Planning Board
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Beverly Public Library
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairperson John Thomson, Michael O'Brien, Charles
Harris, Ellen Hutchinson, Ellen Flannery, David Mack,
James Matz
MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairperson Richard Dinkin
OTHERS PRESENT: Assistant Planning Director, Leah Zambernardi
RECORDER: Diana Ribreau
Thomson, Acting Chair, called the Regular Meeting of the Beverly Planning Board to order at
7:30 p.m.
There are no Subdivision Approval Not Required Plans (SANR's) or New /Other Business to
Continued Discussion/Decision — Modification to Wellington Hills Definitive Subdivision
Plan — Pamela J. VanTwuyver
Thomson polled members of board to determine if the Board is prepared to proceed with the
Public Hearing discussion for Wellington Hills Definitive Subdivision Plan without Chairperson
Dinkin present.
Harris made a motion to move forward with the discussion. Motion seconded by Matz.
Discussion on the motion. Zambernardi informed the Planning Board that the Applicant sent
Planning Staff an email requesting that the Chair be present for the discussion and submitted a
waiver extending the time requirements to March I' if the Board is inclined to hold off discussion
until Chairperson Dinkin can be present.
Matz expressed his opinion that the request from the Applicant is fair and suggested the Planning
Board hold off until the Chair is present.
Harris withdrew his motion. Matz concurred and withdrew his motion for a second.
Mack suggested individual members of the Board take an informal poll with their overall feeling
towards a favorable or not favorable vote.
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January 17, 2012
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Thomson stated his opinion that the Chair is essential to the discussion. However, unofficially, he
would go around the table to see who in favor of deciding tonight.
Matz stated he would prefer to not move forward. Mack stated he is favor of moving forward.
Harris stated he is in favor of moving forward. Thomson stated is not in favor of moving forward.
Flannery and Hutchinson stated they prefer to move forward and are prepared to vote. O'Brien
stated he is not in favor of moving forward.
Thomson stated that they would continue discussion for the Modification to Wellington Hills
Definitive Subdivision Plan after the Walgreens Public Hearing.
Set Public Hearing Date: Special Permit Application #130 -12, Site Plan Review Application
#106 -12, and Inclusionary Housing Application #03 -12 — Demolish existing building and
construct four - story, mixed -use building containing 45 apartments and commercial ground
floor unit — CC Zone — 79 Rantoul Street (a /k/a 81 Rantoul Street) — Enterprise
Apartments — Rantoul Enterprise Realty Trust
Mack stated he would not be present for the February 21, 2012 meeting.
Matz made a motion to schedule a Public Hearing for Special Permit Application #130 -12
and Site Plan Review Application #106 -12 for 8 p.m., February 21, 2012, at the Senior
Center, Beverly. Motion seconded by Flannery. Motion carried 6.0.0.
Mack made a motion to recess the Regular Meeting at this time and begin the Public
Hearing for 48 Dodge Street. Motion seconded by Hutchinson. Motion carried 6.0.0.
Public Hearing — Site Plan Review Application #105 -11 and Special Permit Application
#129 -11 — Raise part of existing building and construct Walgreens Pharmacy — CG Zone —
48 Dodge Street — Westward Apple Orchards Limited Partnership
Matz recused himself.
Zambernardi read the public notice aloud for the record.
Attorney Thomas Alexander, 1 School Street, Beverly, was present representing the
Owner /Applicant of Westward Apple Orchard, LLC managed by Symes Associates, Beverly.
Alexander began with an overall description of the proposed project. Alexander stated that the
property is CG Zoned and located on the corner of Conant and Dodge Streets. The lot area is
72,860 s.f. (1.67 acres). The present use is mixed office and retail that is presently occupied by
Symes Associates, Coldwell Banker Real Estate, North Shore Bank, and Country Curtains. The
proposal involves tearing down one building on -site that contains 10,619 s.f with plans to
construct a 13,555 s.f. Walgreens building. Alexander stated that the portion of the building that
occupies North Shore Bank and Country Curtains would not be affected by the current proposal.
