Parking and Traffic Commission
May 1, 2012
City Hall Conference Room B, Third Floor
Chair Richard Benevento, Tina Cassidy, Bill Fiore,
Richard Hutchinson, John Somes
Russ Rollins, Bill Bent
Councilors Scott Houseman, Don Martin
Eileen Sacco
Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
1. Discussion with Cummings Properties - Proposed Parking Deck
David Harris and Josh Lanlin of Cummings Properties are present at the meeting to
discuss a proposed parking deck at the Cummings Center in Beverly, at one of the
Center's entrances onto Balch Street. Harris explains that there is demand for
covered parking closer to the buildings by the business owners for their staff and
convenience of their patients /customers. He notes that the #500 building was the
last building constructed on the site and the parcel they are proposing to build on is
zoned IR. He also notes that Cummings has received permission to build a hotel
adjacent to the garage at the corner of Elliott and McKay Streets and shows the
location on the plan.
Cassidy mentions that when Cummings received the approvals needed for the #500
building, Cummings submitted what was referred to as a "master plan" for the site.
That "master plan" shows the hotel (yet to be built) and though it did show an
additional parking deck, that additional deck has already been constructed. This
latest deck is not shown on the earlier "master plan" that was submitted. Harris
states that although this newest deck was not on the plan, it is necessary. He also
notes that they have had preliminary discussions with the City Council about the so-
called "master plan" and indicated that the deck will in and of itself not create
additional traffic or parking demand.
Benevento asks if Cummings intends to add retail or office uses to the first floor of
the deck at some point in the future. Harris says no, offices and retail space will not
be part of the construction.
Harris explains that this garage would add an additional 216 parking spaces to the
site (225 existing spaces on the ground will be "covered" by the deck). Harris adds
that Cummings is planning to install a solar array on the roof of the new parking
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Benevento recalls that with the North garage it was not properly secured and there
was concern about the public driving through it. Harris explains that there would be
an exit only onto Balch Street from the new deck. Entrance to the new deck can only
be gained via the existing parking lot.
Cassidy questions whether any existing driveways would be closed with
construction of this additional parking deck. Harris states that there would be no
driveways closed.
Benevento suggests making the exit a right turn only onto Balch. Cassidy agrees,
noting that the proposed exit would seem to conflict with McKeown School access
drive immediately adjacent to it.
Harris points out the entrance and exit points to the parking deck. Benevento notes
that stacking exiting cars on Cummings's site would be preferable to stacking them
in a public way.
Benevento asks who in the City is responsible for granting curb cuts. Cassidy states
that she thinks it is the City Engineer who issues such permits.
Fiore notes that peak traffic times for that area are 4:45 -5:45 p.m., and that school is
typically out by then so the driveway location may be less of an issue.
Benevento suggests that Cummings work on the plans to address the stated
concerns. Either (a) revise the geometry to prevent motorists from turning left out
of the garage or (b) relocate the planned Balch Street exit to the opposite end of the
deck, or (c) eliminate a Balch Street deck exit altogether, and instead revise the
existing driveway immediately to the east of the planned deck to make it more
functional for two -way traffic.
Cassidy notes that the applicant is scheduled to meet with the Planning Board in
May. Benevento suggests that Cassidy could review the revised plan and issue a
recommendation. Cassidy agrees she could, and suggests she could email a draft
recommendation to the Commission members for review.
2. Update / Discussion: Council Order #4: Conduct Traffic Study in the
Vicinity of the Proposed Commuter Rail Parking Garage
Cassidy reports that she met with Mayor Scanlon, Ward 2 Councilor Wes Slate, and
P &T members Rich Benevento and Bill Bent regarding the parking garage. She
reports that they also discussed parking issues noting that enforcement of the
parking rules and maintenance of the meters are important, as is the need to
dedicate someone to focusing on parking- related issues. She explains that the City is
considering someone for that role now, in order to make meaningful progress on the
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Benevento recaps the discussion relative to the MBTA garage and states that two
intersections were mentioned as needing signalization (Rantoul St. /Railroad Ave.
and River /Bridge Streets). He personally feels that both intersections should be bid
by the MBTA as part of the project but understands the fiscal realities. Cassidy
states that the MBTA is hoping to get the two signals in as alternates in project
construction once they know what the actual bids are. She adds that there have
been some assurances by the MBTA it could happen but they stopped short of
saying that they would actually do it.
