discussion/Recommendations /Action Items — If Any Maxner mentions that Matt Akerman has nearly completed his trail blazing project and will be posting a "Please Enjoy This Public Way" sign that Eric Barber in Engineering has available for Akerman to install. She explains that she has given initial approval for Gabriel Buchsbaum to do natural history signage about natural features at a few of the City's open space parcels (i.e., tide pools at Lynch Park and another project at Sally Milligan). She will keep the Committee posted on these projects. Open Space & Recreation Committee June 6, 2012 Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 7 Open Space Encroachment off Standley Street — Warin2 School Maxner notes that she has a meeting on site with Waring School's attorney Tom Harrington next week. She adds that there was discussion with school's attorney about Akerman trail blazing and if trail went across the school's property. Bathing Beach Lane Maxner states that she does not have an update. Greens Hill — 27X Mann describes how form from Department of Revenue regarding owner unknown that could be used to define City's ownership of Greens Hill — 27X was not easily accessible. Discussion ensues about how Assessors could possibly assist with this matter. Maxner will follow up with Bob Munroe relative to this April memo to the Mayor. Other Business Chapman's Corner — Open Space Easement Maxner states that Gardner had done investigating in the field and found trail as proposed had trees and landscaping added to the trail area and a portion of it was on ledge making it dangerous. She notes that work is being done with the developer for alternative trail plan and Beverly Land Trust and Conservation Commission met with project engineer at site to review layout. She notes that the consensus is that the alternative is superior depending upon grades being corrected, rear berm taken down, riprap removed for a gentler slope and walk defined to opening in wall. She adds that Land Trust will do vegetation removal and walk will meander around trees. Maxner explains that next step is formal discussion at Conservation Commission meeting next week where Land Trust has been invited to attend relative to controls and relocation of pathway. She adds that Commission will take a vote on approval/consent letter and there could be soft demarcation of trail entrance with bushes. Discussion ensues about pathway used by residents through opening in wall to the Cove School near proposed Chapman's Corner trail. Fox Hill Trail Mann mentions that Waring School senior class will help with lawn section of the project on Friday and that trail blazing will occur on Saturday. He notes that Ciccoria tree is donating wood chips for trail. Also, Mann states that he has precut wood bridge parts. Maxner explains that parking for volunteers will be limited so carpooling or parking at soccer field nearby and walking to trail site is recommended. Open Space & Recreation Committee June 6, 2012 Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 7 Next meeting agenda items and scheduling The Committee's next meeting is scheduled for July 11, 2012. McCrory motions to adjourn, seconded by Brewster. The motion passes 7 -0. Meeting adjourns at 9:18 p.m.