Alexander informed the Planning Board that he and his client have met with the Beverly Design
and Review Board and are in the process of responding to their comments. Alexander added that
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a number of comments were made by the Parking and Traffic Commission and his client plans to
respond to those comments as well as plans to respond to letters received by several public
agencies. Therefore, Alexander stated that his client is asking that the Public Hearing not be
closed tonight so they can incorporate their feedback into the presentation.
As part of the presentation, Alexander stated that the following representatives are present to
discuss areas of the proposed project:
Jeff Rhuda, Symes Associates - background and analysis of the building.
Josh Swirling, PE, Bohler Engineering - existing site and proposed changes.
Giles Ham, Vanasse &Associates - traffic analysis and impact.
Bill Lorigan, Moser Associates - building design.
Doug Benoit, PE, Arista Development, LLC - Development Manager for project.
Thomson asked for a show of hands by the members of the public that are present for the Public
Hearing only. Majority of those present raised their hand.
Jeff Rhuda, Symes Associates, stated that the property was purchased in 1999. The historic
building was built in 1715. Rhuda stated that he himself couldn't stand up in the building due to
low ceiling levels. Rhuda explained why they feel the usefulness of the building has worn its
course. Rhuda informed the Board the historic building has been occupied by Coldwell Banker
since 1991 and that a "Butler Building" was added to the building at some point over the past 40-
50 years. Orvis occupied one space on -site and vacated in 2003 to relocate to more modern
space. Country Collections occupied a space until 2008 and the space has been vacant for almost
3 years. In March 2010, Appleseed's vacated the site and relocated to the North Beverly
Shopping Plaza across the way. Rhuda explained that many tenants have been approached to
occupy the spaces and they have all rejected the space because it has 7 -8 ft. ceilings and no
windows. Rhuda stated that the site is one of the best locations on Route IA. However, it
continues to be rejected due to the limited space. Rhuda explained that Symes Associates has
discounted its lease rates in an attempt to rent out the vacant spaces and raised the ceilings of
those spaces by 1 ft., with still no luck. In addition, Coldwell Banker notified them in 2010 they
were not extending their lease. Rhuda stated that 60% of the retail space is vacant and is obsolete
rentable space.
In April/May 2011, Symes Associates made a decision to redevelop the site. Rhuda stated that
subdividing the space, similar to space further down Route IA, has been considered. In May
2011, they filed a demolition permit with the Historic Commission and in June /July, sent out
proposals. Rhuda explained that they have seen significant play from national restaurant chains
and fast food burger companies interested in the site. Walgreens contacted Symes Associates in
August 2011 and in September, Symes Associates signed a letter of intent with Walgreens.
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January 17, 2012
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Rhuda explained that come May 2012 they have a legal right to remove the historic building.
Rhuda explained that they have offered to give the historic building to people as well as offered to
assist moving the building to another location with no luck thus far. Symes Associates believes
the building is devaluing and that economics are flying in the face of historic preservation leaving
Symes Associates feeling they don't have a choice in the matter as the building has become
functionally obsolete. Rhuda closed with stating Symes Associates has made a business decision
to redevelop the property one way or the other and if Walgreens doesn't go in they will develop
the site into something else.
Josh Swirling, Engineer, Bohler Engineering, spoke about the existing site conditions and pointed
out items that Engineers typically look at in terms of a functional site or dysfunctional site.