3. Discussion /Recommendation: Posting of "No Parking" Signs on Hale
Street at #210 Hale Street
Councilor Scott Houseman and Hale Street resident Jon Mahoney were present to
discuss this matter.
Cassidy explains that Sgt. Rollins asked that this matter be placed on the agenda for
discussion. She says that Sgt. Rollins is not present this morning, but she
understands from a previous conversation with him that he can support the idea of
eliminating some parking in this immediate area. He indicated there is a line of sight
issue when pulling out of Mr. Mahoney's driveway when vehicles are parked near it.
She notes that they are asking that parking not be permitted on Hale Street in a
specific location.
Councilor Houseman notes that both sides of Pickman Road leading to Brackenbury
Beach are posted "no parking ". He adds that Mr. John Hall, who is also here this
morning, owns a two family house across the street and he needs on- street parking.
While Mr. Hall is here to support Mr. Mahoney, he wants the Commission to know
that it is imperative that the spaces in front of his house, across the street, remain.
Benevento suggests that a "No Parking Here to Corner" sign could be installed on the
west side of Hale Street at this location, to prohibit parking from the driveway for
#210 Hale Street to the corner of Morrison Avenue. Member also agree that a
second sign saying "No Parking" should be erected between the driveway for #210
Hale Street and the crosswalk immediately to the north of the driveway.
Houseman states that there are parking issues associated with Brackenbury Beach
but that is a separate issue. He notes that there does not seem to be an easy fix to
solve the parking issues associated with beach traffic.
Cassidy: Motion to recommend to the City Council that (a) a "No Parking Sign"
be installed on the west side of Hale Street between the driveway
servicing #210 Hale Street and the crosswalk immediately north of it
and (b) a "No Parking Here to Corner" sign be erected on the west side
of Hale Street in front of 210 Hale Street near the intersection of
Morrison Avenue. Fiore seconds the motion, all members in favor.
The motion carries 5 -0.
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4. Update on Status of Sign Installation at Chapman's Corner Subdivision
Cassidy reports that the required "No Parking" and "One Way" traffic signs have not
yet been installed in the Chapman's Corner subdivision. She explains that she
visited the site last week to confirm this and reminds members that building and
occupancy permits are being withheld for the project.
Cassidy says the owner said that the signs are on order. She will ask the building
inspector to send a letter informing the developer that a fine of $50.00 per day will
be imposed until the signs are installed.
S. Approval of Minutes
The draft minutes of the April 3, 2012 Commission meeting were presented for
approval. Benevento asks if anyone has any changes to suggest. Benevento asks
that the first sentence on page five be eliminated. He does not remember making
that statement.
Hutchinson: motion to approve the draft minutes of the February 7, 2012
meeting as amended, seconded by Somes. All members in
favor, no one in opposition. The motion carries 5 -0.
6. Update / Discussion: Possible Truck Exclusion for Cole Street
Cassidy explains that she has no further information on this matter and Sgt. Rollins
is working on thi.s
Houseman states that he met with Endicott College President Wylie regarding truck
traffic to the site and reports that President Wylie informed him that the college
directs campus visitors to use Grapevine Road instead of Cole Street and Boyle
Street for events. Wylie will send quarterly updates /directions out.
Benevento notes that a truck restriction would not affect buses.
Mr. David Overberg addresses the Commission and states that truck traffic on Cole
Street is a safety issue but also notes that bus traffic has increased on Cole Street.
Benevento says that the city has limited authority over bus traffic.
Overberg states that signage could suggest no bus traffic. Benevento responds by
saying that an incorrect sign is not legal, noting that lots of cities and towns put
them up but that alone does not make them legal. He states that the Parking and
Traffic Commission is not going to recommend something that is not legal or
enforceable, but they are looking into a truck exclusion.
