Parking and Traffic Commission
May 10, 2012
City Hall Conference Room B, Third Floor
Chair Richard Benevento, Vice -Chair Bill Bent, Tina
Cassidy, Bill Fiore, Richard Hutchinson, John Somes, Russ
Councilor Don Martin
Tina Cassidy
Vice - Chairman Bent calls the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m., in Benevento's absence. The first
item to be discussed this evening will be the proposed new parking deck at Cummings Center.
1. Discussion/Recommendation to Planning Board: Site Plan Review Application
#107 -12: Construction of a new parking deck at Balch Street end of Cummings
Center / Cummings Properties, Inc.
Steve Drohosky is present and representing Cummings and apologizes for not being able to
attend the meeting last week. He understands that the Commission was concerned about the
location of the proposed parking deck exit onto Balch Street and in particular its proximity to the
driveway for the McKeown School. Because the closest driveway is the access driveway for
deliveries to the school - not the driveway used by exiting school traffic — he believes the
location will not be a problem. However, to address the Commission's concerns, Cummings has
reconfigured the proposed exit to discourage /prevent left hand turns onto Balch Street. He refers
to plans that were emailed to the Commission in advance of today's meeting (Attachment 1).
Bent asks if there are any comments or questions from the members. Hutchinson says a "Stop"
sign needs be added somewhere near to require exiting vehicles to stop before taking a right onto
Balch Street. Members review the site plan details and suggest the sign be placed in the grass
strip between the sidewalk and the facade of the parking deck.
Members decide that a "No Left Turn" sign should also be added at the exit. Bent asks if there
are any other comments or issues with the site plan. There are none.
Hutchinson: motion to recommend to the Planning Board that approval of the above -
referenced site plan be granted subject to the following conditions:
a. That the site plan be revised in accordance with the plan in Attachment 1
to these minutes;
b. That an MUTCD- compliant "Stop" sign be erected at the garage exit and
located between the exit and the sidewalk on Balch Street; and
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C. That a "No Left Turn" sign be erected at the garage exit.
Motion seconded by Fiore, all members in favor. Motion carries 6 -0.
2. Discussion /recommendation to Planning Board: Site Plan Review application #105-
11 and Special Permit #129 -11 / Proposed new Walgreen's pharmacy at corner of
Dodge and Conant Streets / Westward Apple Orchards Limited Partnership
Benevento joins the meeting at 6:55 p.m. and calls this agenda item to order. Traffic engineer
Jeff Dirk of VAI addresses the Commission and provides an overview of the revised plans
submitted since the meeting last week (Attachment 2). In summary, the applicants have added a
flush, serrated concrete island and three "paddles" to the existing island on Dodge Street. They
have also added signage at the Dodge Street entrance driveway to better channelize vehicles.
Specifically they will paint the word "Enter" onto the pavement and erect an "Enter" sign at the
entrance as well.
Benevento alludes to the peer review of VAI's submitted traffic study that was performed by
MDM, Inc. He notes MDM's suggestion that parking spaces be angled rather than
perpendicular, in order to promote correct travel direction. Dirk states that doing so would
reduce the number of parking spaces by 4 -6, and they are already requesting a waiver from the
Planning Board as it is.
Benevento suggests that a truck template should be applied to the area in front of the store (near
the main pedestrian entrance) to ensure that the largest trucks likely to access the site can in fact
maneuver through both the raised and concrete islands now being proposed in the vicinity.
Cassidy expresses concern that the changes made to the plan (incorporation of channelizing
islands) may necessitate variances. She mentions aisle widths at the Dodge Street driveway and
at the building's front door /drive through lane in particular. Alexander states that he believes the
Planning Board would have the authority to grant waivers for any differences that may be
required in that regard. He reviews the language in Section 29 -25 of the Zoning Ordinance that
was added last year relative to waivers.
Benevento concurs with MDM's recommendation that the intersection at Henry's Market also be
studied and included in any remediation efforts. He asks if the applicant has submitted the
proposed improvements to the Route 128 off ramp to MassDOT for review and comment. Dirk
briefly outlines the proposed improvements (Attachment 3) which are to erect "Right Turn Only"
and "No Left Turn" signs at the foot of the off ramp and to use pavement markings to narrow
down the travel lane on the ramp. Dirk states that they have not yet met with MassDOT about
these latest changes, preferring instead to wait until Parking & Traffic Commission comments (if
any) could be incorporated.
Benevento states that requiring a vehicle to "weave" in order to access the main driveway is
better than allowing it to cut across four lanes of traffic on Dodge Street. He was hopeful that
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the ramp could be realigned to more squarely align with the Fast Freddie's driveway. Dirk states
that he is willing to show both design possibilities to MassDOT.
Benevento recognizes a member of the audience. Bill Coughlin of 4 Frankwood Avenue
addresses the Commission and states his opposition to the project and the reasons for it. There is
significant traffic already in North Beverly, and on Dodge Street in particular. It is practically
impassable at certain times of day. The site plan itself seems to have many negative aspects,
including difficulties with on -site circulation due to the new use and to the ones already existing
on the site. He has spoken with many people about this project, having been both the Ward 5
Councilor and an At -Large Councilor for many years, and literally no one is in favor of it.