Swirling stated that the fact that the building is meandered from the corner all the way to the rear
of the site precludes the ability for interconnection of parking. Swirling added that there is no
functional way for pedestrians to get from one part of the site to the other between Conant Street
and Dodge Street. Swirling presented plans that highlighted portions of building proposed for
removal in red and yellow with highlights to the proposed development footprint. Swirling
explained that the goal is for a connection from Dodge to Conant Street along the perimeter of
the site and to make the building structure more centrally located to accommodate pedestrian
connections. Swirling showed the main entrance on the plans that include a single lane drive -
through and the delivery area, which allows for internal circulation for multiple uses. Swirling
stated that in their research and experience, pharmacy drive - through establishments see very little
traffic and are only provided as convenience for a target market of mainly elderly or parents with
young children. Swirling explained the two -way circulation provided throughout. Swirling stated
that the total impervious area for the site remains the same, as there are no changes to the
impervious area and very little change in the square footage of the building or footprint. Swirling
stated that the proposal includes the removal of approximately 10,000 s.f.and constructing a
building that is approximately 13,000 s.f. Swirling commented on site improvements to
landscaping that was discussed with the Design and Review Board and the Board's comments and
suggestions were heard loud and clear to which they are working on modifying the existing
landscaping plan to soften the corner more, identifying it as a major corner in Beverly.
Giles Ham, Vanasse &Associates, stated that he has worked closely with City Staff on a detailed
traffic analysis, which was submitted, to the Board. Ham stated that the roadway itself
accommodates approximately 25,000 cars per day and based on research and experience there is
typically a 1 -2 car cue expected in the drive - through at one time. Ham stated that the net impact is
less than 3,000 s.f of retail area. Ham admitted that the proposed project will generate more
traffic but feels it would not be significant. Ham presented a summary of traffic generated during
weekdays and weekends.
Bill Lorigan, Moser Associates and Architects, stated they were hired to look at the site and
walked the neighborhood to see what the buildings are like now to determine the best ways to
address the proposed project from the residential side. Lorigan reviewed the plans for a one -story
building stating the plans include breaking external components down to show a more residential
look and feel. Lorigan reviewed the suggested materials to be used. Lorigan informed the Board
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that they approached Walgreens explaining that New England is different and adding the standard
box style building would not work in this area. Moser Associates and Architects came up with an
architectural plan that would be site - specific for the proposed location which ultimately has made
the Walgreens building scale smaller and added materials that would give the building a more
attractive appeal. Lorigan went over the proposed spec details for external materials to be used.
Lorigan stated that the plan was reviewed by the Design and Review Board and comments came
back that the building seemed too plain and they had concerns with the facades facing Conant
Street. With those comments, they have gone back to the drawing board and are in the process of
changing the materials and design to give the building even more of a residential feel.
Lorigan stated that the Design and Review Board brought up the issue of noise. Lorigan
responded that he has created plans for 60 -70 Walgreen stores and has never experienced
complaints about noise. Lorigan stated that Moser Associates has always met or exceeded noise
regulations and explained that the equipment on the roof will be hidden from view behind par pins
which will cut down on acoustics made by the equipment.
Mack asked about the current curb -cut locations. Ham responded that the existing plan shows 2
curb -cuts on Conant Street of which they will close one as a safety benefit. Ham stated that they
are offering better delineation on the curb -cut area and are working with the Parking and Traffic
Commission to provide the safest option noting there is restricted turning access for vehicles near
Fast Freddie's gas station. Ham added that the site distance issues would be resolved by moving
the existing sign back.
Thomson requested information pertaining to the site drainage. Rhuda responded that there is no
change to the impervious area proposed. Rhuda explained that any storm water on the impervious
surfaces would be tied back into the drainage system that is in existence today. Utilities are to be
brought in via Conant Street. Thomson asked what the current drainage system is in place now.
Rhuda responded that there are a series of catch basins and manholes that lead to the drainage
system in the street. Rhuda stated that he would provide a copy of the Drainage Report to the
Board. Rhuda continued on to say that roof drainage will be tied into the underground draining
system and that all utilities will be available on -site. In addition, the revised plans will show new
site lighting and the existing signage pulled back as explained earlier.
Rhuda informed the Board that Symes Associates received a comment letter from the City
Engineer and they plan to work with the City Engineer over the next couple weeks to address
those concerns. Rhuda noted that the concerns were not major in nature rather clarification on a
couple of points.
Mack inquired about parking.
Rhuda responded that they have had discussions with the Parking and Traffic Commission and
have plans to provide further information to the data submitted. Rhuda stated that there are 115
spaces today and the plans are proposing 102 parking spaces that will provide easy access for
customers where the parking spaces now are not convenient. The plans include a reduction of 13
spaces of which they believe are the least utilized and accessible spaces.