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7. Discussion /Recommendation to Planning Board: Site Plan Review
Application #129 -11 and Special Permit Application for Parking
Waiver: Razing of Existing Commercial Building and Construction of
new Walgreen's Pharmacy at 48 Dodge Street (corner of Dodge and
Conant Street)/ Symes Development
Jeff Rhuda and Atty. Tom Alexander are present for the presentation.
Rhuda addresses the Commission and notes that at the last meeting the Commission
had concerns about congestion in the area of main Dodge Street driveway and the
circulation at the driveway. He states that they took that into consideration and
developed a revised plan which reduces the footprint of the building with a
mezzanine design and a half story on the second floor for storage. He adds that the
drive thru has shifted to the opposite side of the building and they adjusted the
circulation to be one way, noting that the Planning Board was concerned about cut
through traffic. He also notes that they met with the abutters to the site as well and
agreed to make certain changes to the site plan as a result.
Rhuda explains the changes to the floor plan and notes that there is a total of 95
spaces on the site and they are looking for a waiver of 5 spaces from the Planning
Board. He says that they have retained the historic home which requires 6 parking
Atty. Alexander notes that they are within the ITE regulations for parking.
Benevento states that based on the city ordinances 100 parking spaces are required
and they are providing 95 spaces. Cassidy noted that there is a provision in the
ordinance which allows the Planning Board to vary the parking requirement by
special permit.
Benevento says that he is concerned about people cutting across Dodge Street from
the Route 128 off -ramp in order to access the gas station. Rhuda explains that they
are trying to work on that but they can only work with what they can control noting
that the owner of the gas station has no interest in changing anything.
Benevento points out that they moved the drive through lane to the other side of the
building, noting that Mr. Bent is not present this morning but he would be happy
about that. Cassidy says that the neighbors are happy about the changes too.
Fiore asks if the loading docks are in the back of the building. Rhuda states that
there is a flash pad entrance on Dodge Street and the loading docks are in the back.
Fiore asks if there is a raised island on the site. Rhuda notes the location on the plan
and adds that some additional areas are striped.
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Fiore asks if traffic would be exiting onto Conant Street. Rhuda states that there is
no restriction, noting that it (a Conant Street entrance /exit) was part of the initial
Rhuda explains that pavement markings at the Dodge Street driveway may be the
only thing that they can do and he is not even sure that the owner of the gas station
will allow that. It appears that they may not be able to negotiate with the gas station
owners, Alliance Energy. Fast Freddie's and Dunkin Donuts are the tenants.
Benevento suggests adding an "Enter Here" sign somewhere at the driveway
Rhuda says that the peer review of the traffic study commissioned by the Planning
Board should be completed by the Planning Board meeting on May 15 He
explains that they looked at ways to control the practice of vehicles crossing four
lanes of Dodge Street traffic to access the site, and they met with MassDOT.
MassDOT confirmed that the ramp was intended to be directional to channel traffic
north on Route 1A. He notes that there is not sufficient width to put something in
the median strip. He states that raised stanchion paddles in the center could be
used to prevent cars from crossing over but he is not sure what the fire department
will think of those.
Cassidy suggests checking to see if the ramp pavement can be narrowed and a right
turn only sign installed.
Benevento suggests that they review that issue (stanchion paddles) with the Fire
Department and come back with a recommendation. He adds that he would like to
give Mr. Bent the opportunity to review the revised plans and that is another reason
for continuing discussion to another date.
Cassidy suggests that the Commission consider meeting again before the Planning
Board meeting on May 15 The Walgreen's site plan would be on the agenda, as
would Cummings Properties. Discussion and formulating a recommendation should
be done in a posted meeting, rather than via email. She suggests that a meeting
could be held on Thursday, May 10 in the late afternoon if a quorum is able to
gather. Members agree to attend a special meeting on May 10 if the two applicants
can submit revised site plans in advance of that date.
Benevento asks if there is any other business for the Commission to conduct this
morning. There is not.
7. Adjournment
Fiore: motion to adjourn, seconded by Hutchinson. All members in favor,
motion carries 5 -0.
The meeting is adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
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