Attorney Tom Alexander, representing Symes Development states that the immediate neighbors
to the site were initially very concerned about the project but that because of changes made to the
plans they are now "95 %" happy. He also notes that those who were concerned about the fate of
the historic structure are now happy as well, since Walgreen's agreed to enough changes to make
it possible to preserve it in place.
Ward 5 Councilor Don Martin expresses his opinion that this proposed project is less than ideal.
Any new use will bring more traffic and that is the last thing needed on Dodge Street. He asks
the Commission if there is any way to ensure that traffic will not get worse, or that the traffic is
better managed.
Benevento replies that the Planning Board can incorporate some of the recommendations in
MDM's peer review of the traffic study. He also suggests that a periodic review after
construction, with implementation of minor changes needed to optimize things like signal timing
and directional signage, would be appropriate.
Bent says that he very much would like to see this site redesigned once, and now. Referring to
the owners of the Fast Freddie's/Dunkin Donuts parcel, he says regrets that it appears there are
some who are unwilling to participate in making the changes that are needed.
Marguerite Coughlin of 4 Frankwood Avenue addresses the Commission. She suggests that the
Commission should ask for traffic and accident data for the Conant/Dodge Street/N. Beverly
Plaza intersection. Benevento and Dirk note that MDM's report recommended that same thing.
Although Walgreen's did obtain data from the State Police from its files, city information has yet
to be sought. Dirk indicates a willingness to collect the data.
A member observes that the face of the the proposed "Do Not Enter" sign at the Dodge Street
driveway should be parallel not perpendicular to Dodge Street.
John Pappas of 28 Wedgemere Road speaks in opposition to the project. Benevento asks if there
is any more discussion or issues to address.
Bent: motion to recommend that the Planning Board impose the following conditions on any
approval of the Walgreen's site plan for this project:
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1. That countdown pedestrian signals be installed at the adjacent signalized
intersection serving Conant/Dodge Street (Route IA) and the North Beverly
2. That the applicant repair and /or replace any non- functioning traffic signal
equipment including the pedestrian push button along the easterly side of Dodge
Street at the intersection with Conant Street;
3. That the applicant evaluate the use of concurrent pedestrian phasing for select
crossings in order to reduce the signal's cycle length;
4. That the developer develop optimal signal timing and sequencing plans for peak
and off -peak periods to reduce vehicle delays and queuing at the signalized
intersections of Conant/Dodge/North Beverly Plaza and County Way
Extension/Cabot/Dodge (Henry's Market);
5. That the developer adjust the timing of existing traffic signals at both locations
identified above as may be needed to optimize vehicle movements;
6. That the developer prepare an access plan that accommodates expected vehicle
queues, reduces on -site conflicts and restricts entering movements form the Route
128 southbound ramp and shall make diligent efforts to obtain the required
MassDOT approval to install at least the improvements shown on the attached
plan which was submitted by the applicant to the Commission on May 10, 2012;
that is, the northbound Route 128 ramp at Dodge Street shall be striped to visually
"narrow down" the travel lane on the ramp and a "No Left Turn" sign shall be
installed at the base of the ramp. The applicant shall either perform these
improvements at its own expense or shall provide written verification from
MassDOT that the agency refuses to allow the work to be performed; and
7. That the developer provide a traffic review /monitoring program to be reviewed by
the City through its Parking and Traffic Commission to review traffic operations
both six (6) months and twelve (12) months after the occupancy permit is issued
for the Walgreen's facility, and that the developer shall be required to provide
reasonable on -site and /or off -site mitigation measures to correct operational
deficiencies. Depending on the findings /results of the review /monitoring
program, mitigation measures could include, but are not be necessarily limited to,
traffic signal timing adjustments, revised striping, installation and /or removal of
signage and other, similar work.
Before the motion is seconded, further discussion takes place:
Alexander clarifies that the zoning ordinance will require 100 spaces for the proposed uses and
95 are being provided on this site plan, so a parking waiver will be needed.
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Mr. Coughlin asks if the motion can be re -read.
Walgreen's representatives ask for clarification regarding the Commission's recommendation on
the traffic review /monitoring program. Members respond by listing the types of potential
mitigation measures envisioned.
Cassidy re -reads the draft motion and calls for a second on it.
MOTION is seconded by Somes. Benevento, Bent, Cassidy, Somes, Fiore, Rollins in
favor, Hutchinson opposed. Motion carries 6 -1.
Benevento informs Mr. Coughlin that a copy of the Commission's recommendation will be ready
before the Planning Board's meeting on Tuesday night.
Benevento asks if there is any other business for the Board to conduct. There is none.
Fiore: motion to adjourn, seconded by Hutchinson. All members in favor, motion
carries 7 -0.
The meeting is adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
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