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Beverly Planning Board
January 17, 2012
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Thomson requested that parking be addressed with respect to the permits requested
Rhuda responded that the requirement for this development according to the Beverly Rules and
Regulations for parking is 120 spaces. They are requesting a special permit to reduce the number
of parking spaces to 102. Rhuda informed the Board that they would submit a detailed document
showing the traffic breakdown, which identifies specific uses proposed. Rhuda stated that in his
opinion, the Beverly Regulations for parking spaces is set up for individual uses not a compilation
of uses. For individual use, 1/250 s.f is assigned to a single user and it makes good sense but
when you apply the same requirement and compound it for 1/250 s.f for a different type of tenant
it makes less sense. Rhuda added that they feel the current Requirements are on the most
conservative side of good engineering practice. In their experience, Rhuda stated a typical range
is 3 -5 parking spaces /1,000 s.f and the Bylaw is currently set up on the higher side of that range.
Rhuda stated they would provide additional documentation that will justify relief of the 120
parking space requirement.
Rhuda stated that concludes their presentation.
Thomson reviewed the process of the hearing to the Public for clarification. Thomson stated that
the Public Hearing will not be closed tonight and at this time opened the meeting to clarifying
questions from members of the Planning Board.
Mack asked how the proposed Walgreens site compares in size to the Walgreens store located on
Cabot and Elliott Street. Benoit responded that the proposal before them tonight is for a 13,500
s.f. building. Benoit stated that he is unclear of the exact size of the Walgreens downtown but
believes it is a prototype store, which is typically between 14,500- 15,000 s.f.
Mack felt the presentation on the traffic analysis was explained too fast and he requested a review
of the numbers to get a better understanding. Mack stated that it is his opinion the roadways on
Dodge and Conant Street are impossible. Members of the public applauded in agreement to
Mack's comment.
Thomson asked members of the public to hold their applause.
Lorigan responded that they have looked extensively at daily and peak traffic data, data from the
Mass DOT, speed data, safety data, and more, stating there is a lot that goes into a traffic study.
In terms of traffic, the ITE Trip Generation Manual was used to look at critical peak hours for
this type of project. Lorigan explained that the proposed use is estimated to generate 70
customer trips in and out during the weekday peak hour being more dispersed on Saturdays. In
terms of any impact on delay at the intersection and change in cues, Lorigan said there would be
increases, but they would not be significant. Lorigan stated that they have done what they can to
make it a safe site using good planning practices.
Rhuda asked Lorigan to explain to the Board what the difference is to the space when fully
occupied with a Walgreens compared to an alternative development on the site and what the net
traffic increase would be during peak hours. Lorigan responded that it was determined that a
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Walgreens would generate 70 trips in -out during the weekday's peak hour and if the site is
developed for a different use or uses, the traffic generated could be more significant. Walgreens
would not pose a significant increase but rather a slight increase in traffic and cues.
Hutchinson expressed her concerns with the fact that the site has not been fully occupied for some
time now and Coldwell Banker is strictly office use, which in her view would not generate the
same amount of traffic a retail establishment such as Walgreens would. Hutchinson stated in her
opinion, vehicles will never make a left turn coming out of the site onto Dodge Street and feels
with this plan vehicles will loop around and exit Conant Street creating more traffic at that traffic
signal. Giles responded that have looked at the way the signal operates at that location and it is
not as difficult as one may think. The signal creates time to get out onto Route IA. Giles stated
that he was there for about an hour and a half this evening between 5 -6 p.m. and it is his opinion
the signals create gaps that make it possible to move traffic along.
Hutchinson asked if a study was performed on current trips into the site now. Giles responded
stating that they do have a report and included a detailed analysis that covered their findings in a
two -hour weekday period and two hour Saturday period in relation to traffic. Giles stated that
the City has experts on the Parking and Traffic Commission and these types of questions and
comments were covered in detail and responded to.
Harris asked how many cars are going in and out now from the site. Giles responded that there
are between 70 -100 trips in and out today with much of the site vacant and projects 70 cars in/out
during the weekday evening peak hour. Harris asked if Giles is comfortable with a 50% increase
in traffic. Giles responded that he is comfortable. The analysis was run based on all traffic being
new and it works. Giles reiterated that everything is being done to make it a safe area.
Flannery expressed concern over the added traffic to Conant Street and the increase to crossover
traffic coming off the Route 128 exit ramp into the site. Giles responded that there are a couple
hundred vehicles an hour that come off the exit ramp but did not determine how many of those
vehicles currently cross over.
Thomson asked what the advantage is to a 2 -way driveway on both sides. Rhuda responded that
there is no connection to the site now and feels it takes traffic away from Route IA. Rhuda
explained that they have worked on a lot of corner sites in the past and there is in fact a possibility
for non -use customers to cut through to avoid traffic, however, he feels the tenant will do things
to deter that from happening in the event it becomes an issue. Rhuda stated that if you make it a
one way enter /exit site you are forcing people to go onto Route I when they don't have to.
Mack asked how far back the building entrance is from the site entrance. Alexander responded
230 ft. and 350 ft. respectively. Mack expressed his concern to the width of the 2 -way traffic
entrance and suggested that some sort of median be added and visible to vehicles entering the site.
Mack asked if it is possible that the Conant Street entrance be blocked by traffic cueing up at the
light. Ham responded that it is possible during peak hours. Mack commented that most people
leaving the site as it is now exit onto Route IA only to get onto the ramp going to Route 128.
Mack stated his concern with vehicles cutting across Route IA from the 128 exit ramp and asked
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if there has been any discussion to try to mitigate the issue. Alexander responded that the City is
well represented by the Parking and Traffic Commission and they have asked the Applicant to
take a closer look, which they plan to do.
Harris commented on the architectural renderings and suggested that the plans conform more to
New England architecture. Harris asked if the Design and Review Board questioned the
proposed plans having so much brick. Lorigan responded that it was discussed and the Design
and Review Board suggested bringing more materials down the front exterior to show less brick
and adding more plastic PVC pilasters. Lorigan reviewed the plans in more detail showing what
they will be proposing to increase the amount the clapboard panels and showing only 3 ft. of
brick. Harris stated he is looking forward to seeing the updated architectural design.
Flannery asked about the hours of operation for the proposed Walgreens. Alexander responded
that the hours would be Sam -IOpm.
Flannery asked about the proposed lighting. Lorigan responded that lighting plans are for
downward facing allied fixtures.
Flannery requested information on any plans for a buffer facing Chipman Road. Alexander
responded that there is no buffer there now. Alexander stated they are proposing to install a
buffer along the back of the existing parking lot and that a meeting has been arranged to meet
with those abutters next week to determine what type of buffer is best for the area.
Alexander mentioned that the City of Beverly owns a 50 ft. wide strip of land that abuts Chipman
Road and with the City's cooperation they have plans to offer extensive plantings.
Flannery asked about signage plans. Alexander responded that they are not seeking sign approval
with this proposal but have plans to submit sign plans separately.
Hutchinson requested information on the request to allow parking in the 10 ft. front setback
requirement and if the 102 parking spaces are included in that set back. In addition, Hutchinson
asked how many parking spaces would there be if the Applicant was not allowed to use the 10 ft.
front setback. Rhuda responded that there is currently a row of 14 parking spaces. The plans
would be to extend the spaces to 18.
Hutchinson asked how many deliveries are expected per week and what the hours would be with
respect to deliveries. Rhuda explained that because of site constraints, deliveries would be in box
style trucks. There would not be 18- wheeler trucks entering the site. Deliveries are estimated to
be 1 -2 per week with more frequent deliveries from smaller vendors that would typically deliver
during the morning.
Thomson asked for confirmation that the building next to the proposed Walgreens is not being
changed in any way and if there are any foreseen plans for changes. Rhuda responded that the
building is a freestanding building and they do not have plans for changes to that building at this
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Thomson requested clarification that Fast Freddy's gas station is not included in the submitted
parking calculations. Rhuda responded that Fast Freddy's is not part of their ownership.
Thomson asked how much of the existing building is historic in nature and if the proposed use of
the lot when demolished would be for parking. Rhuda responded that the footprint of the historic
building is 1,347 s.f. Rhuda concurred with Thomson's comment to utilizing the space for
Thomson stated that the Special Permit request would reduce the number of parking spaces and
the point has been made that even with the proposed number of spaces the Applicant feels it is too
many under Beverly's regulations. Therefore, why hasn't the Applicant offered to keep the
historic building where it stands today? Rhuda responded that they feel the building is a site
impediment to any proposed project for the site. Thomson asked Rhuda to elaborate on his
comment. Rhuda presented the proposed plans showing that it would take up 8 utilized parking
spaces and would completely block the site.
Rhuda stated that according to Beverly's Rules and Regulations the current site for their office
space requires 24 parking spaces and they only have 11 employees. Walgreens calls for 65
parking spots. However, their expertise in constructing many Walgreens across the country has
been approximately 43 spaces. Thomson stated that the option should at least be considered, as
the historical building is an integral part of the corner location and worth preserving. Thomson
suggested that the Applicant consider keeping the historic building and keep the option going at
their next presentation. Rhuda responded that they would give the matter further consideration.
Mack asked if the historic building would prohibit flow of traffic as contemplated in the plans.
Rhuda responded that he doesn't have an answer at this time but will take a look at the plans.
Mack asked how many parking spaces are at the Walgreens in downtown Beverly. Alexander
responded that he was unsure but could get the answer for the Board.
Mack suggested that the Board not open the meeting to questions and comments from the public
at this time until the Applicant has had a chance to meet with the other Boards and City Agencies
and adjusts the proposal to reflect the many suggestions and comments made to date. Mack
stated that the proposal is very much in a work in progress state right now and the presentation is
far from complete stating it seems only fair to hold off on questions because there is vital
information that has not been presented yet.
Thomson agreed and stated that the Public Hearing will be continued at the February 21, 2012
meeting. Thomson asked if there are any members of the public that are present this evening that
have pressing questions that will not be able to attend the next Public Hearing. Three members of
the public gave a show of hands. Thomson requested that those who raised their hand can have a
chance to speak tonight and others will have a chance at the next scheduled Public Hearing.
Bill Coughlin, Ward 5 former City Councilor and Councilor at Large, stated that he lives about a
2- minute walk from the proposed site. Coughlin informed the Board that they have legal
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representation here tonight and asked that the Board respect the request for legal representation
to speak tonight as North Beverly residents feel the proposed project is so significant. Coughlin
stated that they have worked hard on what goes into Route IA all the way to the Wenham line
and they are happy with what is there now. Coughlin requested that the Applicant keep the
historic building the way it is. Coughlin stated that if you were to ask members of the public if
they want a Walgreens constructed on the site, he believes the answer would be an overwhelming
no. Coughlin commented that a recent article in the local newspaper was insulting to the people
that live around the neighborhood and the article came across as if the people don't matter.
Coughlin expressed concern over the possibility of Walgreens increasing the hours to 24
hours /day. Coughlin continued on stating he feels there seems to be a constant warfare between
CVS and Walgreens. Coughlin brought up a recent accident at the discussed section of Route IA
and said that citizens are very concerned. Coughlin stated that the warfare between the two
companies shouldn't happen at the expense of safety to Beverly citizens. With a tremendous
increase in traffic coming from Ipswich and Wenham in addition to increased traffic the project
would generate, Coughlin requested that an independent traffic study be performed. Coughlin
concluded by stating that the last thing the citizens of Beverly needs is a high volume business in
that location.
Zachary Chartock, Civil Engineer, representing the citizens of Beverly gave his credentials for the
record. Chartock stated that he lives at 40 Cornell Road in Beverly and is a neighbor to the
proposed site. Chartock has formulated a report based on information prepared by State data,
primary foundation reports, Orton Family Foundation, LAED and BAED Board, and traffic data
studies, as well as accident reports in a community and the economic impact of this style structure
in a residential neighborhood. Chartock presented the data to the Board for the record.
Chartock stated that a 1 -200 ratio of parking spaces is required as well as a ratio for 1.05
handicap spaces for the proposal, which requires a total of 65 parking spaces at the site. In
reference to the loading and fire zone, Chartock stated that the proposal's primary entrance and
exit are in the same place and is not safe by current fire and safety protocol. Chartock stated
there is a need to have 2 primary accesses points to the building to allow access to the fire zone in
a 10 second time frame from all entrances and the proposed does not have that. The box style
trucks making deliveries would have to back out onto Conant Street because there is not enough
room to turn around at the site and would only add to traffic issues. In addition, Chartock
explained that a split -face traffic analysis was not performed and needs to be submitted. Chartock
stated the fact that Route IA is a state route and plans need to be submitted to the Mass DOT.
With respect to the additional parking proposed, Chartock stated that a CO2 ecologic study needs
to be performed as it affects the community. Chartock added that a plan for a drive - through
pharmacy window creates 3 lanes and the site cannot accommodate it.
In conclusion, Chartock stated that a Walgreens is not a feasible structure for the site because it
cannot accommodate parking; there are pollution issues; loading and unloading fire safety zone
issues; as well as the cost liability and issues associated to the City and the Applicant involved in
moving the historic building. Chartock stated that personally he is not opposed to the
redevelopment of the site but believes there are other alternatives to what the community needs.
Chartock submitted a report that proposes two alternatives.
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Chartock informed the Board that he contacted Walgreens and they were surprised that a historic
building was on the site they were considering and expressed concerns being unaware of the
historic building and plans for demolition. Chartock strongly stated that demolishing a historic
building is against Walgreen's mission statement. Chartock stated that he has done corporate
profiling for them in addition to corporate profiling for a company that sold time management
systems to Walgreens and they were all shocked that this would be considered by a company with
a reputation.
Douglas Dobin, 56 Dodge Street, Beverly, lives across the street from the proposed Walgreens
and stated that he has watched the increase in traffic at the corner of Conant and Dodge Street for
31 years and has seen traffic back up to the music school on Conant Street. Dobin stated that he
is not opposed to the redevelopment of the site but opposes a Walgreens because of the impact on
Rhuda suggested the public consider that with this proposal it gives the Applicant the option to
work with a national tenant that has limits to hours, what goes into dumpsters, etc. where the
alternative is to construct a 12,000 s.f box style building where the public will have no say in the
tenants that occupy the site. Rhuda stated that the site would be redeveloped one way or the
other. Some members of the public said they feel Rhuda's statement sounds like a threat.
Thomson asked for a motion for a date and time to continue the hearing.
Harris made a motion to continue the Public Hearing to 9:00 p.m. on February 21, 2012 at
the Beverly Senior Center. Hutchinson seconded the motion. Motion carried 6.0.0.
Thomson calls the regular meeting of the Planning Board back to order.
Matz joined the meeting at this time.
Continued Discussion/Decision — Modification to Wellington Hills Definitive Subdivision
Plan — Pamela J. VanTwuyver
Matz composed a statement for the record and read the following verbatim:
"First, I want to commend #gain all those who participated in the public discussion regarding this
project back on January 3 It was one of the best examples I've seen of public involvement and
how a community can come together in an orderly and peaceful manner with purpose for their
common good.
The applicant has stated their position with regard to the ownership of the Old Rubbly Road
extension that gives them access to a parcel located entirely in the Town of Wenham and is of the
opinion that the requested waiver is merely to obtain approval of a paving plan.
I see it much more than that.
First, I cannot understand how the Town of Wenham approves a project by granting 19 waivers
including a waiver never before granted which allows for the development of a parcel(s) with no
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access from any right -of -way in the Town of Wenham. I understand that the parcel is "cut off'
from the remainder of the Town via the head waters of the Miles River and a broad flood plain.
However, this is not Beverly's problem.
There appears by all accounts to have been very limited conversation between the Town of
Wenham and the City of Beverly regarding this project.
There is every reason to believe that the parcel adjacent to the parcel proposed for development
will also be developed, which will further strain the roads in Beverly and add increased traffic to a
quiet neighborhood in Beverly that has remained as such for many years.
I have noted that affordable — not low income, so let's understand that — but affordable housing is
being offered within the proposed development. While that's commendable, there is no
community connectivity. How are folks who might move into the proposed duplex going to
"connect" to the community of Wenham? They can't.
Leach fields are proposed for septic disposal within the development. This development is
located within the drainage basin that contributes to the Longham Reservoir. This drainage basin
has been identified by the USGS and the MassDEP for groundwater protection. Currently, the
City of Beverly is working on revisions to its ordinance governing the Water Protection Overlay
District. This development is located within the Overplay Protection District where leach fields
are strictly prohibited.
Lastly, from my point of view, the burden of public safety for this development falls upon the City
of Beverly, and in these economic times, that is unacceptable. There is no benefit to the City of
Beverly for this project — only burden.
For these reasons, and many others, I will vote no tonight on the requested waiver ".
Harris concurred with the statement from Matz and thanked members on Board for all the
concerns that have been raised.
O'Brien questioned if the Board's granting of the Application includes approving all 10 waivers
the Applicant is requesting. Thomson responded that the Applicant has asked the Board to
approve those waivers and even if the Board were inclined to approve the request, the Planning
Board would still need to act on each of the waivers separately.
Thomson stated that the purpose of discussion is to get thoughts and concerns from the Board
and then take a motion.
Thomson began by stating the length of the dead end road is the most critical in nature as pointed
out at the Public Hearing. The Planning Board's policy is not to grant waivers unless there is a
benefit to the City. Thomson stated that he personally doesn't see a benefit to the City granting
this waiver however, the Applicant's view is that it is needed or the Applicant would not have
requested to modify the Subdivision Plan. Thomson stated that in his opinion, it comes down to
ownership to title of the said stub where the Applicant must prove ownership. At this time, no
Regular Meeting
Beverly Planning Board
January 17, 2012
Page 13 of 13
opinions have been rendered as to title or any title policies presented. Thomson continued on
stating that the Applicant's argument has been made that it is just a simple paving plan to part of
the road. However, this act makes the rest of the subdivision part of Beverly's subdivision
expansion, which happens to be in another community. Thomson stated that this fact doesn't
particularly bother him but what troubles him is the Planning Board not having the opportunity for
any input. Thomson stated that many waivers were granted by the Wenham Board and if the
Beverly Planning Board was involved he doesn't believe the Beverly Planning Board would have
encouraged them to grant those waivers to protect the existing homes in the subdivision.
Thomson stated that it is his view because the Wenham Planning Board was given carte blanche
to the project without any review from Beverly's Planning Board is unacceptable in itself. In
addition, the Applicant has not proven to his satisfaction as to ownership of title and that any one
of the many comments he and Matz made alone would require rejection of this Application.
Hutchinson asked for clarification that a vote in favor is to deny the waiver requests. Thomson
responded yes.
Harris made a motion to make a decision on the 10 waivers in a collective manner and deny
the waivers requested. Motion seconded by Flannery. Motion carried 6.0.0.
Mack made a motion to deny the Application for the Modification to Wellington Hills
Definitive Subdivision Plan based on all the reasons stated acting independent of one
another. Motion seconded by Hutchinson. Motion carried 6.0.0.
Election of Officers for 2012 — Chairperson and Vice - Chairperson
Election of Officers tabled until the next Regular Meeting.
Approval of Minutes: December 7, 2011
Approval of Minutes tabled until the next Regular Meeting.
Mack made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Motion seconded by Flannery.
Motion carried 6.0.0.